Customer service Tesco's customer expectations

An accurate description of the basic characteristics of the different customers and their needs and an explanation of what is meant by customer service in the context of my chosen organisation

Customer service is the degree of assistance and courtesy granted those who patronize an organisation. Customer service describes the extent to which Tesco satisfy their customers. All Tesco customers have their own individual needs. Each individual customer likes to be provided with different services to make them self feel more comfortable.

Tesco core purpose is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty. Tesco believe its success depends on people, the people that shop with them and people that work with them. If Tesco customers like what Tesco offer, they are more likely to go back and shop with Tesco again and if the team find what Tesco do rewarding, they are more likely to go extra mile to help Tesco's customers.

Tesco regularly ask its customers and staff what they can do to make shopping and working with Tesco a little bit better.

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Tesco customers have told them they want clear aisles in order to get what they want at a good price, no queues and great staff. Tesco use its every little helps shopping trip for customers every day in order to ensure they are always working hard to make Tesco a better place to shop, at home and abroad. Tesco staff have told Tesco that it is important to them to be treated with respect, having managers that helps them, having interesting job and an opportunity to get on.

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Tesco helping to achieve what is important to its staff will help Tesco to deliver every little helps shopping trip for its customers.

Tesco aim is to attract as many customers as possible and keep exisiting customers. If Tesco manage to achieve these aim, it will maintain or increase its turnover and make the profits it requires. A good customer service is one of the main ways for Tesco to succeed. The first step Tesco must take is to provide good quality product because if the products on sale are not of sufficiently high quality, customers will stop buying after some time. Before Tesco decide on what service to provide, Tesco must understand clearly its customers' expectations. Tesco recognised the need to provide staff training and set up systems to ensure customers' expectactions are met.

Tesco's customer expectations

1. Good value products: if Tesco do not offer good value products, it will lose customers. Tesco like to keep a close watch on prices charged by rivals in order to make sure that their own prices are competitive.

2. Clear and honest information: Tesco's customers like to know the prices that they are expected to pay. They also want to know about any extra costs. Having hidden charges is not a good customer service for Tesco.

3. Efficient ordering systems: good quality customer service means that Tesco customers want to receive products soon after ordering them. Example of this is Tesco using order tracking systems on their websites. This will tell customers when the products they have ordered will be despatched.

4. After-sales-services: this include products such refrigerators, televisions breaking down. After sales services include repairs and replacement of faulty products. Tesco's customers expect such repairs to be carried out quickly and efficiently and faulty products to be replaced without delay.

5. Dealing quickly with inquiries: Tesco should always reply promptly to complaints about poor service or low quality products. Tesco's customers expect to be given telephone numbers and addresses where they can contact customer service when necessary or direct them to the customer service desk.

Good customer service means keeping customers happy. Tesco may offer competitive prices, have helpful and friendly staff and respond quickly to customer complaints. Offering good customer service also helps Tesco to be competitive. Terry Leahy the chief executive of Tesco said that good customer service helps Tesco to compete successfully with other supermarkets.

An explanation using appropriate examples, of how the organisation uses customer service to meet customer needs. Including the strategic objectives of the organisation

Tesco customer service involves identifying and meeting customers needs in the most effective way. Effective customer service is very important to Tesco and it will help Tesco to meet its aims and objectives. Tesco will use effective customer service to attract new customers and retain existing customers. Tesco aim to achieve continuous improvements in its customer service so that they can gain competitive advantage. Tesco's customer service offers a wide range of services to its customers, this include providing information, giving advice, providing assistance, after sales services and service for disabled customers.

Tesco provides different information to its customers. For example Tesco's website contains information about Tesco's history, Tesco careers, Tesco financial information, how to shop online and so on. Tesco offer a wide range of advices to new and existing customers for example Tesco staff can help customers to choose a product. Tesco can help its customers in different ways; example of this is helping disabled people with their shopping. Tesco's after sales services include handling and dealing with customer's complaint. Tesco aim to provide high level of service to its customers. Tesco is always willing to hear from customers that are not satisfy, this matters can be shared with staff members face to face, by letter or by telephone.

