Strategic Role of Information Systems in Business Evolution

There has been an increasing investment in information systems from various films. The information systems play an important role in changing the business operation as well as their products and services. For the change in business operation, people use laptops, cell phones or any other emerging mobile digital devices and online conference over the Internet to operate, coordinate and measure the business. Much software, social network tools like e-mail, online database and wireless communication equipment related to information technology are used as well.

These electronic equipment help connect managers, subordinates, suppliers, customers and business partners together efficiently.

What’s more, a widely use in “cloud computer” achieve a flexibility in information collection and business operation. For their products and services, managers gradually build an intimacy between suppliers and customers through information systems. As a result, there is a growth in communication between them and a decrease in the cost of production and services, which help the online purchase, advertising electronically and soliciting customers’ feedback reach a high level of efficiency.

These accelerate the speed of respond to marketing demand in terms of products and services; Walmart’s retail link is such an example. 2. I agree that information systems are too important to be left only to computer designers.

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On the one hand, information systems consist of organizations, management and information technology.

Computer designers may be expert in the aspect of technology and have an in-depth understanding of technology, but they cannot handle the whole design of information systems individually. Before developing an information system, issues including making decisions, the amount of new technology input, how to create real economic value and so on should be determined by supervisors or top-level managers.

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Computer designers do not have these capabilities. On the other hand, information system is like a tree.

The tree grows with leaves, branches, root and trunk. But water, sunshine, soil and all of the nature resources also lead to growth. Computer design is like the sunshine, and it is a crucial part but cannot develop the systems alone without management as well as organizations. In a word, information systems should not only be functioned by computer designers, it need a team, which combines advantages of various skills and competences, and, eventually increase firm profit. 3.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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