Death, Dying, and Bereavement

Categories: Death

In our busy lives, filled with work and family, we learn to take many things for granted. One of these is that nothing will change, not our friends, families, and jobs. However, every now and then, something happens to shake us out of our denial and into stark awareness that things can happen very suddenly. Then, we are reminded of how fragile life is and how nothing stays the same. Death is an inseparable part of life. If we are to live life honestly and without fear, we have to also accept that death is ultimately inevitable.

Death should not cause us to live in fear, but rather to live our lives in the very best way that we can. It is important to not "bury our head in the sand" and instead, to make responsible preparations including financial and legal arrangements, as well as talking about our wishes with our family and friends. By understanding the rites and rituals that accompany a death in our culture, religion, or spiritual group, we can better prepare for the dying and grieving process.

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Witnessing the death of my mother five years ago was a devastating blow but in retrospect, it taught me to appreciate the small things in life, to value my relationships, and to trust in God.

Finding Closure

The death of a parent can be a very shocking and life-changing experience. Suddenly the person that you turned to for their wisdom and their advice is no longer available. The loss of a loved one will leave you feeling empty inside as if the world will never be the same again and nothing will ever be able to heal your pain.

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The truth is that time heals all wounds and the world keeps on going as if nothing happened.

Updated: Mar 10, 2023
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Death, Dying, and Bereavement essay
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