Case Study on Death and Dying


Chronic illnesses may negatively impact individuals due to the consequences associated with these diseases on the health of the individuals as well as on other areas that may include financial resources required to manage these diseases (Meilaender, 2013). During this time, patients may undergo psychological issues with some of them opting for euthanasia. This makes it important for healthcare givers to be able to understand the spiritual aspects of patients that may play a role in making this decision (Meilaender, 2013). This will help them in advising the patient s to make effective decisions that have no negative effects.

This will also help them to help the patients in overcoming some of the challenges that may impact their decision-making process (Meilaender, 2013). One of the perspectives that healthcare givers should learn is the Christian worldview due to the wide number of Christians accessing healthcare facilities. This is because religion plays a key role in how patients perceive life and make decisions pertaining to life and death (Shelly & Miller, 2006).

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Different religions perceive death differently, which makes it important for healthcare givers to be well prepared to guide terminally ill patients during this time. During this time, most patients may feel hopeless and discouraged to continue living which may lead them to make poor decisions negatively affecting their lives and the lives of their family members (Shelly & Miller, 2006). This paper analyses George's situation and his decision from a Christian perspective.


Healthcare practitioners encounter patients from diverse faiths in their practice of providing healthcare services.

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Due to the impact that religion and beliefs have on individual's perceptions, it is important for healthcare practitioners to have knowledge and be able to understand the diversity in faith that can be helpful in making effective decisions (Meilaender, 2013). The case study involves George who is an attorney in his mid-fifties suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) which is a disease affecting the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. This disease has no cure which means that Gorge's health will continue to deteriorate which will eventually lead to death. Due to the negative aspects that are associated with this disease on the health of the patient, George begins to inquire about the possibility of voluntary euthanasia.

How Would George Interpret His Suffering In Light Of The Christian Narrative, With An Emphasis On The Fallenness Of The World?

Based on a Christian worldview, life is precious and no one has the right to make a decision regarding living or dying. Christians believe that God is the giver and taker of life giving individuals life to fulfill God's purpose after which God takes the life based on his personal desires (DiVincenzo, 2014). With God being the foundation of every Christian, every decision is based in consideration of his principles. Suffering is part of a Christian's life just as Jesus Christ suffered while on this earth. However, Jesus persevered all suffering and never made a decision to take his life (DiVincenzo, 2014). Suffering is associated with sin which came into the world after the first human being was tempted by the devil and committed the first sin of disobeying God. This led to a curse of the earth where sicknesses, accidents, and other negative occurrences came into the world. This was not the initial plan that God had intended in creating the earth and humans (DiVincenzo, 2014).

However, God gave his only son to redeem the world from this curse. Through Jesus, people are able to access healing and overcome some of the negative situations faced on the earth (DiVincenzo, 2014). The Bible which is a holy book given to Christians to seek wisdom in addressing most of the challenges and issues that are faced on this earth is full of encouragement to Christians undergoing difficult moments. One aspect that is indicated in the Bible is that at the end, Christians will overcome these challenges and be victorious an aspect meant to encourage Christian in persevering some of the life's challenges (DiVincenzo, 2014). From a Christian's perspective, suffering is not a new phenomena and majority of individuals undergo challenges with most of them holding their faith strong, as God is able to deliver them from serious and complex situations with many examples in the Bible of such acts (DiVincenzo, 2014).

How Would George Interpret His Suffering In Light Of the Christian Narrative, With An Emphasis On The Hope Of Resurrection?

Due to the first sin committed by Adam and Eve, God cursed the earth where sicknesses and suffering were part of this curse. Most of the early disciples and strong believers passed through suffering and persecutions (Meynell, 2014). However, most of them never gave up which led to their reward on this earth while others will be rewarded in heaven. An example of one person is Job who endured worse suffering compared to what individuals might undergo while on this earth (Meynell, 2014). The result of his suffering is that God was pleased with him where he rewarded him heavily for all that he had lost.

