Dream and Adventure in Life of Don Quixote

Categories: AdventureDreamLife

“Don Quixote de la Mancha” by Miguel de Cervantes is one of the most recognizable classics in the world of literature. It is a narrative that has been retold in almost every generation since its publication. The success of the story is undeniable, as it even infused a term into the English language: the term “quixotic.” It is certainly one of the most unforgettable stories ever written.

Here is a quote from the text that I would like to respond to: “I shall never be so mad as to make myself a knight-errant, for I see well enough that things are not how they used to be in those days, when they say those famous knights ruled the world” (Cervantes 161).

This line was spoken by the innkeeper in the first part, XXXII. The tone of this particular quote seems to be a response to the main theme of the story: Don Quixote’s idea and desire to live the life of a knight.

The quote implies that following an ideal or a dream would be a waste of time.

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This particular quote stands out because it is one of the few pessimistic statements in the very positive, or shall I say “quixotic,” theme of the narrative. This is the kind of statement that would be uttered by those who forget how to dream. People who would say these kinds of words are the type that brings the hopes of other people down.

The context is just like when pessimists argued that man cannot go to space.

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The kind of thinking that pessimists have is what makes life look miserable and dull. Fortunately, Miguel de Cervantes introduced us to Don Quixote — someone who would always remind us that it is just alright to dream and seek adventures in life.

Work Cited

Cervantes, Miguel de. Don Quixote de la Mancha. Harvard University Press, 1842.

Updated: Apr 03, 2023
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Dream and Adventure in Life of Don Quixote essay
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