This year Tesco is sponsoring the 2006 Tommy's Angel Award. This award will be presented to individual that deserves special rocongition for helping someone through a difficult pregnancy or a parenting promblem of any kind. The winner will be presented with a prize at the star studded Tommy's parent frendly awards ceremony held at an exclusive London venue. Tesco has been voted Tommy's most parent friendly supermarket for the third year running. Tesco knows how important it is to make shopping with a child as easy as possible, that's why Tesco work really hard to offer its customers with the following parent friendly services.

1. Toiletries: Tesco offer a range of toddler wipes and toiletries which enable toddlers to start learning to do every day tasks themselves.

2. Parent and child parking: which is dedicated parent and child parking spaces, where possible located near the store for easier and safer access.

3. Trolleys: Tesco provides trolleys that carry car seats so that baby can stay in its carrier whilst the parent shop. Tesco also supply trolley wips to ensure the trolley is clean and hygienic.

4. Instore caf�: many of Tesco larger stores have caf�'s with healthier options available for children, these include sandwiches, fruit, jacket potatoes. Tesco also offer toddler cutlery, high chairs, bottle and food warming services.

5. Bag packing: Tesco provides customer assistants to help pack the parent's shopping bags.

6. Queues: Tesco aim to open another till until all the checkouts are open is there's more than one person in front of parents.

7. Umbrellas: Tesco provides umbrellas for customers to take out to their car if it's raining.

8. Help: Tesco helps to take shoppings to the customer's car if the customer can't take it themselves.

9. Assisted shopping: Tesco helps customers with their shopping if they need a hand.

10. Baby clothing: Tesco offer an extensive range of exceptional quality, 100% cotton clothing which is machine washable and tumble dryable.

11. Baby changing rooms: many of Tesco's larger stores have baby changing rooms and also provides free nappies.

12. Pharmacy: Tesco provides expert advise from its pharmacists, dispensing service, time saving repeat prescription service, full range of over the counter medicines, consulting rooms if customers need privacy.

13. Petrol at customer's convenience: provides new pay at pump option, so customers don't have to leave their baby alone in the car when they go to the till, offer competitive fuel prices in customer's area, earn clubcard points on all petrol and automotive products.

14. Kids club: provide kids club for free for children between 5-8 years old, keep them entertained with fun and games in the clubzone magazine, plus exclusive offers, coupons and advice for busy parents.

15. Baby and Toddler club: Tesco baby and toddler club is a series of 10 segmented magazines which track baby's lifestage, from pregnancy through to five years old. Tesco provide expert advice, top tips and money off coupons.

If a customer was using a trolley and it broke down and would cause risk to the customer, depending on the physical status of the customer, he or she would want to be treated differently. If a customer had an illness or some sort of medical problem they would want to be treated in a way that they would be most comfortable. All Tesco customers would want their information to be kept private and safe so that when they buy products with debit or credit cards, their information will not be given out so Tesco have a database protection act where any customers information cannot be viewed by anyone that hasn't got authority.

Tesco have to provide staff who can meet targets of different customer service. If a customer is looking for Tesco manager they would expect to be referred to the person correctly including where and when the person can be found. Some of Tesco customers may not understand English and will find it hard to understand what the staff says so it is the responsibility of Tesco to provide different staff with different languages. Tesco can also provide signs and maps in different languages so that it will be easy for the customers to understand. If a staff does not speak the language that a customer understand, the customer should be refer to another staff that can speak the same language as the customer. Tesco have different customers with different needs.

For example disabled people should be helped with their shopping, a blind person alone should be escorted around with a member of staff or Tesco can have sign that are brailed so that this will make it easy for blind customers. Customer service includes a variety of tasks but the crucial importance is for Tesco to keep its existing customers and gain new ones. All forms of customer service require communication between the provider of goods or services and the customer or potential customer. All Tesco member of staff dealing with customers must have specific skills and understand the importance of a number of aspects of the front line activity which includes: customer behaviour, modes of communication, interpersonal skills, telephone manner, technological skills and product knowledge.

Customer behaviour: when dealing with customers, it is important to realise that different people react differently and that a customer's response is frequently a direct result of the attitude and behaviour of the person they are dealing with. This includes not only appreciating the reasons for an individual customer's behaviour on a particular occasion, but understanding the reactions of people in situations which are often quite stressful, as when seeking information that is difficult to obtain, asking for assistance or making a complaint.