Jesus who is believed to be the savior to the Christians passed through tribulations and suffering that led to his death (Meynell, 2014). However, on the third day, he resurrected overcoming all that he had undergone including death. This gives Christians the hope that even though suffering may come until death, they will eventually be rewarded. Jesus came to restore human beings to their initial position where they had access to God (Meynell, 2014). This would enable them to seek assistance and help from God in times of suffering. With God being a loving God, he is able to do good and help individuals regardless of the troubles that they may be undergoing (Meynell, 2014).

This gives hope to millions of Christians that their God is with them always and will never leave them to undergo through tribulations alone. Although the medical reports indicate that George may have a limited time to live, this should not discourage George since God is able to redeem him from this situation (Meynell, 2014). However, in the case that this does not happen, George is also promised a better life after death since he will be resurrected at the end of the world to receive his reward for the life that he lived. Death is not the end of life as Christians are promised of an eternal life after resurrection based on how they lived their lives while on this earth (Meynell, 2014).

As George Contemplates Life with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), How Would The Christian Worldview Inform His View About The Value Of His Life As A Person?

Although amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may be a serious disease, there is still hope for George through Jesus Christ who is able to heal George from this disease. Jesus who came to the earth to redeem all individuals from the curse that God had made to humans performed different miracles on the earth which included healing individuals from chronic illnesses that did not have cure (Galatians 5:1). This means that George can access healing through Jesus who is able to restore his health. The fact that God has not taken the life of George means that God still has purpose for George and still values his life. Life is something that should be valued regardless of other factors that may affect its quality (Shelly & Miller, 2006).

This is because no one knows what tomorrow holds and people can only speculate. God is the sole creator and giver of life (Acts 17:25). Life is a gift from God and should be treasured since no one even the scientists are able to create and give life. This means that individuals are not in control of their lives and someone more superior decides who to live and who to die (Shelly & Miller, 2006). Satan is responsible for going against God's desires by bringing suffering to God's people. It is not the will of God for people to suffer or take their own lives. From the Word of God, it is clear that God takes the life of individuals after they have fulfilled their purpose on the earth (Shelly & Miller, 2006).

What Sorts Of Values And Considerations Would The Christian Worldview Focus On In Deliberating About Whether Or Not George Should Opt For Euthanasia?

In deciding whether George should opt for euthanasia, there are different values and considerations that a Christian should focus in order to make an effective decision. Most of these values and principles are based on Jesus and the Word of God that has been given to Christians to guide them in making effective decisions while on this earth (Rieg, Newbanks, Sprunger, 2018). Jesus' teachings while on the earth are aimed at enabling individuals to make effective decisions in addressing difficult situations. One of the major Christian aspects is the aspect of love which means loving God and other individuals (Rieg, Newbanks, Sprunger, 2018). By George opting euthanasia, this means that he does not love God since this is disobedience to God's word which speaks against killing another individual as well as taking one's own life.

This will also negatively affect his family members in diverse ways, as they will lose an important family member due to this decision (Rieg, Newbanks, Sprunger, 2018). Since death is a process that is promised to everyone, George should wait until that time when God decides to take his life since God is the giver of life. With the value that humans have to God seeing that humans are made in the image of God, human life is precious and of value. Opting to undertake euthanasia is an act associated with judging one's worth on this earth (Rieg, Newbanks, Sprunger, 2018).

Given The Above, What Options Would Be Morally Justified In The Christian Worldview For George And Why?

In a Christian worldview, one of the options that would be morally justified for George includes enduring all that is expected to come which is based on Jesus' teachings on the importance of persevering challenges (DiVincenzo, 2014). Temptations and suffering do not come from God as God loves us and does not want us to sin against him. If George makes a decision to end his life, this will be a sin to God. However, if George perseveres, the future may have positive results with God receiving all glory (DiVincenzo, 2014). Life is also sacred which means that it should be preserved at all cost. Allowing euthanasia can weaken a society's value and respect for human life. Terminally ill patients can access palliative care that addresses pain and other negative effects associated with certain health-related issues (DiVincenzo, 2014).

