Challenges in Conducting a Good Research

Categories: ResearchScienceTheory

The theoretical foundations are the heart for conducting research in a given area. It is the framework on which the whole research project is based. It is a rationally described, elaborated and developed network of relationships among the variables considered important to the problem situation and identified through such process as literature survey, interview and observations. An effective theoretical foundation identifies and define the relevant variables in a situation that are necessary to the problem defined. Similarly, the building blocks of conducting a good research are the existing facts, theories and hypothesis concerning the topic of study.

They serve as a guide to the representation of existing information about the problem, thus supporting and motivating the research in regard to the topic. A good example of the building blocks of a research is the literature review, which provides information about what has been put out about the problem (Taber, 2012).

Challenges To Conducting A Good Research

Looking for study participants. Finding the participants of the research is usually difficult because a researcher has to define the target participants before he or she goes to the find.

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In most cases such participants are usually hidden, making it hard to find them. Nevertheless, the best way to solve this challenge is through networking. Networking through methods such as snowball technique eliminates this challenge (Webster & Tuckman,2000). A research can also work with other established researcher in the field for networking

Dealing with collected data. When the study is completed, the researcher is faced with the challenge of having a large volume of data, which he or she has to link it with the present research.

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He or she has to show how his or her research contributes to the body of knowledge. Large data are hard to analyze. But, it can be solved by referring to the methodology used in the study. He or she can also stay focused so as not to be distracted by insignificant data.


Taber, K. (2012). Conducting research in educational contexts. Teacher Development, 395-397.

Webster, P., & Tuckman, B. (2000). Conducting Educational Research. Journal of Research in Music Education, 271-271.

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Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Challenges in Conducting a Good Research essay
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