Declaration of Independence vs. Gettysburg Address

The Declaration and the Gettysburg Address are looks into America's history. They were composed in 2 various period: America's first years in 1776 and the Civil War in the 1800's. Regardless of their time gap, they are similar due to the fact that they both discuss to the reader what is going on throughout their time duration. Nevertheless, the country was going through different occasions and so these two documents are diverse also. Both The Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address were written throughout times of chaos and modification for the country.

Both happened during a time of war in which America was defending liberty and liberties.

During the Revolutionary War, the United States was trying to become "a brand-new nation, conceived in Liberty, and devoted to the proposition that all males are created equal".

It was battling for independence and the right to govern them in such a way that would really benefit the country and its people. So in 1776 when The Declaration was written, the nation battled for flexibility on their own.

Throughout the Civil War, the nation was divided in two, one half of the country battling against the other half.

They were independent as a country, but this time they were defending flexibility for others-- the African-American servants.

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In a manner though, America was defending equality both times. The first was equivalent treatment for the British people and American colonists. The second time, the nation was fighting for equal treatment for all men, no matter what skin color.

Both these ages were a time of testing for the United States.

The Revolutionary War period figured out whether the states would really be able to accomplish independence.

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The Civil War was a test to see if America would be able to keep that independence. President Abraham Lincoln spoke about this in his Gettysburg Address: "we are taken part in a fantastic civil war, screening whether that nation, or any country so developed and so dedicated, can long endure". These two files are comparable due to the fact that they are both blogged about a time of battle which checked America's strength. The Declaration of Self-reliance and Gettysburg Address are various for a number of factors.

For one, The Declaration of Independence is a statement while the Gettysburg Address was a speech. The authors were also targeting different audiences. The Declaration of Independence was written mostly for themselves, but also for the British government. The Declaration stated the sentiments of the thirteen colonies and “the causes which impel them to the separation”. This clarified where the people stood in regards to their independence. This was for the benefit and organization of the country, but also for the British to know that the Americans were not giving up on independence.

The Gettysburg Address was a speech given by President Abraham Lincoln to the people of America. The Civil War was not an international conflict, but rather one inside the nation. The speech was aimed for encouraging and touching the hearts of the American people. Lincoln wanted them to not give up on the cause they were fighting for, but “to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us”. In the Gettysburg Address, the president was appealing to the people’s emotions in order to boost their war effort. This is another difference it has with The Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration of Independence appealed to the British government about rights that the people ought to have. The tone of the Gettysburg Address is more personal since Lincoln’s goal was to encourage the people. Lincoln achieves a personal tone by speaking about the brave men who fought in the recent battle. The Declaration of Independence, on the other hand, was written as a political document with a formal tone. It lists the main reasons why the people were demanding independence, which were mostly due to Great Britain’s offenses against the colonies.

The Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address are very distinct because they were appealing to different audiences and written in different tones. The Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address have several similarities and differences. Although they were written during different time periods, they both fight for liberty, freedom, and equality. However, the two documents, one a statement and the other a letter, were targeted at different audiences. This results in differing tones. One thing similar, both documents were written with a courage and passion for the goal it was fighting for.


Written by Sophia Nguyen
Updated: Sep 26, 2024
Keep in mind: this is only a sample!
Updated: Sep 26, 2024
Essay's Scoring Result:
Expert's Assessment
The essay delves into the historical significance of the Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address, aptly discussing their common themes of liberty and equality despite the divergent contexts of the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. It skillfully contrasts the documents' formats, highlighting their distinct purposes and audiences. The author successfully analyzes the speeches' tones, emphasizing the formal nature of the Declaration and the personal, emotive approach in Lincoln's Address. The essay maintains coherence in presenting similarities and differences, showcasing a commendable understanding of the historical and rhetorical aspects of these pivotal texts. Overall, it provides a well-structured and insightful exploration of these foundational American documents.
How can you enhance this essay?
The essay effectively compares the Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address, highlighting their historical importance and distinct characteristics. However, there are areas for improvement. The introduction could be refined for clarity and conciseness. The essay tends to repeat the idea of both documents addressing times of chaos and change without providing specific examples. Additionally, there is an opportunity to enhance the analysis of how the different tones and audiences contribute to the overall impact of each document. Streamlining the language and eliminating redundant expressions would enhance the overall coherence and readability of the essay.
This essay's assessment was conducted by:
Ravi Patel
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Declaration of Independence vs. Gettysburg Address. (2016, Sep 11). Retrieved from

Declaration of Independence vs. Gettysburg Address essay
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