Modes of communication: many different modes of communication may be used in customer service which includes; written, verbal, non-verbal, face-to-face that is body language.

Written communication: can be by letter, fax or e-mail. It should always be remembered that letters written to customers on behalf of Tesco are formal and all the rules of formal letter writing must apply. The customer's name and address must be correct and the contents of the letter should be clearly laid out, brief and concise. If the letter is in response to a communication by the customer, care should be taken that it deals with matters raised by the customer. While faxes and e-mail need not be quite so formal in format, they must still be well written, give all the correct information and be properly laid out.

Verbal communication: can be face to face or on the telephone. While politeness and courtesy are always important when talking to a customer, when the conversation actually takes place face to face, appearance and dress also become important.

Non-verbal face-to-face communication: can convey more than is intended. Actions communicate our attitude to others and are certain to bring about certain responses.

Communication via the internet: is used more and more frequently and the same rules of attention, patience and helpfulness should apply.

Interpersonal skills: is the verbal and body language skills needed for good communication between people.

Appearance: is important in all face-to-face situations, so Tesco lay down ground rules on how its employees should dress by giving them uniforms. One of the basic aims when talking to customers is to put them at ease. This will only happen if the number of staff willing to listen to them, does not interrupt and shows polite interest in what they are saying. The right attitude to the customer has the added advantage of making it more likely that he or she will not feel slighted or threatened, thus making it easier to deal with the matter in hand.

Telephone manner: people use the telephone so often that many assume that anyone can talk effectively on the telephone. However in telephone conversations, it is important to learn the principles of pitch, projection, energy, volume, articulation.

Pitch: nobody wants to listen to a screeching voice on the other end of the line.

Projection: the voice should carry sufficiently to be easily heard.

Energy: the speaker should ensure that he or she comes over as confident and fully in control.

Volume: should not be so loud that it deafens the listener or so low that the listener has to strain to hear what is being said.

Articulation: each word should be clearly pronounced, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding.

These telephone skills have to be learned and wise employers provide training for employees, either inhouse or from their supervisors.

Technological skills: staff working in customer services need to be trained in IT to be able to retrieve information, refer to records, handle customer accounts and personal files, set up and use customer databases and obtain feedback from internet/intranet websites.

Product knowledge: staff in the front line of customer services must have a good knowledge of the goods or services provided by the business. Failure to do so will result in customers losing confidence in the produts offered. The above skills are equally important for all organisations, whatever their size, it is of course, easier for a large company to train its employees than it is for a small business.

Customer charters: tesco have its own codes of practice which set out in detail the customer services that they aim to provide. On the basis of such codes of practice, Tesco create customer charters. These contain information about customer rights and the services offered. While customer rights are statutory, in other words laid down in various acts of parliament, it is the additional extras that are likely to interest customers and persuade people to buy from the company. Customer charters are only worth having if the promises they contain are kept. For example; Tesco promises to open another checkout if there is more than one person waiting at those that are open, this promise was adhered to all Tesco stores visited. Tesco promises to provide quality customer service at all times but fails to open enough checkouts at peak times thus increasing waiting time at the tills.

A concise and accurate account of how the organisation had incorporated consumer protection into its customer service policy.

Tesco is aware of the importance of good customer care. In order to ensure that Tesco know precisely what its responsibilities are towards its customers, legislation is necessary. All transactions between Tesco and the buyer are contracts with both sides having clearly defined responsibilities. The responsibility of the buyer is to pay for the goods purchased while the responsibility of Tesco is much more complex. Consumer protection looks after consumers in a number of ways. It prevents:

> Tesco from charging very high prices or very high rates of interest

> Dishonest practices, such as selling measures other than those stated on the label

> The sale of unsafe products, such as children's toys with sharp edges

> Information about consumers being passed to other businesses without the consumers' permission.

Consumer protection legislation

These are the main Acts of Parliament dealing with consumer protection:

1. Sale of Goods Act 1979: under this act products sold must be undamaged and in good working order. They should do what is expected of them and perform as described and be of satisfactory quality. If consumers discover that products do not meet these requirements they can reject them and ask for their money back providing they do so quickly, alternatively they can request for repair or replacement or claim compensation.

