What makes a good movie good?

Categories: Film

I admire movies and cannot live without them. Some movies taught me important principles in my life, some created memories that will never get erased and some made me laugh so hard till I cried; that is why I love movies. However, there are several movies that I watched, but I do not remember their story at all. For a movie to affect me and stay in my memory, it should include three important factors: good actors, a good director and an attractive story.

To begin with, actors make the greatest effect on a movie’s popularity.

Some star actors are trusted that they will never make a pointless movie. For example, I believe that Leonardo Dicaprio and Angelina Jolie will always make excellent effective movies. In addition, most of the audience enter movies if they know their favorite actor is starring. For instance, I know several people who watched “Chef” just because they saw Robert Downy Jr on the poster.

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They were shocked to discover that he performed in one scene only. Moreover, it is said that if a movie is produced with no star actors, its failure is almost guaranteed. Nowadays, all movies include at least one star. To sum it up, star actors highly affect the movie as they attract their fans to the movie.

Another factor that contributes to a good movie is its director. Indeed, with a good director, actors perform optimally. Also, a movie will not leave the audience satisfied, if it is not directed well.

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In fact, without James Cameron, “Titanic” would not be that successful, he immersed the audience in the movies mood, and made them fully engage in it with all their emotions and senses. Similarly, Hollywood will never forget “ The Master of Suspense,” Sir Alfred Hitchcock. This legend made the best thriller movies ever. When “Psycho,” “ Dial M for murder” and “Rebecca” are mentioned, Hitchcock name is remembered more than the actors themselves. His way in directing movies and his touches were spectacular. Actually, the director effect to a movie is important, and cannot be ignored.

Furthermore, a strong movie has to include an attractive and appealing story. Good plots leave a lasting impression, and plays an important role in the movies rank in the box-office. On the other hand, movies with a weak boring plot will push it towards failure. Movies like “inception,” ”seven pounds,” and “the departed,” had great stories. In fact, it was their stories which made them a success. Besides, the plot sometimes becomes the most important success factor. Especially, when the movie has no star actors nor a known director. Hence, it has to be exceptional to satisfy the audience. In conclusion, the plot is an important factor a good movie has to possess.

Notably, producing a good movie is not an easy mission. It requires months of hard work, Enormous budget and a big team of professionals cooperating with each other. Making it good and successful is an even harder job. For me, great actors, a good director and an appealing story, are essential for a movie to success.

What makes a good movie good?
Good effective movies should include three important factors: good actors, a good director and an attractive story.
1- actors make the greatest effect on a movie’s popularity
a- star actors are trusted for not making pointless movies.
b- audience enter movies when it has their favorite stars.
c- movie with no star usually fail.
# star actors highly affect the movie as they attract their fans to the movie.
2- another factor that contributes to a good movie is its director
a- James Cameron and “Titanic.”
b- “The master of suspense” Sir Alfred Hitchcock.
# the director effect to a movie is important, and cannot be ignored. 3- a strong movie has to include an attractive and appealing story.
a- stories are the key to success for some movies.
b- the plot is important In the absence of stars and good director. # an attractive plot is an important factor a good movie has to possess.

# Producing a movie is a tough mission. For it to succeed, it has to include: good actors, a good director and an appealing story.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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