The Serious Consequences of Bullying and the Call for Action

Categories: Crime

Bullying is a constant problem in school’s today. It starts with annoying comments, but escalates to more severe matters. We’ve seen it happen, and a lot of us known how it feels. None of us like it. People might say they are just ignorant kids, but bullies truly are criminal’s, stealing self-esteem and at times ending lives. 56 percent of students have personally felt some sort of bullying at school between 4th grade and 8th grade. Some say that it is estimated that more than 160,000 kids miss school everyday due to fear of being bullied by other students.

According to disability, harassment, civil, and criminal laws, bullying can be easily become a crime. First of all, bullying is a crime, because of the serious effects it can have on an individual. “ and, once robbed of their self-esteem they can suffer from mental and physical problems, drop out of school and even commit suicide.” many adults still get teary recalling their humiliating days at the hands of the class bully, mainly because bullies don’t operate alone.

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They pick up sycophantic disciples along the way and that multiplies the victim’s pain.

The old saying goes, “sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” This isn’t necessarily true, word’s do hurt. Maybe not physically, but when kids already have insecurities, bullies don’t help. They build on those insecurities and insult the different qualities of kids. No one likes the way insults feel, and this is why bullies are criminal’s and deserve more severe consequences.

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The most common cited for being harassed is student’s appearance and or body size. 2 out of every 5 teens feel that they are bullied because, of the way that they look. It is stated that more parents are allowing their young children to undergo plastic surgery to combat bullying. For example a little girl in the 1st grade, went under surgery to get her ears pinned back to prevent her from being bullied. Over 30% of children who suffer a food allergy have been bullied at school. While verbal abuse was the most common form of bullying, 40% reported having been physically threatened, such as having allergen thrown or waved at then or being touched by the allergen.

Food allergies affect an estimated 3 million children. Secondly, bullying can end up in a tragic death. Though it does not happen often, it has happened. The usual event is suicide of the victim, or a violent act by the bully that may end in murder. For example, a 15 year old girl hung herself after being harassed by classmates who called her names, picked on her, said she was fat, she had been bullied her whole life before this occurred. There was also a teenager named Larry king who was shot in the head in front if a teacher and a whole classroom full of students. These horrible event’s can start for many reasons including jealousy, gender bias, or racism, It just isn’t right. Bullies are criminal’s they terrorize and harass their victims, ripping apart their self-esteem and attacking their insecurities until the unthinkable happens, violence or even a tragic death. Bullying is a symptom if bad behavior.

There is a correlation of bad behavior to incidents of murder, suicides and vandalism. This Is bad behavior can happen anywhere, schools, home, work place, shopping malls etc. it is not until the victim has been seriously affected that people I n authority finally find out by this time it has already affected the victim and all students who watch have bad behavior. Incidents of bad behavior may lead to minor or more serious situations. 1 out of 10 students drop out if school because, they are bullied. A victim of bullying is twice as likely to take his or her own life compared to someone who is not a victim. 30 percent of students who say they have been bullied said they sometimes had brought a weapon to school. In 2007, the five worst states for bullying in kindergarten -12th grade are California, New York,, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Washington. Boys tend to bully accordingly to groups, such as “athletes” .vs. non-athletes.” Girls tend to bully accordingly to groups, such as “popular .vs. non-popular.”

Teens who are gay are often subjected to such intense bullying that they do not receive an adequate education. They’re often embarrassed or ashamed to report the abuse. A girl named Megan hung herself 3 weeks before her 14th birthday in 2006 after receiving cruel messages on Myspace. A mother of one of her friends had created a false Myspace account to send Megan harassing emails. The bullying mother was indicated on the incident but was acquitted. Two students involved in the 1999 columbine massacre were described as gifted students who had been bullied for years. During the school shooting, they boys killed 13 people, injured 24 and then killed themselves. This should show you how terrible it is if you are bullied. There was just a recent shooting in Connecticut. Where a student that went there years ago, took his mothers guns and went to the school and shot 27 children, some survived and some did not. The principle was shot and killed, the physiologist was shot as well. Lastly, People often think that bullies don’t see the effects of their actions, or that they don’t understand what they are doing to others.

The thing is, bullies understand what they are doing. Whether the bullies are kids or adults, they know it is wrong. Bullying someone is abuse. Some people might say, “Bullying is really common. What are we going to do, send half American kids to jail?” Half of American kids wont end up in jail because there are other alternatives. For instance, bullies could be required to do community service, therapy, or be made to visit a prison to be shown what their future may be. In addition, parents, schools, and kids need to work together. The problems wont go away on their own. We need to look at the facts of each case and take appropriate action. 1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will not intervene 4 percent of the time. 57 percent of students who experience harassment in school never report the incident to the school. 10 percent of those who do not report stay quiet because, they do not believe that teachers r staff members can do anything.

As a result more than a quarter of students feel that school is an unsafe place to be. Schools with easier understood rules of conduct, smaller class size and fair discipline practice report less violence than those without such features. Researchers have found that bullying roles (those who bully their victims) remain fairly stable throughout school. For example, even switching to a new classroom, victims of bullying continued to be victims. However, by the age of 23, the roles become less stable and victim of bullies are not harassed or socially isolated. Research by flight Crime/invest in kids reports that 60 percent of boys who bullied from first grade through ninth grade were convicted of at least one crime by the age 24 and 40 percent had three or more convictions by age 24.

In conclusion, bullying needs to stop! Bullying is a criminal act. Bullies harass, make threats, terrorize, and use verbal and physical abuse on their victims. We nee to stand up to bullies and not let them strip us of our self-esteem. Bullies must face the consequences of their actions with either therapy or some version of criminal punishment. Maybe if we take a group of bullies to visit a jail to show them how rough their life could turn out, they may rethink their behavior and ways. Bullying is a constant problem in school’s today.

It starts with annoying comments, but escalates to more severe matters. We’ve seen it happen, and a lot of us known how it feels. None of us like it. People might say they are just ignorant kids, but bullies truly are criminal’s, stealing self-esteem and at times ending lives. 56 percent of students have personally felt some sort of bullying at school between 4th grade and 8th grade. Some say that it is estimated that more than 160,000 kids miss school every day due to fear of being bullied by other students. According to disability, harassment, civil, and criminal laws, bullying can be easily become a crime.

Updated: Nov 20, 2023
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The Serious Consequences of Bullying and the Call for Action essay
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