Aspect of Stress Caused by High Decibel Noise Pollution

Stress is a component which lately has been understood to stand-out as a contributor to a lot of health conditions.Noise pollution hasbecome one amongst these stressors.It has become an unavoidable situation in the urban population.Recent studies have pointed to the fact that stress compromises the cognitive abilities of an individual. This was the area of concern in this study to understand the noise as a stressor and its effects on the cognitive abilities of an individual. It was observed that anxiety was the first cognitive aspect which shows variation.

Other cognitive parameters which were included in this study were attention and memory using T-Maze analysis. The histological analyses of the brain areas of these experimental animals were also undertaken.

Striatum in the brain anatomy is responsible for anxiety behaviour and predominantly its function is facilitating voluntary movement of the body. Recent studies suggest that when anxiety behaviour increases the striatum in the brain becomes enlarged. The striatum is voluntary activity centre, which explains hyperactivity of an individual with anxiety.

Attention area is distributed in three regions of the cerebrum which consists of threecomponents–Alerting, Processing and Execution.

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Recent studies show that attention of an individual increases with certain mental exercises like some video games, aerobic exercises, etc. All these studies evidentially showed the significant improvement in the execution component of attentionref.In this study the co relation of attention to stress due to noise pollutionwas undertakenand then its remedial therapy with temple bell was conducted.

The response to stress includesboth physiological and psychological reactions in any organism’s body.

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Keeping this aspect in mind it can be clarified that stress is actually an evolutionary heritage of ability to anticipate, identify and effectively respond to dangerref.This implies that stress was created in an individual’s body to protect it from danger by providing the quick responses required to overcome the danger.This physiological response of stress was developed in predator –prey interaction state of any organisms.refThe means of stress have changed today, but the response remains the same, hence, it adds to more negative conditions than the positive improvisations.

The stress responses in the human body are majorly contributed by the stress hormones cortisol a glucocorticoid hormone. The complete chart of response to stress exhibit an important fact that cortisol released due to stress in the body shows attachment to hippocampus in the brainref. Hippocampus is concerned with the memory creation especially long term memory and the spatial navigation in movement for both fight or flight actionduring a crisis.

Another factor of concern due to stress is its co relation to sleep of an individual.Hence,in the present studythe release of melatonine hormone by Pineal gland during stress is observed. As a known fact melatonine is released to manage the circadian rhythm ofan organism –i.e. the sleep cycle of the organism is controlled by release of melatonine.ref The melatonine release pattern in the individual’s body is absolutely depending on the optic pathways in the brain –i.e. visual input of sunlight or darkness. This hormone release cycle sets in as soon as the sunsets and presence of this hormone in the body triggers sleep. Hence, increase in melatonine hormone release is directly related to body relaxation and sleep.

The degree of the structural or physiological disruption of the auditory system of an organism due to the noise stressor is of major concern currently. Studies have shown that the structural or physiological destruction of the auditory system takes place when noise above 150 dB is appliedref .The present study showed that the auditory system of the animal exposed to noise pollution worked normal which was confirmed by performing Behavioural Observational Audiometry (BOAs) analysis same as the control rats who were not exposed to any noise pollution. It is a behavioural study pattern undertaken to study the auditory health of an organism.

Updated: Oct 11, 2024
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Aspect of Stress Caused by High Decibel Noise Pollution. (2022, Apr 21). Retrieved from

Aspect of Stress Caused by High Decibel Noise Pollution essay
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