The act covers fundamental requirements of purchasers which means that goods must be as described - this means that goods must conform to their description, be of satisfactory quality - in relation to the price paid, the description and the age of the item, must fit for the purpose for which they are intended - goods must carry out the purpose they are made for. Goods must be fit for any specific purpose, which the buyer has made clear to the seller at the time of the sale. If the goods are not of satisfactory quality the courts would take into consideration various factors such as whether goods were free from minor defects, satisfactory in appearance and finish, safe, durable and as described. Tesco customers are entitled to refund of unsatisfactory goods within a reasonable time after purchase. Tesco customers do not have to accept a credit note.

2. Supply of Goods Acts 1973: this acts deals with the responsibilities of the seller in relation to hire-purchase contracts. Anyone buying goods on hire purchase has the same protection under the law as a person who buys the goods outright. The supplier must ensure that he or she has legal title to the goods, the description of the goods is accurate and not misleading, the quality of the goods is of reasonable standard, if selling by sample, the sample is representative of the rest of the consignment. The buyer who enters into a hire purchase agreement is in a stronger position than one who pays for the goods outright. When buying on hire purchase, it is still possible to reject the goods after accepting them, whereas in transactions in which the full price has been paid, once the goods are accepted they cannot be rejected.

3. Data Protection Act 1984: this act protects the confidentiality of information stored in computers. As more and more organisations now hold personal information in their databases, it has become necessary for the government to regulate the ways in which such information should be stored and used. The act requires anyone an individual or an organisation holding personal data on computer to register with the Data Protection Registrar. It also requires that data must be acquired legally, data must only be used for the purpose for which it is held, data must not be disclosed to others unless this is necessary for the purpose for which it is held, data must be accurate and up to date, people whose data is held must be allowed access to any information about them, any incorrect information must be corrected, every data holder must make proper security arrangements to ensure that no unauthorised person gains access to the data. This means that computer users must not give unauthorised printouts of data to anyone and must ensure print outs are not left lying about. Passwords and Ids should be kept confidential and not disclosed to anyone.

4. Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982: this act requires traders to provide services to a proper standard of workmanship. If a definite completion date or price has not been fixed then the work must be completed within a reasonable time and for a reasonable price and any material used or goods supplied in providing the service must be of satisfactory quality. The law treats failure to meet these obligations, as breach of contract and consumers would be entitled to seek redress if necessary through civil courts. The act protects buyers against shoddy workmanship, delays and exorbitant charges. The act states that all services should be carried out for a reasonable charge, within a reasonable time, with reasonable care and skill and using satisfactory materials.

5. Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994: this act is important for its substitution of the term satisfactory quality for the previously used phrases merchantable quality and fit for purpose. Goods purchased from trader whether new or second hand must be of satisfactory quality. This means that it should be safe, durable and have acceptable appearance taking into account its price, nature any description that apply to it and any other relevant circumstances.

A thorough explanation of the techniques used by Tesco to monitor and improve customer service.

Customer service is important to Tesco. I have already looked in details at the laws that must be obeyed by Tesco and at the legal rights of customers. All the rules and regulations are the theory but what Tesco actually do to look after their customers is the practice. Am going to examine the ways in which Tesco establish, monitor and constantly try to improve customer service. A huge organisation like Tesco can provide a wide range of customer services and has at its disposal the financial and technological means to try and establish its edge over others. Tesco now recognise the importance of customer service. Tesco is so large that it could not operate without communication systems in place. There must be means of contact between separate departments and between the employees in each department.

It is vital that customers are able to reach the correct department and then the person with whom they need to deal. There is always danger that decisions have to be referred through several channels, making for delays and failure of one part of the system can easily lead to customer dissatisfaction in Tesco. The personal touch approach is difficult if not impossible to achieve. Tesco like many other organisations now ensures that its telephone operators, the first link with customers identify themselves by name when answering the phone.

This has the two-fold aim of creating a more informal atmosphere during any conversation and giving the caller a name, which he or she can then refer to or ask for again. Tesco have its own codes of practice to provide a benchmark against which the efficiency of their customer care can be monitored, measured and make any necessary improvements. Code of practice is not legally binding but Tesco usually guarantees that the contents of the code will always be adhered to. If a customer can show that the theory of the code of practice is not being translated into practice, he or she has very strong grounds for complaint. Tesco also have specific customer service policy, which includes detailed information on how staff must treat customers in a variety of situations. The nature of Tesco's business dictates how the general principles of customer care should be implemented. The customer policy is a follow up of Tesco's mission statement.

