Employer of Choice ; Business

In this market age in which competition is the name of the game, employers and owners of different organizations and companies are doing their best to maximize the efficiency and productivity of their companies. In this respect, businessmen and employers acknowledged the fact that if they are really serious in establishing a fierce stance and competition, one of the most important elements that they need to consider are their employees. As a vital element in the success of any company and organizations, employees should be taken consideration by the employers.

Time had already past that the rights and privileges of employees are not taken in to consideration.

From this realization on the importance of employees, the titling of Employer of Choice was born. Employer of Choice What does it mean then to be an employer of choice? How a company or an organization does become an employer of choice? How does an employer arrange his or her company to be able to an Employer of Choice? In the literature of business and organizations, there are numerous attempts to define what it means and what it takes to be an Employer of Choice.

One good example is the definition provided by Judith Leary-Joyce (2004) in her book entitled, Becoming an employer of choice.

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There she stated that an employer of choice is a business or company that provides an attractive and flourishing environment to its employers. One of the most important aims of this kind of arrangement is for the employer to be able to attract and retain good and productive employees.

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In turn, the employers benefit from the increase productivity and innovation that are returned by the employees.

In her accounts, some of the particular characterizations of an employer of choice are (1) easy recruitment (2) powerful retention (3) high level of creativity and retention (4) improved customer service (5) a great workplace that even customers preferred. Another definition of being an employer of choice was provided by the website of Employerofchoice. com. According to their website, being an employer of choice means that employees and even contractors consciously choose to work for that particular company despite others offer from other companies.

It is a decision to apply, join and moreover, to stay in the company or organization (Employer of Choice, 2010). After discussing the meaning of employer of choice, we can now then move on in discussing the significance of being an employer of choice. The Importance of Being an Employer of Choice Though there are some critics that argue against the viability and effectiveness of Employer of Choice, no one can easily disregard the important fundamental principle that it represent. Indeed, employees can be referred as one of the most vital element of any company and organizations.

Capital, conditions of the market and other economic factors can easily lose their edge and significance without the existence of good quality employees and team leaders. In this sense, the any company should allot a considerable amount of resources to be able to attract, recruit and maintain good employees and leaders. For us to emphasize this point, it is necessary for us to cite real life examples of the wonders that were brought to companies and organizations that are embracing the fundamental rationale and principles of such innovation.

Google, one of the top Information and Technology Company in the world had also been cited as the world’s top employer of choice. Some observers and analysts had attributed the growth of its shares, stocks and even its global presence by the way it treated its employees (Fortune Magazine as cited in Lowe, 2009). The benefits of working in Google range from its good compensation up to some trivial yet important benefits. ‘Trivial benefits’ include the encouragement of casual clothing at work and the company’s respect to marginal groups like gays, lesbians and transsexuals.

Another widely cited edge of Google is its encouragement of a collegial and cooperative environment. These are some of the reasons why Google managed to become the world’s top employer of choice and at the same time abled to maintain a high level of growth (Lowe, 2009). On this note, we must acknowledge the important role of this innovation (i. e. Employer of Choice) in the success of companies and organizations. Being able to attract and maintain good quality and competitive employees enable any companies to execute its plans with ease and accuracy.

At the same time, the possession of good quality of employees also makes possible the innovation for the system of doing business. Becoming an Employer of Choice Good compensation and remuneration can be put on the top of the list in encouraging the employees to join and stay in the company. Many people today consider the amount of salary that they get in their work. However, it should be not mistaken that this is the sole and most important element. There are many high paying jobs and work that are not really rewarding for the employees in other sense.

For this reason, we must turn to other areas that are important The provision of other benefits is also an important factor. Other non-monetary benefits also have a say in the decision making of an employee or a potential employee. The provision of other benefits such health maintenance organization, housing, food allowance, carpools etc. also possess a good impact in the minds of the employees. Another important element that must be also taken in to consideration is the quality of the environment of the workplace.

Providing a quality, encouraging and friendly working environment will definitely contribute and reinforce employees and leaders to join or remain in the company. The psychological and even physiological effects of having a healthy and quality working environment cannot be discounted. Workers and employees will look forward each day in the office. They shall not treat each work day as a work but rather as an extension and fulfillment of their passions and even relaxation.

A healthy and quality environment will encourage innovations and creativity to the employees. This is definitely important for jobs and work that are requires innovation and inventions (e. g. Google, Apple). Conclusion The modern capitalist world that we have today had enabled companies and organization to do everything to become competitive to the global market. All possible aspects and area that is worth considering are now being explored by the thinkers and scholars in the corporate world to be able to gain edge in the market.

The focus for improvement and innovation had now focused on the employees that is now regarded as the fuel for growth and innovation of any company and organization. It is wonderful to think that the resources are now being spent to the people that are the real fuel for the growth of the company. As long as this trend continues, we can see a sensible cycle wherein employees and workers bring innovation and they gain considerable efforts in their works.

Indeed, this is a healthy situation for the world market and all the companies together with all the employees that are engaged in such system. References Employer of Choice (2010) What it means to become an employer of choice? Web. Retrieved August 13, 2010, [http://www. employerofchoice. com/recognition. html] Leary-Joyce, J. (2004). Becoming an Employer of Choice. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Lowe, J. (2009) Google Speaks: Secrets of the World's Greatest Billionaire Entrepreneur. Wiley.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Employer of Choice ; Business. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/employer-of-choice-business-new-essay

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