Stimulus - Value - Role: A Theory of Marital Choice

The Stimulus-Value-Role Theory has three stages of development. Stimulus, the very first stage, is the assessment of the physical appearance of potential partners. The very first impression towards an individual is determined by the physical features, such as appearance and social qualities. If both individuals are pleased with each other's unspiritual attributes, they may participate in the next stage.

What is significant in the second phase, Worth, is the shared understanding between 2 individuals. In a developing relationship, it is of specific importance for partners to share their fundamental worths and ideas ranging from national problems to household affairs.

This might offer a basic image of one's life to the mate. The more identical their attitudes are, the more powerful their destination ends up being. When both members are compatible with each other's beliefs in different fields, they might make the relationship to the third stage.

The obvious characteristic of the last phase, Function, is the observation made by both individuals to see whether the partner's values are explained in words in day-to-day behaviour and real life scenarios.

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If both members of a couple stroll the talk, they might acknowledge each other as mate. The couple might participate in marriage when they navigate the three stages successfully.

The SVR Model might be used to a love story of mine. Back in the time when I was still in my secondary education, I was drawn in by among my schoolmates. He was a brilliant student and athlete in my school with his attractive face, trained body, trendy attire and pleasant character.

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Before knowing him entirely and thoroughly, I was drawn in and impressed by his exceptional physical qualities. Owing to his friendliness and my talkativeness, we have become good friends. Thus, this satisfied the first phase, Stimulus, of the SVR Theory that the impression and destination of a prospective partner is primarily determined by physical attributes.

When I was no longer an acquaintance to him, we talked to each other a lot and shared our values and thoughts ranging from studying methods to future prospect. Both of us believed that studying hard and actively at that moment was the only duty we should perform, in order to strive for a seat in university for a bright and fruitful future. The more we shared, the more similar our values were, and the more intense our attraction become. Hence, this applied to the second stage, Value, of the SVR Model that the more matching two persons' values are, the stronger their fascination becomes.

After knowing his attitude towards future, I started to observe if the values were expressed in his behaviour. Unfortunately, his academic result was degrading gradually due to the distraction from a number of sport competitions. As he did not walk his talk, our relationship could not be further developed. My experience did not end aligning with the theory into marriage; however, it still showed that some roles can be perceived if the final stage is successfully navigated by a couple.

Murstein, B. I. (1987). A clarification and extension of the SVR theory of dyadic pairing. _Journal of Marriage and Family_, _49_(4), 929-933.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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Stimulus - Value - Role: A Theory of Marital Choice essay
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