Aung San Suu Kyi's "Freedom from Fear": An Analysis

Categories: Freedom

Aung San Suu Kyi’s eloquent speech, "Freedom from Fear," unequivocally warrants inclusion in the category of "Communities and Contexts: How Ideas are Generated through Words." This essay will delineate the reasons behind this assertion. Suu Kyi masterfully employs various rhetorical strategies, primarily pathos intertwined with antithesis and a resolute absence of fear, rendering her discourse resonant not only within Burma but also across global political spheres, including the United Kingdom and its allied nations.

Pathos and Antithesis: Anchoring the Audience

One poignant example of Suu Kyi’s rhetorical prowess resides in her statement, "It is not power that corrupts but fear.

Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it." This compelling assertion demands audience reflection, a tactic designed to captivate listeners and invite deeper engagement. Furthermore, the title of her speech, "Freedom from Fear," encapsulates an inherent antithesis, suggesting the existence of alternative pathways.

Drawing from Buddhist teachings, Suu Kyi elucidates four avenues through which individuals forsake their principles and succumb to corruption: selfish desires, ill will toward adversaries, ignorance, and fear.

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Emphatically, she posits fear as the most ominous, highlighting its potent role as a catalyst for atrocities. Suu Kyi vividly illustrates how the Burmese government manipulates its populace through instilling fear of arrest, torture, and death, aiming to cultivate apathy and subservience, resulting in a form of moral decay.

Connecting Through Pathos and Global Perspective

Employing pathos, Suu Kyi establishes a poignant connection with her audience.

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For instance, she eloquently states, "If ideas and beliefs are to be denied validity outside the geographical and cultural bounds of their origin, Buddhism would be confined to North India, Christianity to a narrow tract in the Middle East, and Islam to Arabia." By referencing diverse countries, Suu Kyi embodies the collective sorrow of the world while highlighting the fears of xenophobic tendencies.

Expanding on Suu Kyi’s discourse, it becomes evident that her strategic application of rhetorical devices extends beyond mere words. Her speech galvanizes not only the oppressed within Burma but also reverberates across international borders, resonating with audiences globally. The intersection of pathos, antithesis, and fearless rhetoric serves as a compelling catalyst, beckoning audiences to reflect on the perils of fear-induced corruption.

Conclusion: Suu Kyi's Lasting Impact

In conclusion, Aung San Suu Kyi’s "Freedom from Fear" stands as a testament to the power of oratory and rhetorical finesse. Her persuasive techniques, rooted in emotional appeal and profound logic, transcend cultural confines, making her message universally relevant. Through this discourse, Suu Kyi not only exposes the insidious nature of fear but also implores societies to confront and overcome it, fostering a world free from the shackles of fear-induced corruption.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Aung San Suu Kyi's "Freedom from Fear": An Analysis. (2016, Oct 24). Retrieved from

Aung San Suu Kyi's "Freedom from Fear": An Analysis essay
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