Executive Shirt Company

Categories: BusinessCompany

Mr. Collier, per your demand, I have actually evaluated Executive Shirt Company's current production process in addition to examining both Mike and Ike's suggested procedures for customized shirt production. Components thought about throughout this analysis included: Process types, cycle time for the processes, procedure effectiveness, and costs. Each aspect is crucial to recognizing the finest strategy for Executive T-shirt Business, Inc. in regards to the addition of custom-made shirt production. Process Types

Currently Executive T-shirt Company utilizes a batch shop procedure, where multiple practical locations carry out similar jobs.

For instance: all of the sewing areas are sewing all parts of the shirt. This type of process performs well in this production setting due to the truth that a person operation isn't depending on another to perform its job (exterior of the initial cutting stage). More so, one person's sewing efficiency does not prevent another from stitching their batch of shirts. Mike embraced this procedure type in his proposition for the addition of customized shirt production; however, Ike took a linier concept (more assembly line focused) for his proposition where operations are performed according to the progressive tasks to build a shirt.

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For instance: the cuff operation can not be performed until the sleeve operation is completed. Within Ike's procedure, each operation depends on the prior to complete its task prior to the next operation can start. This triggers concerns when one operation begins to slow, causing idle time. Cycle Time

It is important to identify the cycle times for each operation in a specific process (see Appendix A-1), offered it will enable us to identify the traffic jam-- which defines the throughput for the entire procedure.

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For the existing t-shirt production procedure for Executive T-shirt Company, we've identified cuff making to be the traffic jam-- producing 1 cuff every 30
seconds (see Appendix A-1). This implies that each operation can only perform its task at the rate of making a cuff.

The same is true when examining Mike’s recommended process. Although Executive Shirt Company will be taking on extra production with custom shirts, Mike’s process integrates the additional shirt production into the current process and utilizes the same number of workers (outside of the cutting process). By doing so, the bottleneck remains the same along with throughput for the entire process.

Ike’s process, however, takes one worker from each operation and shifts their focus to producing custom shirts. Although the bottleneck remains cuff making for the regular shirt production, the throughput time increases an additional 15 seconds (see Appendix A-1). So, by removing a body from each process, it takes longer to produce regular shirts vs. Mike’s process. Additionally, by only having one worker for each operation for custom shirt production the throughput time is greatly elevated. In Ike’s process for custom shirts, the bottleneck shifts to making collars – 1 collar is produced every 3.9 minutes (see Appendix A-1). Efficiencies

When thinking about efficiencies for a production process, we have to look at how much is being produced vs. how much the process could produce and also how labor is being utilized throughout the process. While cycle time gives us a good base understanding for how effective a process is (lower CT shows the process is lean and will become lower as more automation occurs), capacity and direct labor utilization will give us a more definitive look at process efficiency.

For Executive Shirt Company, the current process performs at a capacity utilization of 83% and a direct labor utilization of 67% (see Appendix B-1). This means there is most definitely room for production expansion and that’s what we get with both Mike and Ike’s recommended processes. Mike’s recommendation to take on the extra capacity with only adding one worker (to the cutting operation) is expected to up capacity utilization to 94% while only pushing direct labor utilization to 75%. This means Executive Shirt
Company would be producing at max capacity while only increasing direct labor utilization by roughly 8%. Conversely, Ike’s recommendation over indexes on capacity utilization for regular shirt production and greatly underutilizes both capacity and direct labor for the custom shirt production (see Appendix B-1). Costs

Bridging off of efficiencies we turned our focus to cost; which is highly determinant on efficiencies of a process. The more effective and efficient the production process is the lower the cost should ultimately be. The direct labor costs per shirt in Executive Shirt Company’s current process is $3.84. With the efficiencies Mike’s proposal brings, it directly affects costs – driving the per unit labor cost down to $3.47. So with the increased production and decrease direct labor costs, Mike’s process should produce additional margin.

On the other hand, and although Ike’s process would lower the per unit direct labor costs for the regular shirts (due to decrease workers in this process), the over-indexing production causes overtime work in the regular shirt process and far too little work for those in the custom shirt process (see Appendix B-1). Recommendation

Based on our review of the current process and the proposed processes from Mike and Ike, I would have to recommend implementing Mike’s plan. Mike’s plan gives a good balance of production increase and cost savings due to a more efficient process, which in the long run should prove to be profitable.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Executive Shirt Company. (2016, Mar 24). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/executive-shirt-company-essay

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