Suggestions of how Tesco might improve its customer service.

In order for Tesco to assess its existing standard of customer service and be able to introduce improvements, Tesco needs to know what its customers need and want and how these needs and wants can be satisfied. Tesco can use different techniques these are: customer questionnaires, interviews, user panel discussions, management information analysis, internet websites, telephone surveys, suggestion schemes and mystery shoppers.

Customer questionnaires can be very useful in providing information on customer expectations, reasons for choice of provider, and negative as well as positive views about Tesco. Tesco can organise such surveys itself or use a market research firm to carry out the research.

Interviews especially personal interviews with customers can often provide an insight that may be lacking in a questionnaire response. Tesco can ask its frontline staff for their views on services provided and their experience of customer reactions.

User panel discussions also provide valuable information but are quite difficult to set up and are also expensive. If a user panel is successfully selected to include a representative cross-section of customers, the results can give the business organisation a good indication of what the customers want and need.

Management information analysis is now much easier to carry out, as the information from every area of Tesco's activities is usually stored on computer. Computerised information is only as good as the input, however to be effective, management information analysis must be based on correct input and reliable methods of analysis must be applied.

Internet website are now in general use and valuable feedback can be obtained from websites. Tesco can use Internet to monitor its customer's service and receive feedback from customers through Tesco's website.

Telephone surveys can be carried out in one of two ways.

1. calls can be made using an existing customer database, to tell customers about new additional services and or invite their opinions on services already provided.

2. the second method invites customers to phone in themselves and provides a free phone number on which to call.

Tesco, inviting customers to suggest ways in which services could be improved, runs suggestion schemes. This might be a question of opening hours, store layout or information provided or specific facilities such as access for the disabled or mother and baby rooms. This sort of customer feedback can be very useful for Tesco.

Tesco employs mystery shoppers. These shoppers visit the stores to ascertain the standard of customer care. Their activities might include playing the part of a difficult customer or lodging a complicated complaint.

All these are only valuable if the findings obtained are analysed and practical conclusions drawn which can then be incorporated in Tesco's customer policy. Tesco holds regular meetings with customer panels to discover what its shoppers do and don't like. To improve customer service training is vital. The type, duration and frequency of training must be decided once the needs are identified. In customer service as in other areas of Tesco, it is relatively easy to pinpoint shortcomings and to resolve and overcome them. It is much more difficult to implement the changes. It should be remembered that the process of improving customer services is an ongoing one and therefore constant monitoring is necessary. If found that a particular technique does not bring the expected result, it often becomes necessary to revise and perhaps change the methods used.

An independent approach to assembling and analysing information about Tesco.

The most recent approach to customer service is to stress the role played by all employees in enusring that customers are satisfied. Every member of staff is expected to provide customer service to an equally high standard. Staff are all trained in customer service and given the opportunity to gain qualifications in this aspect of the job. In Tesco, a high standard of customer service is a way of gaining a competitive advantage. Tesco has acknowledged that one way that it competes with other supermarkets is by offering higher standards of customer service. High quality customer service offers Tesco a number of advantages which includes; immediate benefits and longer term benefits. The immediate benefits are: Tesco will win new customers, gives customers information about Tesco's products, helps Tesco to keep market share while the longer term benefits are: improves corporate image of Tesco, may win a business increased market share, Tesco keeps existing customers and Tesco enjoys rising sales and profits. Below is a sample of role play that Tesco can use to approach customer service.

Customer service assistant: hello, how can I help you?

Customer: hello, sorry for disturbing you. I bought this play station 2 game five weeks ago, when I got home I then realise that the disc it's not working but because I travelled I've not been able to return it on time so I'll like to change it for a new one or a refund please.

Customer service assistant: am sorry to hear that but unfortunately our policy is that customers only have 28 days to return purchase and you have missed the 28 days policy.

Customer: the only reason I didn't return it on time is because I travelled and I still have my receipt with me so it'll not be fair if you don't change it for me.

Customer service assistant: am very sorry sir but I've to follow the company's policy.

Customer: so what do you expect me to do with a disc that's empty, it doesn't even show anything on it and you are telling me that because of your policy I should have missed my holiday.

