Communications Assignment

Background Information of Interview:

This report gives a brief insight about an interview conducted with a Public Relations practitioner to identify roles and responsibilities of their job. I have also found out how important is public relations for an organization to grow and what impact it can create on the society or on an individual. The interview also helped me to learn about the essential needs for a PR practitioner in the technologically advanced era where credibility, trust, frankness, openness as well as keeping one up to date to advance in the career.

I have interviewed one of our faculty members from Business of Administration at Camosun College.

It is Melissa McLean, MBA who has her own Public Relations firm known as Melissa Mclean Management Services and provides public relations services to many entrepreneurs and firms and teaches PR courses at Camosun College. She has over 19 years of professional experience in public relations. Prior to starting her own firm and a faculty in the School of Business at Camosun College she was Senior Vice President of Tourism in Victoria.

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She had been in public relations in tourism of Victoria as there was not a separate department for them at that time. She has proposed to the CEO and has started managing both the public relations as well as the marketing and communications of the Vancouver Island of Tourism. She has started this as she felt there was a necessity of formal communication with the local communities, media and also she had the passion for communications and was a very proactive member which I can understand when she teaches us in class how she tries to encourage students to communicate, engage and also take the initiative in various tasks and assignments.

It is a formal interview with Melissa regarding her profession, organization, years of experience in the field and how she finds PR as a profession.

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It has also helped me to learn about the necessity of Public Relations in a firm, Government Services or for any improvement of the society. As a young graduate it has also helped me to identify some of the key differences which are visible in today's technological advancement as well as the extensive usage of social media and other platforms. She has also given me some advices on how to relate the news and identify which is suitable for an organization and on taking the decision what impact can it create towards the society.

Public Relations as a Profession:

The information I have gained through the interview are very essential for young professionals to adapt in today's globally advanced world. It has helped me to identify some of the skill sets to develop through various resource pools, networking, learning various technologies like Data Analytics. As a public relations officer I have also learned that many organizations look for the Return on Investment and the reach of the message in the society. These can be found out by market surveys, media monitoring, social media responses and the interest it has created in the public. Any message which has been put forward by a PR team of an Organization through press release, social media, general media or company website will be extensively monitored by the senior management in what way the message has been received to the public. They will monitor whether the key message has been reached or not, whether it has any impacts towards the organization either in a positive or negative way. It also made me to learn that any PR campaign often results in either increase or decrease in the revenue of the organization.

It is also essential for young professionals to be careful while communicating to the media or press as the growth of social media has been more suspicious and the public are looking for more credibility and authenticity. Social media has redefined the relationship globally as it is wisdom of experience, dealing more with people and reactions. This I can come to know based on the Earl's Case study which I have done in my Strategic Management class as the decision of Earl's in 2016 where they have made a public statement that they are 1st to bring the certified humane beef and when they sourced it from the US. It has created ripples in many parts of Canada as the message had many impacts towards Earls business in Canada.

The key points made by Melissa are how the public relations have changed over the years and the use of more relevant and authentic information in public. It also helped me realize that how the information can be received at the end as there are many decoders in between the sender and the receiver and the effects of the message. It also made me realize that PR is not like other professions where it is 9 to 5pm job as crisis can occur at any time or at any given instance. It is more a mediator in between the Organization and the general public and the reach it can create is very essential.


From the interview I have come to know that with the advancement of social media and technology there are many challenges and complex issues in a PR career. There are many unrealistic expectations and one should be able to manage the time and manage the work as end results of work are more important for the organizations. Due to advancement in technology and new trends there is lot of scepticism involving main stream media. In most situations Organizations seek for the ability to demonstrate on an issue from the PR team.

I have also gained some knowledge on the importance of media events, press releases. It is also important to have a strategic function and communication. One must have a clear plan and strategy in implementing it. PR is like a two-sided coin one must understand both the effects it can have on an organization. Public Relations is not an immediate result-oriented approach it is a step by step process. Public Relations officers are responsible in co-ordinated all the stakeholders and the management. They must consider the Triple Action model in taking any necessary action. One must identify the power and influence of each stakeholders and must be able to engage them and manage in the decision-making process.

Public Relations increase the brand credibility in the market. It can often make changes in the way public recognize you as a firm. It can also create more awareness on social media, main stream media, magazines and newspaper which can often lead to more leads and growth for the organization. It can also create brand loyalty in the consumers mind. It can increase the online presence and further increase the sales and profits. It can help in global expansion.


I have learnt a lot from the interaction I had with Melissa during the interview session. It was a new learning experience for me. Before I started the conversation with Melissa, I had a few doubts about whether I have chosen the correct practitioner as I have no prior experience in the field of Public Relations, as I have only theoretical knowledge. During the conversation I realised many things like why she asked her CEO for an approval and took the initiative herself towards public relations. It has also helped me in identifying the key differences of working as an individual company providing PR services and working as a PR officer in a company. I have also learned the importance of ethics in public relations and how much importance it is in today's world. People are more concerned about the facts and legitimacy related to any issues. Public Relations is also more about building trust, faith and credibility. There are many opportunities to grow and it can be fulfilled by more professionalism, decision making capabilities and to have a wide range of interests.

As a young graduate I have also learned that one must take the profession more seriously and try to start at the junior level so that one can learn during the progress of his career. It is also advisable to have a mentor who can guide in the necessary situations like it can be very difficult to convince the clients or the stakeholders. Clients or Stakeholders can be impatient at times and can often look for unrealistic results so as a PR professional it is always important to have a pleasant smile and friendly atmosphere running around as challenges can be very complex and can often come in a short span of time. It is also important to have relationships with wide range of interest groups through data and research always be up to date about the geo political aspects and the government activities.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Communications Assignment. (2019, Dec 20). Retrieved from

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