Assess the effectiveness of own communication skills in establishing

I assessed my own communication skills based on the reciprocal assessment provided as part of this course. I sent out the assessment questionnaire to 12 people. This included 7 members of my team, my manager, another team's manager who we work quite closely with, 2 project managers and 13 rd party supplier. I tend to communicate with a number of people at all different levels on a daily basis and therefore felt it was necessary to get feedback from those outside of my team too.

I have been in the role for approximately 20 months now and was pleasantly surprised with the feedback I received.

Reciprocal Communication is a two-way process, where communication is not only sent from one person to another, but that key information is also transmitted back to the original sender too. In other words people should learn to listen as well as speak, in equal measures. As a manager when I share the common sense of purpose, I need to be able to listen to the comments and observations of my team, as they are the ones who will be involved with the actual implementation.

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I need to then take action on the feedback provided to ensure the task is achievable. This allows it to be a continual loop rather than just me passing on information.

I first scored myself and the results were as follows: Read each of the statements, and then apply a score.

  • 1= next to never
  • 3= sometimes
  • 5= almost always

Statement 1 3 5

  • 1. I welcomes feedback from others, I view it as a critical factor in leadership effectiveness
  • 2. I uses a variety of channels to communicate my message
  • 3. I communicate on both an emotional and activity based level feelings and actions
  • 4. I am able to get people's attention and focus them on key areas of a discussion
  • 5. I communicates complex ideas with ease
  • 6. I am passionate and enthusiastic when communicating
  • 7. I am comfortable reading other peoples non-verbal communication
  • 8. I am complemented on my clear and direct style of communication
  • 9. I lead by example and follow through on actions generated in communication
  • 10. I listen to others
  • 11. I encourages people to speak openly about their concerns and challenges
  • 12. I spends time to check the understanding of others


My total score was 54 out of a possible 60, which is quite high.

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This placed me in the top most category out of 3 categories (45-60, 24-44, and 0-23). This score suggests that I am open and transparent when communicating. I welcome feedback and listen to others. And my communication is likely to be viewed as clear and concise. My peers view me as being approachable and sincere. And that I am likely to enjoy communicating with others.

Below is the feedback I received from the 12 people, please refer to appendix 2 to view the individual scores from each person.

I was very pleased that out of the 12 people, 10 people marked me quite high and as a result fell under the same category that I placed myself. The other scores from the other two placed me in the middle category. This score suggests, although I demonstrate some positive traits, there is room for improvement. I might miss some opportunities to communicate with others, or my communications might be viewed as being one-sided. I need to focus on designing and delivering my message. Consider who I am communicating to and what they need to get out of it, and how I will deliver my message in a concise and clear manner.

Below is a collection of the results, for each question from all 12 people. The numbers under each scoring is the total number of people who scored me that score.

Statement 1 3 5

  • 1. Kiran welcomes feedback from others, she views it as a critical factor in leadership effectiveness
  • 2. Kiran uses a variety of channels to communicate her message
  • 3. Kiran communicates on both an emotional and at activity based level feelings and actions
  • 4. Kiran is able to get people's attention and focus them on key areas of a discussion
  • 5. Kiran communicates complex ideas with ease
  • 6. Kiran is passionate and enthusiastic when communicating
  • 7. Kiran is comfortable reading other peoples non-verbal communication
  • 8. Kiran is complemented on her clear and direct style of communication
  • 9. Kiran leads by example and follow through on actions generated in communication
  • 10. Kiran listens to others
  • 11. Kiran encourages people to speak openly about their concerns and challenges
  • 12. Kiran spends time to check the understanding of others


Analysing this further, for each question on the assessment I could be scored either a 1, 3 or 5. No one scored me 1, so for the ones questions that I scored a 3, I have grouped the results below by the number of people scoring me a 3 on each question.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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Assess the effectiveness of own communication skills in establishing. (2019, Nov 21). Retrieved from

Assess the effectiveness of own communication skills in establishing essay
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