Customer service assistant: I didn't say you should have missed your holiday but you should have return the disc on time in order for you to get it exchange or refund.

Customer: so what's going to happen because you can't expect me to pay for nothing.

Customer service assistant: there's only one thing I can do to help you and that is to talk to my manager.

Customer: oh please do that as long as I get the disc exchange or a refund.

Customer service assistant: ok my manager just told me that I can exchange it for you this time but I can't refund your money.

Customer: that's alright, no problem.

Customer service assistant: this is your new play station 2 game and I hope this one will work.

Customer: I hope so too. Thank you very much. Bye

Customer service assistant: bye

From this role play, Tesco will be able to know how employees deal with difficult situations with customers, type of train they need, if they need improvement and how the improvement will be done.

A logical analysis of the effectiveness of customer service in the organisation using examples of good pratice.

The main objective of customer service is customer satisfaction. Tesco can measure customer satisfaction by using questionnaires completed by customers. A satisfied customer does not mean someone who has no complaint but someone who is genuinely happy with the service, product and the whole experience of dealing with Tesco. There is then a feel good relationship established with the customer. It is then up to Tesco to develop the relationship into profit by using the techniques of customer relationship management.

The overall effectiveness of Tesco customer services are; the staff contribution, the premises, the quality of products.

> Staff contribution: the contribution made to customer service by staff can make or break Tesco. Some of these aspects may seem obvious, but it is when they are not present that the problems start, this can include:

* General appearance: staffs' tidiness and personal cleanliness and hygiene are important, a staff wearing uniform can help to give a good impression but a strong dose of garlic or unwashed socks can do a lot of harm to customer relations.

* Mood and expression: a smile can make such a difference

* Attitude: helpfulness can give a customer confidence.

* Product knowledge: staff ignorance and uncertainty put the customer off, if a staff member does not know the answer to a question, he/she should be able to find someone who does.

Teamwork is an essential element of the effective functioning of any workforce. It relates to all funtions of Tesco not just customer service. Teamwork is currently a popular method of management. It encourages a democratic approach. Through this, individual team members learn to take responsibility for what is going on and are motivated by success. Tesco encourage this approach to customer service by grouping its sales staff into customer service teams and holding team meetings to discuss customer problems, complaints procedures, shoplifting and new product campaigns. Customers can soon sense when teamwork is breaking down for example when staff members do not take responsibility for errors or problems and blame others. Effective staff training is another essential element in providing a high level of customer service.

> The premises: the layout and organisation of premises of Tesco are important factors in welcoming customers and putting them at ease. Issues to consider when assessing the premises of Tesco include:

* Is the layout and the product areas well signed

* Is it tidy or are there boxes lying around, blocking customer access

* Are the aisles wide enough

* Are special offers prominently placed at the end of the display stands

* Are the display stands well stocked

* If the customer needs a trolley, are they readily available and is the car park easily accessible.

> The quality of product: the quality of product is of prime importance. An easily overlooked feature of customer service is the product itself. Returning to shop again in Tesco or providing value for money is the product of high quality. It all depends on what the customer expects. Tesco pride itself on high levels of quality. The objective of Tesco is to provide value for money.

An appraisal of the techniques used in Tesco for monitoring and improving customer service with built in quality measures

An Appraisal of the techniques used in Tesco for monitoring and improving Customer Service with in-built quality measures. Tesco is a huge organisation and they know that the secret to being successful and reliable is to provide good Customer Service. Tesco monitor the customer service progression through Benchmarking, training and development, ISO 9000, quality circle, total quality management and quality assurance.

Benchmarking is a used by many organisations and is helped to show the performance of Customer service with other supermarket outlets. If Tesco is to improve it must be able to set standards and monitor its progress. The motivation for continuous improvement by Tesco and its workforce must often be the recognition that they are not the best. If Tesco's competitors are doing better so can Tesco. Benchmarking involves number of stages:

1. To decide what in Tesco needs benchmarking e.g. production time, delivery time or after sales

2. To choose another business for standards of excellence to benchmark against

3. Gathering information about the standards of excellence

4. Setting standards and making sure everyone in Tesco knows about them

Benchmarking is a very simple concept and gives Tesco a target to aim at. Almost anything can be benchmarked such as:

* Personnel, which are the number of, staff Tesco used to sell product, their qualifications, the amount and type of training, number of supervisors.

