Benefits/disadvantages of immigration

Immigration has its advantages and dis-advantages. Many people hold different views in regards to whether immigration is beneficial or not; these views will be expressed in this piece of writing. Immigration is somewhat beneficial to a country as immigrants can boost a countries economy. For example skilled and successful immigrants that reside in the UK pay taxes towards the running of the government therefore boost the economy. Highly educated immigrants are a benefit to a country as they can become things such as nurses, doctors, and teachers; this would benefit not only the country but the people of it.

Immigration is beneficial as it helps first world countries help those of third world countries. People who have fled from their countries could find refuge in a first world country- through immigration. Immigration can be beneficial to a country as many immigrants that travel to different countries bring with them their culture and establish it in their new country(s).

Things such as Chinese takeaways were brought to the UK by the Chinese and have become a part of the British culture.

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Mosques were built in the UK by Muslims as a place for them to worship and Indian takeaways were established in the UK by Indians. Immigration can turn a country in to a multi-cultural society. The dis-advantages to immigration are that those who come to live in a country without any qualifications would be slowing down the economy of a country. The government would have to fend for the citizens of the country as well as the immigrants; putting a huge strain on the taxpayer.

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My opinion regarding the quote is that immigration is beneficial but with its downsides. I believe that immigrants that contribute positively to a country could be looked at as beneficial, however immigrants that contribute negatively could be looked at as a dis-advantage to a country. Read more samples of argumentative essays about immigration.

Immigration - advantages and disadvantages

In demography migration is defined as mechanical movement of population between two different territories, therefore, external immigration could be specified as moving from one’s own country to another. Intense global migration did not used to be very common; however, these days it has become an unquestionably frequent phenomenon. As many issues are attached, there are numerous both disadvantages and advantages of this reality. To begin with, there is a variety of reasons which motivates people to leave their native country. The most common is a desire for a better financial position. Furthermore, different factors might be, for instance, natural disasters, education or political issues. Since there are many immigrants who cross the country’s borders illegally, the major complication is undoubtedly their legality.

In many cases, these individuals who do not have proper documentation then fail to pay taxes, health and social insurance; in consequence, the country’s economy is being harmed. To be more precise, the country’s finances are mainly gained from taxes. As one might expect, people who avoid paying taxes cause a gap in the state’s budget. The economy then may suffer from a lack of resources; and as a result, the country is unable to provide welfare and services. Also securing individuals who do not actively work, in other words, do not make money, such as the elderly people, might become difficult. Another disadvantage may be assimilation problems which appear often in cases of differences in religion. Furthermore, if the migrants do not speak the host country’s native language, it is very difficult to adjust.

Therefore, in the beginnings, their life standard might be quite low not just economically but also, for instance, socially. Moreover, the opposite can also happen. Once the immigrants successfully assimilate with the natives, as a result, they or their children, as the second generation, may start to lose their cultural identity. As the population grows, there are fewer places to live in and fewer resources, which are being used more. This leads to a tremendous increase of the level of pollution, not only in atmosphere but also water. In other words, overpopulation might cause destruction of the environment. Migration is a process which is connected to several disadvantages. However, there may also be found many advantages. Immigrants bring cheap labour force and also often fill in the gaps at the labour market.

Updated: Dec 26, 2023
Essay's Scoring Result:
Expert's Assessment
The essay discusses the merits and drawbacks of immigration, presenting a range of perspectives. It touches on economic contributions, cultural influences, and potential challenges. The overall structure is clear, with a logical flow between ideas. However, the essay is marred by inconsistent sentence construction, grammatical errors, and a lack of proper sourcing for the information presented. The writer's stance on immigration is discernible but would benefit from more nuanced exploration. Despite these shortcomings, the essay provides a basic understanding of the topic, offering glimpses into both sides of the immigration discourse.
How can you enhance this essay?
The essay would benefit from enhanced clarity and coherence. Simplify and streamline sentences for better readability. Use more varied sentence structures to avoid repetition. Integrate examples seamlessly to support arguments. Ensure proper citation of sources to bolster credibility. Address grammatical errors for improved overall fluency. Develop a more nuanced exploration of the advantages and disadvantages of immigration. Additionally, consider organizing ideas more logically within paragraphs. Lastly, refine the conclusion for a more impactful summary of the key points.
This essay's assessment was conducted by:
Nik Johnson
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Benefits/disadvantages of immigration. (2016, Aug 16). Retrieved from

Benefits/disadvantages of immigration essay
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