Organizational Efficiency: Customer Management System Upgrade


Riordan Manufacturing is embarking on a transformative journey to improve its operational efficiency. A significant change in the management of customer information systems is on the horizon. Until now, the company has operated without a formal customer management system, leaving individual employees to manage customer data independently. However, a new era dawns as Riordan seeks to implement a unified customer management system accessible to all employees. Our team is committed to facilitating this transition, meticulously planning each step to ensure its effectiveness.

The upcoming months will witness an array of planning meetings, aimed at seamless implementation and user adoption. Our ultimate objective is to enhance the company's overall efficiency and customer service quality.

Organizational Structure and Strategy

Current Organizational Structure

Riordan Manufacturing currently operates within a traditional hierarchical organizational structure characterized by a chain of command. This structure includes supervisors, middle managers, and executive managers, each with distinct roles and responsibilities. Decision-making authority flows from the top down, while communication channels are largely vertical.

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In this setting, employees have been functioning within their respective divisions under the guidance of supervisors. While the informal power structure encourages teamwork and effective communication, it sometimes overlooks individual accomplishments, potentially leading to decreased motivation and job satisfaction.

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Decentralization, a feature of this structure, may also result in management challenges and increased interpersonal conflicts.

Optimal Organizational Structure

For Riordan Manufacturing, transitioning to a self-directed team structure represents an ideal organizational change. This shift aligns with the company's existing team-oriented work environment. Self-directed teams offer several advantages, notably in terms of employee motivation and job satisfaction. Empowering employees to take ownership of their roles within these teams can boost morale and provide a sense of purpose. Research indicates that employees with higher job satisfaction levels tend to be more engaged and committed to supporting their organization. Moreover, organizational culture plays a pivotal role in influencing employee behavior and motivation.

Riordan's current culture emphasizes values such as fairness, dedication, teamwork, performance evaluations, and benefits accommodations. These cultural elements significantly influence employee motivation, personal growth, and overall experience within the organization. Factors like career advancement opportunities, job security, excellent customer service, and satisfactory compensation contribute to shaping employee motivation and loyalty.

Challenges of Implementing Change

The implementation of organizational change, such as the introduction of a new customer management system, is a complex endeavor. Understanding the intricacies of effective change management can help mitigate resistance and improve the likelihood of success. Employees may resist change for various reasons, including a lack of awareness regarding the change, fear of stepping out of their comfort zones, uncertainty about the reasons behind the change, personal feelings toward the change, potential conflicts, and concerns about job security.

Managing resistance to change is critical for a smooth transition. Riordan Manufacturing can adopt several strategies to address and overcome this resistance:

  • 1. Effective Communication: Communicate proposed changes well in advance, providing employees with ample time to understand and adapt to them.
  • 2. Training and Support: Offer comprehensive training programs to equip employees with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the new system confidently.
  • 3. Employee Involvement: Encourage employees to share their feedback, concerns, and suggestions regarding the changes. Their input can inform and refine the implementation process.
  • 4. Identifying Root Causes: Address resistance formally by identifying its underlying causes. This can involve conducting surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gain insights into employee sentiments.
  • 5. Appointing Effective Leaders: Select leaders who can effectively communicate and address potential issues during the transition period.

Over the next 12 months, the implementation of the new customer management system will be a critical phase for Riordan Manufacturing. A well-structured plan is essential to guide the organization through this transition. This plan should provide a detailed, step-by-step roadmap for the implementation process, allowing for a gradual shift from the old system to the new. While it may take longer to implement changes incrementally, this approach minimizes disruption and allows for ongoing feedback and improvements. During the initial stages, employees may experience confusion and resistance to change. Training will play a pivotal role in preparing employees for the impending transformation. Keeping employees informed about the changes and providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge will be paramount.

It is important to anticipate that employees may initially feel overwhelmed by the new system. However, over time, as they become more accustomed to the new way of working, a more accurate evaluation of the implementation's success can be made. Monitoring customer satisfaction will serve as an effective barometer of the system's efficacy. Since the primary purpose of any business is to serve its customers, training employees on the appropriate customer interactions and service expectations will be a central goal for Riordan Manufacturing. This effort will underscore the company's commitment to improving the customer experience.

Communication Plan

Riordan Manufacturing's communication plan for the implementation of the new customer management system is designed to ensure that all stakeholders are well-informed and engaged throughout the process. The plan consists of several key components:

1. Formal Email Communication

A formal email will be sent to all department managers responsible for specific sectors within the organization. This initial communication will serve as a notification about the forthcoming Change Management Plan. It will provide managers with essential information in a timely manner, allowing them to prepare for subsequent steps in the process.

2. Sector-Specific Face-to-Face Meetings

Following the formal email communication, department managers will conduct face-to-face meetings with their respective sector employees. These meetings are intended to facilitate direct, in-person communication about the Change Management Plan. They offer employees the opportunity to express concerns, seek clarification, and ask questions in a personalized setting. This interpersonal channel ensures that employees receive information in a more human and relatable manner.

Addressing Communication Apprehension

While face-to-face meetings provide a valuable means of communication, it is important to acknowledge potential barriers, such as communication apprehension. Some individuals may experience anxiety or nervousness when communicating with others. To overcome this barrier, managers conducting the meetings should prioritize effective and empathetic communication. Encouraging open dialogue and active listening can help create a supportive environment in which employees feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns.

Additionally, managers are encouraged to provide opportunities for employees to provide feedback during these meetings. This feedback will serve as a valuable source of insights into employee reactions, questions, and suggestions. It will allow the organization to address concerns promptly and make necessary adjustments to the implementation plan.


In conclusion, the success of organizational change, such as the implementation of Riordan Manufacturing's new customer management system, hinges on effective communication and meticulous planning. Employees must feel that their voices are heard and that their concerns are taken seriously. Providing channels for feedback and addressing resistance are essential elements of a successful change management strategy. Riordan Manufacturing has taken proactive steps to ensure that this transition is well-executed, and its employees are well-prepared for the upcoming changes. By fostering a culture of openness, engagement, and continuous improvement, the company is poised to enhance its efficiency and deliver exceptional customer service.

Updated: Nov 13, 2023
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Organizational Efficiency: Customer Management System Upgrade. (2016, Mar 25). Retrieved from

Organizational Efficiency: Customer Management System Upgrade essay
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