DBQ on French Revolution

Categories: French Revolution

On July 14, 1789, as the fortress Bastille was surpassed and ruined by the individuals of France, it became a sign that represented the years of abuse by monarchy. The French Transformation brought many new changes to France, which was one of the most significant powers in Europe at the time. It paved the way for brand-new political forces, and questioned the guideline of queens and kings. It likewise suggested new concepts and beliefs to the individuals of France. The French Transformation, a revolt that lasted from the 1789 to the late 1790's, was brought on by 3 significant elements such as the economic state of France due to the American Transformation, the Knowledge ideas that spread out through the middle class, and the political indifference in between the social classes of France.

The American Revolution took place during the reign of Louis XVI. This was an opportunity for France to help America, in addition to defeat Britain in turn for the important things they had done to France.

In 1778, under the command of Louis XVI, France officially went into the American Transformation.

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France had a significant role in assisting individuals of America when they required it one of the most. Yet later on, it left the nation of France in fantastic financial obligation (5 ). The condition in France financially was currently bad, and the American Transformation left France in a terrific chaos. To raise money, the federal government began to tax the third estate, raising costs on bread to ranges that working poor might not afford (1 ).

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Yet, the First and Second Estates were not taxed as much, causing a ripple in the Third Estate across France. Though the American Transformation left the French in financial obligation, it likewise contributed lots of originalities and beliefs to France. America created a document, "The Declaration," that specified their beliefs and liberties, and how the federal government ought to rule the country.

This was another major leading point of the Revolution. After years of abuse and injustice, the people of France, particularly the Third Estate, began to question the traditions and rule of absolute monarchs (5). As the lower class began to become more and more educated, Enlightenment ideas also influenced their thoughts (4). The people felt that the nation should be equal, without difference according to class. This understanding brought them to write the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen” (8). The document stated the individual and collective rights of the people of France. Yet, it met the resistance of Louis XVI, who did not want to accept all the reforms of the National Assembly. Again, the people became angry, and anger turned to action. In the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen,” the first point states that all men are born equal, and social classes were established only for the common benefit (8). Yet, this was not the case throughout France.

The nation was divided into three social classes - the First Estate, which consisted of clergy, the Second Estate, which consisted of the nobility, and the Third Estate, which consisted of the bourgeoisie, rural peasants, and urban workers. Of The three classes the Third estate was the poorest. They worked the hardest, and was taxed most among the three classes. Arthur Young was a foreigner who traveled throughout France and observed the lifestyles of the people around him (1). His perspective is important because he is not a Frenchman, but an outsider. He saw that the poorest peasant and workers were taxed the most, were as the nobles and clergy were not taxed at all. Another point that makes him important is the fact that he was traveling through France before the French Revolution, allowing him to see the events that built up to the beginning of the Revolution.

Soon, the peasants began to realize the same thing, and again, anger turned to action. The French Revolution was caused by the debt Louis XVI left France in after helping the Americans, the many new ideas and beliefs influenced by the Enlightenment, and the differences between the social classes of France. Soon, the revolts started to make an impact on the whole of France, and the rulers of each period of time began to make changes for the better. New laws were passed, and gradually, as time passed, social classes were put aside and men were seen as equals. The last line of absolute monarchs was seen, and the monarchy changed to other forms of government. The three causes of the French Revolution - economic, political, and social - eventually helped shape the country into a better nation.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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