Applying Family Systems Theory to Early Childhood Practice

In this article, Christian (2006) goes over the six qualities of family systems pertinent to early youth practice. The author thinks that instructors have a role in finding and enhancing household systems to make the most of children's abilities. Therefore, early childhood instructors ought to think about these qualities to assist decide the best technique for trainees.

The first attribute is borders. There are two sort of boundaries, particularly disengaged and enmeshed. The very first permits children to pick their own and accept brand-new pals, ideas, etc.

however tend to be unattached while the other s from beyond the family. The 2nd is more stringent and attached; it supports and guides a private in making choices, however normally expects devoted conformity with household rules. Considering the strengths and weaknesses of both kinds, the teacher ought to appreciate and support family boundaries in order to react accordingly to requirements.

The second attribute is roles. Household roles have a considerable result on students' behavior.

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For circumstances, the oldest child tends to be more fully grown than others and play as the peacemaker, assistant, etc. Teachers need to recognize these functions and provide function playing situations where students can get to play other roles. Also, teachers must make households acknowledge their students' strengths through writing easy notes.

The third is rules. Teachers must know family guidelines of students in order to avoid puzzling them with school rules. For circumstances, explain why a certain guideline operates in school however not in your home, and vice versa.

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Educators should have a favorable outlook in striking a balance between both. Likewise, rules need to be stated plainly since unmentioned guidelines might cause failure to follow them.

The 4th characteristic is hierarchy. Families observe a certain hierarchy in your house. This points to the power to decide within a household. Teachers should be delicate regarding this and observe the effect of household systems of each person. For example, there are times when a kid works out power over others due to hierarchy experienced in your home. Importantly, teachers need to differ activities to make students experience a various hierarchy idea.

Another characteristic is climate. This is the emotional and physical environment the child has. The role of the teacher is to ensure that the child has a positive climate at home. To do this, they could organize a talk with parents to find out and suggest a better climate parents can offer. Also, the climate in school should allow venue for “positive feedback and healthy sensory experiences.”

The last one is equilibrium. This refers to the sense of balance within the family. Equilibrium should manifest in all aspects, such as health, emotions, activities, finance, etc. It can only be achieved by undergoing changes from time to time. For example, if a family experiences difficulty because of a daughter’s illness, parents cannot be focused only on the ill member. They should devote equal time for their other children who equally need care and attention. As professionals, teachers can guide parents to assess equilibrium in their family.

The suggestions the author makes in this article are very significant. Considering the characteristics mentioned might help each family become more well-knit, thus maximizing intellectual and emotional development of the students. To effect this, teachers should have willingness, sincerity, and respect for each student and the family system where they belong.


Christian, Linda Garris. (2006). Applying family systems theory to early childhood practice. Retrieved 5 November 2008, from

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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Applying Family Systems Theory to Early Childhood Practice essay
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