* Use of IT which include type and quality of the sales database and type of equipment

Products Tesco offered which include added value, features it have as standard, options available, and competitors' products.

Training and development is a crucial part of the implementation of any quality programme. The type and requirements of the training will depend on:

1. Current performance/success of Tesco

2. Current and planned quality system

3. Level of management

4. Tesco organisation structure

All techniques designed to improve quality standards depend entirely on Tesco workers. If Tesco is to be truly quality focused it depends on everybody being involved. When the whole workforce is to be involved and effective then everybody needs to be properly trained.

ISO 9000 (International Organisation for Standardisation) covers supply of goods, quality control, training, internal documentation, after sales service, procedures for dealing with faults and management of the system. All these ensure that finished product will be of a standard that will meet customer requirement. The certification process is very demanding. The benefits of IS0 9000 for Tesco include marketing necessity, saving in costs, fewer complaints, fewer problems and reduction of waste in internal processes. For Tesco to get the certificate they must document all its procedures and carry them out precisely as they are specified. There are three sections covering every aspect of Tesco operations, including product design and development, purchasing, manufacture, installation, inspection and testing, maintenance, storage, marketing, sales and distribution, packaging and waste disposal. Tesco needs to write:

1. Quality policy

2. Quality manual

3. Procedures and work instructions

4. Set up system to record and deal with all quality failures and customer complaints, including putting in place measures to stop them occurring again.

5. Name a quality manager who will have responsibility for managing the quality system and carrying out internal quality audits.

Tesco would benefit from ISO 9000 accreditation particularly if they have ambitions to become suppliers to national or international companies.

Quality circle is a way Tesco workers meet to examine workplace issues as quality, productivity and wastage. For Tesco team working to be successful, it relies on competent responsible workforces who want to improve quality. Their ideas for improvement can be discussed at regular meetings. The workers meet voluntarily at frequent and regular intervals to discuss problems encountered in their work with a view to discovering solutions. Problems they studied may relate to safety, productivity, cost reduction, improving the working environment as well as quality. For quality circles to be effective Tesco needs a well-educated and trained workforce capable of receiving, analysing and solving problems. The most effective quality circles have these features:

* The group consists of between 5 and 10 people and all members have special training in quality control techniques, decision-making and problem solving.

* Membership is voluntary and people can choose their own issues/problems to examine

* The members are all involved in the same kind of work, which increases the range of experience and knowledge

* The group has access to management and can make suggestions and recommendations.

Quality circles are most appropriate in Tesco because there is participative, consultative management style, workers views are recognised as a valuable asset. Quality circles require trust from both Tesco management and workers. Tesco staffs need to be empowered or given responsibility to make decisions and create solutions, this comes with adequate training.

Total quality management is a way Tesco manage to improve effectiveness, flexibility and competitiveness of business as a whole. Tesco effectiveness of total quality management depends on total team working. Tesco essentials of total quality management approach is that workers on production processes have personal responsibility for passing on to following operations only products of perfect quality. Total quality management and team working can result in high levels of motivation and involvement, leading to better quality standards, lower levels of waste and generally higher productivity. The basic principles of Total Quality Management Tesco have to put in mind are:

1. Put the customer first by

* Making sure all customers, both internal and external are properly looked after and have their problems solved

* Having systems in place to provide effective customer care and service

* Anticipating and fulfilling their needs

* Exceeding their expectations, by using market research to find out what they want

* Being responsive and listening to their views so that complaints are welcomed and seen as an opportunity for positive change and improvement

* Making sure all service standards are met.

2. Make continuous improvements by

* Reducing costs

* Reducing waste

* Better ordering procedures

* Better delivery systems.

Quality assurance make sure that quality standard is maintained throughout all areas of Tesco. It is concern with preventing faults from happening in the first place by aiming at producing at producing zero defects. Quality assurance is by contrast, an organisation wide approach that places responsibilities for quality on the whole workforce particularly the front line operators who actually make the product.

Tesco quality assurance for foods is seen as a priority for their customers.

