Mike Rose's Reflections on Education: Struggles and Possibilities

In his compelling essay, "I Just Wanna Be Average," Mike Rose recounts his experiences navigating the education system in South Los Angeles. Now a professor of Education and Information Studies at UCLA, Rose reflects on his time at Our Lady of Mercy on the Vocational Education Track, shedding light on the systemic issues that undermine the core values of liberal, humanistic education. His narrative not only emphasizes the value of each individual but also exposes the stark disparities between their true intellectual capacities and the flawed classifications imposed upon them by the education system.

Ken Harvey's Defining Assertion

The title of Rose's essay, "I just wanna be average," encapsulates a profound moment from his Vocational Education experience, as recounted by fellow student Ken Harvey.

In a discussion about achievement and doing one's best, Ken, with deliberate nonchalance, uttered a line that resonated deeply: "I just wanna be average." Initially dismissed by Rose as a seemingly trivial statement, Ken's words lingered, ultimately prompting Rose to reassess their significance.

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Rose posits that Ken's declaration served as a defense mechanism, a way of embracing the identity implied by the vocational track as a shield against the challenges he faced (Rereading America, 186).

The Fortuitous Shift to College Prep

Rose's narrative takes a turn when he recounts his stroke of luck—his shift to the College Prep track, where he encountered transformative figures such as Jack MacFarland, a belated beatnik intellectual-turned-educator, and Brother Clint, a no-nonsense science teacher. These educators introduced a college preparatory curriculum to students and a setting that had previously been deprived of such opportunities.

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Rose underscores how systemic issues of classism and racism often obstruct the extension of such opportunities to broader segments of the American population, perpetuating a cycle of neglect and hindrance of entire communities under the guise of demanding higher standards and accountability.

Challenges Faced by Students

Rose's essay vividly portrays the myriad challenges faced by students, ranging from familial struggles that leave them emotionally unprepared to confront life's complexities to grappling with their emerging identities in the broader American context. The narrative delves into the nuances of navigating sexuality, work, dreams, and the intricate web of possibilities that shape their perceptions of life. Rose effectively captures the essence of a South Los Angeles school, making the characters like Ken Harvey and educators like Jack MacFarland come to life.

As Rose diagnoses Ken's problem, he convincingly describes the impact of being assigned to Vocational Education, where students are labeled as "slow." The consequence, as Rose reveals, is a necessity to shut down, reject intellectual stimuli, diffuse them with sarcasm, and cultivate an appearance of stupidity. However, the essay prompts questions about potential solutions. Could smaller class sizes or dedicated teachers be the answer? The examples of Brother Clint and Jack MacFarland highlight the transformative impact educators can have, but the question of systemic change remains.

Conclusion: Toward a More Inclusive Education System

Mike Rose's reflections on education expose the intricacies of a system that often fails to nurture the diverse intellectual capacities of its students. The narrative calls for a reevaluation of educational practices, advocating for smaller classes, dedicated teachers, and an inclusive curriculum that caters to the individual needs of every student. As we navigate the complexities of education, Rose's essay encourages us to question existing norms, push for systemic changes, and strive for a more inclusive educational landscape.

Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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Mike Rose's Reflections on Education: Struggles and Possibilities. (2017, Jan 23). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/critical-response-to-i-just-wanna-be-average-essay

Mike Rose's Reflections on Education: Struggles and Possibilities essay
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