Information Systems Infrastructure: Evolution and Trends

An information system is a set of computerized components that are used to collect, create and store data. It is also used to process the data into information and distribute it to the desired destinations. It typically includes five major components: hardware components, software components, the data itself, system users and the procedures of manipulating the data into information.

Many organizations, businesses, institutions, and companies have adopted information systems to aid in the smooth running of business activities. Information systems have over time evolved from being tools of work to being competitive advantage tools.

However, they may be costly to install and maintain. The cost to have the systems in place is not comparable to the positive impact it usually has on the organization. They have proven to be contributors to growth in companies that have used them to perform their activities. Information systems impact organizations in a right way and many enterprises have adopted them in their operations.

Information systems have grown over time.

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They began with manual systems that included the use of paper to keep all things in organizations in order. They have notably evolved over the years into computerized systems that are easy to use and more effective than the manual systems. They began with single systems that were developed to perform a single task for the company. They have slowly grown into integrated systems that can perform various business tasks on the same platform.

Information system infrastructure has improved since the appearance of the first computers.

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They have proven to be useful tools for optimizing and improvement of management activities. System evolution in each specific area has dramatically made their introduction progressive over the years. Information systems were first introduced in the 1960’s to deal with accounting management issues. They had however been in use in the previous years as computers strive to evolve. Even the first machines that used vacuum tubes and transistors had the capability that the information systems have today. Business people used them and also scientists to perform tasks that had proven challenging to perform manually. Simple arithmetic problems could be solved using the computers however the results were recorded down on paper. Current Trends in Information Systems

Information systems have advanced with time into really efficient systems. Their inevitable growth and development have not only led to improved performance of business activities but also has aided in the gaining of competitive advantage. Enterprises that have been in the urge to make use of the systems have grown noticeably. They have improved the systems into artificial intelligence computer systems that can even be used to forecast business performance. It has been enabled by simulation and modeling techniques that are computed on the computer systems that use information that is stored in the databases. Future trends in information systems are expected. The rapid growth in information system development and programming languages will aid in the future trends.

Information systems have proven to be an efficient tool in the conducting of business activities. Company management has been improved over time through the use of information systems. All the levels of management have embraced computerized information systems since they are more efficient in the performing of business activities. Businesses have adopted the systems to gain a competitive advantage in their areas of specialization. It is therefore recommended that all organizations embrace information systems in performing of all business activities.

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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Information Systems Infrastructure: Evolution and Trends. (2019, Aug 19). Retrieved from

Information Systems Infrastructure: Evolution and Trends essay
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