The main reason for the establishment of healthcare facilities is to save lives that will not be achieved through euthanasia. George can continue accessing healthcare services until the day when God decides to heal him from this disease as well as take his life (DiVincenzo, 2014). This will also lead to peace in the afterlife where euthanasia may lead to negative consequences, as this is sin. This is because the right to decide when a person dies belongs to God. Since natural death is a must for all those who are living unless Jesus Christ comes before they die, George should wait for his time to die and should not decide to end his life (Shelly & Miller, 2006).

Most of the principles and laws of healthcare and the society are founded on God's principles which means that this decision should also be based on this aspect. Human beings have dignity, unlike other creatures that can be killed at any time (Shelly & Miller, 2006). God has dominion over everything that he created including human beings who are made in his likeness. This means that God is in control over the life of every human being. Another option that George can take is using prayer which may change this situation (Shelly & Miller, 2006). Christians are not without options to use in times of suffering rather use prayer which plays a crucial role in the life of a Christian. This can lead to healing and full recovery as well as give George peace during this time (Shelly & Miller, 2006).

Based On Your Worldview, What Decision Would You Make If You Were In George's Situation?

Based on the case, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a serious disease that may have negative health effects which may be traumatizing for patients. However, there are other diseases that are more worse affecting other people who are still alive and living hopefully (Meilaender, 2013). These people are persevering believing that they will live a full life until the day that they die. As a Christian, it is important to know and understand God's principles which we should adhere to because of his love to us (Meilaender, 2013). Although we may be suffering, it is important to understand that this is not God's doing as Jesus came to save us from all these troubles including sicknesses (Galatians 1:4).

This leaves us with the only option of remaining faithful to God and continue praying that he heals us from any sicknesses as well as help us in times of trouble. Prayer is a weapon that can be used on sicknesses as this is a device of the enemy which is aimed at tempting us to make wrong decisions and sin against God (Meilaender, 2013). It is important to spend this time with other family members for encouragement and support as well as praying together. Since there is palliative care which can be used to enhance and improve the quality of life, this can be used to ease the pain and other negative effects associated with the disease (Meilaender, 2013).


DiVincenzo, A. (2014). The beginning of wisdom: An introduction to Christian thought and life. Phoenix, Arizona: Grand Canyon University.

Life application study Bible: New King James Version. (2013). Carol Stream, Ill: Tyndale House Publishers.

Meilaender, G. (2013). Bioethics: A Primer for Christians. Grand Rapids, Mich: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

Meynell, H. (2014). Philosophy and the Christian Worldview: Analysis, Assessment, and Development. Heythrop Journal, 55(1), 170-171.

Rieg, L. S., Newbanks, R. S., Sprunger, R. (2018). Caring from a Christian Worldview: Exploring Nurses' Source of Caring, Faith Practices, and View of Nursing. Journal of Christian Nursing, 35 (3), 168-173.

Shelly, J. A., & Miller, A. B. (2006). Called to care: A Christian worldview for nursing. Downers Grove, Ill: IVP Academic/Intervarsity Press.

Updated: Dec 26, 2023
Essay's Scoring Result:
Expert's Assessment
The essay explores the impact of chronic illness on individuals, emphasizing the Christian perspective on suffering and euthanasia. It effectively integrates relevant sources to support its arguments. The structure is clear, with well-defined sections. The author demonstrates a solid understanding of the Christian worldview, intertwining it with the case study of George, an ALS patient. The language is concise, and the essay maintains a scholarly tone. However, some sentences could benefit from enhanced clarity. Overall, it provides a thoughtful examination of the topic, offering insights into the intersection of faith, suffering, and end-of-life decisions.
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Consider enhancing clarity by breaking down lengthy sentences for easier comprehension. Also, ensure consistent use of tense throughout the essay. Additionally, the transitions between sections could be smoother, providing a more seamless flow between ideas. Check for potential redundancies and streamline repetitive phrases to improve overall conciseness. Moreover, review punctuation to maintain grammatical accuracy. Lastly, consider diversifying sentence structures to enhance the overall readability of the essay.
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Yara Al-Farsi
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