An evaluation of the provision of customer service in my chosen organisation and how the customer service is monitored

Good customer service is vital for any business to success. Customer service is a set of behaviour which Tesco undertake during its interaction with customers. A good customer service is improtant for Tesco because it will allow Tesco to increase sales and market share. Providing good customer service will enable customers to shop again at Tesco because the customers will feel respected and value. Tesco's policy is to offer value for money, good customer service, pleasant shopping experience and good qualities. Customer service includes different tasks but it is important for Tesco to keep its existing customers and gain new customers. Good customer service within Tesco require communication between provider of goods and customers.

Tesco aim to provide all its customers with the best quality and good value for money when shopping. Having a store at every corner, Tesco provides all its shoppers with the benefit of very high quality products all at low prices.

Tesco have a market share of 30.5% which is currently the highest supermarket market share in the UK so I'll say Tesco has meet its aims and objectives by improving customer service and providing cheap products at good quality. Tesco customers believe that Tesco have a wide range of products.

Realistic and thorough recommendations on how my chosen organisation could improve its quality systems to help meet customer quality expectations, with an explanation of the changes the recommendation would bring about.

The story of Tesco began in 1919 when Jack Cohen sold groceries from a stall in the East End of London. Tesco name came into use in 1920's when Jack and his partner took TES from TE Stockwell and CO from Cohen to coin what is now a household name. Having close to 600 stores, Tesco is now the largest food retailer in the UnitedKingdom holding an estimated 15% share of the total market. Tesco's success is based on the principles of innovation, high standards of customer service and a firm policy of listening to its customers and acting on what customers say.

I have designed a questionnaire to evaluate if Tesco has improved its products and customer services.

Please tick the relevant box.

1. What gender are you?



2. Where do you normally do your shopping?

Tesco Sainsbury Asda Other

3. How would you range the customer services of other supermarket?

Good Bad

4. Do they offer wider range of products?

Yes No Don't know

5. Do you like shopping at Tesco?

Yes No

6. How would you range the attitude of staff at Tesco?

Poor Good Excellent

7. Do you think the staff have enough knowledge of products?

Yes No Don't know

8. Do you think the staff are friendly enough?

Yes No

9. Do you think Tesco offer good products quality?

Yes No

10. Is Tesco layout good enough?

Yes No

11. Would you recommend Tesco to any one?

Yes No

Below are the results of the questionnaires I handed out to customers.

This is the result of where different people shop.The chart shows that 12 out of 30 people shop at Tesco, 5 out 30 shop at Sainsbury, 7 out of 30 shop at Asda and 6 out of 30 shop at other supermarket.

The chart below shows that 3 out of 30 people think that Tesco's staff attitude are poor, 27 think the staff attitude is good while 10 think that staff attitude are excellent. Which means that Tesco staff have a good attitude to customers. In order for Tesco to keep to this, Tesco need to continuely motivates its staff to work efficiently.

The chart below indicates that Tesco's customers have good product knowledge.

The chart below shows that customers are happy with Tesco's product quality.

Majority of Tesco's customers believe that Tesco's layout is good enough

Majority of Tesco's customer will recommend customer to other people.

After conducting my research about Tesco I've now decided to write a report to the board of directors outlining the research I have done into customer service strategies employed by Tesco and making suggestions for improving the customer service.

To the Board of Directors of Tesco.

I have been conducting research about your company's customer service and I found out that you are currently the top leading growth supermarket in the UK which indicate that your customer service is properly the best in the UK supermarket. Above the page are the results of questionnaires that I handed out to get your customers opinion about your company and I was impressed to know that most of your customers like the way your staffs treat them and also have enough knowledge of products. If you continue to keep to this, then I believe you will continue to meet your aims and objectives and also continue to increase your market share.

I'll recommend that you keep to providing goods and services at high standard always, ensure accurate procedures for dealing with enquiries and always give information that is accurate and precise, ensure your company only promise what can be delivered. I believe that if you keep to this, you will not loose customers. From my own point of view if you continue to provide good quality of products to your customers, you will make more profit because customers are always willing to buy good quality at a value price. I also believe that your managers should continue to encourage staff to provide good customer service. Having bad relationship with managers can cause poor customer service. Managers should always make sure they have very good relationship with all employees in order to improve customer services. Good customer service is essential in order to meet customers' needs and make profit.

Updated: Apr 12, 2021
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Customer service Tesco's customer expectations. (2017, Oct 10). Retrieved from

Customer service Tesco's customer expectations essay
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