Arguments Against Plastic Surgery

It is not a secret that the standards of beauty nowadays are rather strict and demanding. No matter what combatants against discrimination say, appearances that match the existing beauty standards remain one of the crucial characteristics of a modern individual. People who are discontent with their appearances have different ways of improving the way they look, such as makeup, clothes, or being in harmony with themselves. However, there is a more radical alternative, which is effective in terms of changing the way a person looks like, but is highly debated and should be abstained from in the majority of cases: plastic surgery.

The foremost reason for not getting plastic surgery is that this procedure can become highly addictive (Huffington Post).

Although a person might think they would do a single improvement, the temptation to keep “adjusting” one’s appearance can become overwhelming and lead to unpredictable and often sad results. The best examples of this are women like Cindy Jackson (who got 55 plastic surgeries, which is a world record), or Jocelyn Wildenstein, who is rumored to have spent about 4 million dollars on plastic surgeries.

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The “before and after” photos of her can be found online easily, so you can make your conclusions looking at the results of the numerous plastic surgeries she has undergone. Janice Dickinson, Michael Jackson, Courtney Love, and other famous personalities who had undergone plastic surgeries can also be good examples of why this kind of surgery should be abstained from.

Plastic surgery does not solve the main problem of the person who decides to undergo it, which is being discontented with his or her appearance.

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Such a person should rather focus on solving his or her inner problems and should pay more attention to what is going on within themselves rather than on the surface of their bodies (MindBodyGreen). In the case of an aging person, it might be the fear of death or the feeling that they do not have a youthful appearance anymore that causes them to change their appearance. If a person is obese, they should consider changing their diet and lifestyle rather than doing liposuction. There is also a serious psychological disorder called dysmorphophobia—the major symptom is being severely unsatisfied with one’s appearance, body parts, or body as a whole. Anyways, visiting a psychologist or a psychotherapist could be more useful and satisfying than having your face redesigned.

It is important to remember that plastic surgery is something that remains with you forever ( You cannot return to your natural look if you feel discontent with the surgery. You will have to do another surgery to look similar to your original self or try to improve on your previous plastic surgery. Moreover, if you try to keep up with fashion trends, you will lose the race, because trends change, and your appearance remains. What is natural is almost always better than the artificial, and deep inside you will know that the way you used to look before the surgery was better. However, it is necessary to distinguish between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. In case of accidents, when a person’s appearance is ruined, reconstructive surgery is indeed necessary and helpful.

Plastic surgery in its cosmetic aspect should be abstained from. Changing and improving one’s appearance can become addictive, so a person might feel a constant desire to undergo surgeries; also, this desire is usually caused by issues with well-being, which a psychologist could help out with better than a surgeon. You cannot undo plastic surgery, so once you undergo it, you will have to live with it forever. Be yourself, and see the beauty you hold naturally.

Updated: May 21, 2021
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Arguments Against Plastic Surgery. (2020, Sep 23). Retrieved from

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