Disadvantages of Plastic Surgery

Categories: MakeupPlastic Surgery

The prospect of beauty has changed throughout the years. Many people consider beauty as the person who has the perfect body, the perfect nose and the perfect everything. Society has made this vision of beauty and with it many persons feel pressured to look perfect and this has caused many of us to choose plastic surgery as a solution. Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function. Though some of us think plastic surgery as a way of regaining normal appearance after accident, others think of it as a way to correct perceived cosmetic flaws.

And yes!

Thanks to the emergence of plastic surgery that it is hard to find a person with wrinkled face, flabby waist or a misshapen body nowadays especially the high echelons. However, just like almost every other thing in this world plastic surgery also has its own pros and cons. While there are innumerable benefits of getting a plastic surgery, there are serious disadvantages of plastic surgery that must be considered which are addiction, health problem and procedure that involving a high cost.

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First and foremost, the disadvantage of plastic surgery is it has the potential to become an addiction (Casey Holley, 2011).

This problem always happened to patients that have low self-esteem (Casey Holley, 2011). As a result, they have never satisfied with their appearance hence want to be perfect to increase their self-esteem and confidence. In order to achieve this goal, they are willingly to go under the knife! Unfortunately, some patients are not satisfied with the results (Wikipedia).

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Therefore, they want to do the plastic surgery over and over again until satisfied however the surgeons refused to do further surgery hence patients tend to ‘do it yourself’ the plastic surgery.

For example, the most famous cases of Hang Mioku, a 48 years old woman from South Korea who became so addicted to plastic surgery that she was left unrecognisable after her obsession led her to inject cooking oil into her face and causing her face became larger so she had performed surgery to reduce the size of her face. During the first procedure, surgeons have removed 60 g of foreign substance from her face and 200 g from her neck. This is such an awful experience for someone who has addiction in plastic surgery. Secondly, plastic surgery may also attract various health problems.

Complication such as infection, bruising or even bleeding may occur during surgery or even after surgery is completed (Mark Tutton, CNN, 2009). Infection is harmful because it prevents the incision from healing normally which will then affect the desired product. For instance in the case of breast augmentation, the implant may have to be removed if infection spread to the implant. Next, complication involving anaesthesia may be fatal to the patient. Excessive or mis-prescribed anaesthesia may cause the patient to drown in fluid or suffocate due to loss of reflex abilities.

Statistically, about one in 250,000 people die from complication of anaesthesia especially those people with serious medical condition. Other risks from surgical anaesthesia also include nausea and vomiting, bladder problems, airway collapse, nervous system deficit or nerve damage, pulmonary embolism, and drug or allergic reactions (Natalie Kita, 2008). Last but not least, customising our natural body part is a very costly process. A simple modification to our nose might not seem much but it will cost the patient thousands of dollars.

It might seems that plastic surgery is worth our money, the irony to that is, it may not be a solution to a problem but yet allowing more problematic situation to emerge. One that is not financially stable will be surrounded by debt, not mentioning more money and time should be invested in case the surgery did not go as plan. Money is mostly spend on surgeon fees, hospital fees, anesthesia and medication fees, along with lost wages and after care costs rather than spending these resources in more crucial area.

Besides that, plastic surgery usage is limited to those belonging to the high echelons of the society because this people have great influence on others and have plenty of money for plastic surgery (iloveindia. com). Wealthy society might seem to have an easy access to these surgeries, but it is still an unwise decision to invest in cosmetic surgery just to look good. An example, Michaela Romanini; the Italian socialite uses lips collagen hoping to have a sexier lips but instead getting an inverse of what she had hope for.

Money might not be problem to achieve perfection, but if something do go wrong even money cannot fix it. In the final analysis, plastic surgery not only cause more harm, it is also worthless effort for one to achieve the maximum level of attractiveness because beauty is subjective and not restricted to any idea of what people may perceive beauty is. If one is to resolve to plastic surgery, please think twice. References Natalie Kita. (Ed. ). (2009). Risks and Rewards of Plastic Surgery. Retrieved January 14, 2012, from http://plasticsurgery.

about. com/od/historyofplasticsurgery/a/risks_rewards. htm Pamela Barletta. (2007). Plastic Surgery, A New Addiction? Retrieved January 10, 2012, from http://ezinearticles. com/? Plastic-Surgery,-A-New-Addiction? &id=623159 Casey Holley. (2011, March 11). Disadvantages Of Plastic Surgery. Retrieved January 10, 2012, from http://www. livestrong. com/article/23750-disadvantages-plastic-surgery/ Mark Tutton, CNN. (2009, December 02). Model's Death Highlights Plastic Surgery Risks. Retrieved January 11, 2012, from http://articles.

cnn. com/2009-12-02/health/model. death. surgery. risk_1_cosmetic-surgery-surgery-risks-aesthetic-plastic-surgeons? _s=PM:HEALTH Elaine Magee, MPH, RD. (2009, March 08). Plastic surgery addiction. Retrieved February 5, 2012, from http://www. silverplanet. com/blog/recipe-doctor/plastic-surgery-addiction/55283 Jeffery Scott Shapiro. (2010, January 22). Our Sick Obsession with Plastic Surgery. Retrieved February 5, 2012, from http://www. foxnews. com/opinion/2010/01/22/jeffrey-scott-shapiro-heidi-montag-plastic-surgery-addiction/

The Effects of Plastic Surgery

There are many positive reviews on plastic surgery that can make anyone want to pursue it these days. Many men and woman have plastic surgery done because the way that plastic surgeons can change the looks of noses, eyebrows, eyes, cheekbones, breast, thighs, buttocks, and many other features of the body. These things can make anyone want to have these procedures performed because of the way people do not like the way that they look and can result in becoming addicted to the surgery. The things that plastic surgeons fail to inform their patients are the health conditions and medical costs after the surgery. There have been many health complications, permanent deficiencies, expensive medical costs, and sometimes even death. Informing the public about these concerns may lower the number in plastic surgeries and help the people who are suffering from addictive plastic surgery.

Positive reviews
Plastic surgery is a growing medical field in today’s industry because of the technology plastic surgeons use on patients for reconstructions from traumatic events, birth defects and the way that men and woman critically think of themselves. This technology has given men and woman reasons to change the way that they look, from their hairlines to their feet. Because of these procedures being performed, they give these people positive views on themselves and can boost their self-esteem and confidence.

If a man or a woman do not like the way that their noses, breasts, buttocks, cheek-bones or lips are formed, they can easily go to a plastic surgeon and change those formations into something better. This can give these people high hopes for being beautiful and giving them more opportunities for modeling careers, acting careers, friendships, relationships, and more important, feeling better about themselves. There may be a lot of positive outcomes to plastic surgery, but no one realizes the negative results as well after the surgery with their everyday lives. Painful healing, loss of jobs and drug risks

After getting surgery performed, the body must heal from the incisions and trauma to the skin and fat under the skin. Usually after plastic surgery, it is very painful to heal because of movement and the possibilities of tearing a wound that is healing. Due to plastic surgery, the body is deeply punctured and a lot of skin is moved and torn. Silicone is inserted to enhance a body part and drugs are inserted to numb the pain of being cut and torn open. People should rest as long as the surgeon advises and that can result in losing their jobs and hobbies. Employers do not want to keep a position open to someone who can be to work when needed and they also do not want to lose money in the work field because the things that are essential to the job are not being completed in a timely fashion. Some people may become addicted to plastic surgery to fulfill their dreams of becoming a model so they do not care about working and can cause them to quit their jobs. Becoming addicted

Becoming addicted to plastic surgery is very easy because the first time, or first couple of times, a person may receive exactly what they expected and wanted. In other people’s perspectives, plastic surgery is giving them everything they ever wanted. Soon after plastic surgery, being able to look anyway that you want can give many men and woman the optimism of knowing that they can get plastic surgery done and not have a negative outcome.

If a friend or family member of a person who has plastic surgery performed tells them something that will make them not like themselves, can cause a person to want to change it because they know that it will help their self-esteem and boost their reputation. Having plastic surgery performed repeatedly is an addiction because it causes a person to lose self-control and want these things done to them all the time. Addiction is very unhealthy and leads to a lot of health conditions, medical costs and permanent body defects. Effects from long term addiction

There are many risks that come along with plastic surgery. These surgeries raise risks for death in patients. As a result, numbness, seroma, infections, hematoma, necrosis and death are all serious health risks that men and woman can get after plastic surgery. Breast implants may cause a woman to lose feeling or sensation in their nipples after breast implants, depending on the type of procedures. Breast reduction is the most common for loss of feeling in nipples after surgery. Seroma is a medical condition that most occurs during tummy tucks.

Seroma is a collection of watery body fluids and may enhance the risks of death. Infections can occur at any time during or after the surgery. Infections can be caused by dirty hands or non-sterile objects used during the procedure and depending on the type of care that the patient receives after the surgery may result in infections due to the areas not being well cleaned or taken care of. Excessive bleeding, hematoma, can occur at any time during or after surgery but mostly a cause in men because of their beard follicles and may result in an increase in blood supply to the area.

Plastic surgery manipulation causes tissue death called, necrosis, and this is almost inevitable for most patients but is a higher risk for smokers. Smoking affects blood supply to the tissues and those tissues being cut by the surgeon may cause tissue death because the smoking has already compromised the tissue. Death is rare in plastic surgery but in some cases, plastic surgery may cause death because of the anesthetics used and high levels of lidocaine given that may cause an overdose if not used properly. The medical costs needed to help the people who are at high risk of these medical conditions are outrageous. Many people spend thousands of dollars to fix the problems and complications that come from these surgeries. There are many health risks to plastic surgery that everyone should know about that are thinking about pursuing these procedures. Summing it up

There are many risks that come with plastic surgery that any person planning to get these procedures should know about. Plastic surgery may be a positive outcome to many lives because it can make people feel better about themselves and make them look any way that they want, but after plastic surgery the first time can cause addiction and these procedures are done repeatedly and the effects of these surgeries are causing a lot of serious illnesses, rise in medical costs, and death. These health risks are being ignored and shouldn’t be ignored because the cost of beauty is becoming unhealthy and causing changes in lives.

Updated: Sep 29, 2022
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Disadvantages of Plastic Surgery. (2016, Jul 11). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/disadvantages-of-plastic-surgery-essay

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