Art Appreciation Balloon Girl by Banksy

Categories: Girl

Art is one of the most appealing things to the eye. It makes you create a visual in your head of another meaning the author is trying to portray behind the picture you are looking at. Art can be seen on a canvas, paper, or even wood, but one of the most innovative forms is on concrete, which is called graffiti. Banksy is one of the best know graffiti street artists today for creating murals on random city buildings. The artist created a mural on a city building titled “Balloon Girl” which renders a young girl and a heart shaped balloon floating away.

I appreciate and am inspired by this artwork because of the hidden deep meanings, brings back memories, and its simplicity.

One of Banksy’s commonly known graffiti works entitled “Balloon Girl” was a series of stencil murals. The object draw was of a young girl with her hand out reaching for a heart shaped balloon which was carried by the wind.

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I appreciate this artwork by Banksy, because it has multiple meanings you can depict depending on the way you look at it. I first looked at it as the child had just let go of a heart shaped balloon. Thinking differently, the artist could be trying to convey a deeper meaning rather than just a girl with a letting go of a balloon. Imagine if the child was legging go of something that meant a lot to her like trying to move on from something hard. This could be represented as the balloon that she is letting drift away.

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After taking another look, I realized it could be seen as the girl was reaching for the balloon. This means that the girl could have accidently let go of her balloon, so she is reaching out to grab the string back. This could represent that she is so close to getting something she loves but is too far away. Another meaning could be that she did let it go but she wants it back, but it is too late.

Another reason I admire this work because I used to see it in my school classroom, so it takes me back to my middle school art class. Every time my eyes would wonder around the room for a second, I would examine all the different paintings and small sculptures. For some reason my eyes would always go back to that painting of “Balloon Girl” my teacher had on the wall in her office. It just sparked my interest because it had no words and it seemed depressing. My teacher never spoke about all of the paintings on the way because I'm sure some of them do not have meaning and are precisely pretty to look at. Although,

“Balloon girl” inspires me because it symbolizes losing something which is close within your reach. Since, the heart-shaped balloon is thought to illustrate love, hope, childhood and self-confidence, the mural really makes me think about times I had something I loved or let go of a person I loved. The girls face shows no emotion, but I presume that due to her body action and the way she is reaching her hand out far that she is sad. If she is trying to get it or had just let it go both and be sad. It can even be inspiring as a way to move on and continue with life anyway even though you couldn’t get the thing you wanted.

Also, because it is deep meaning even though it’s the simplicity that overwhelms each viewer and makes them inspired. Some people will look at it as just a cute mural of a child letting go of a balloon, but others like me will see it as something beyond that. With each object having a more heartfelt denotation. It may just look like a girl and a balloon but there is so much more than just what meets the eye.

Ultimately, most of his artworks in the form of graffiti are to not just simply put a surreal message, but to offer some form of critical opinion as well because it can be seen by anyone. The mural “Balloon Girl” by Banksy made me think thoroughly about a further meaning rather than just a child reaching for a heart balloon. I value this artwork because of its multiple meanings, what it reminds me of, and its pure simplicity that drives people to wonder.

Updated: Jan 28, 2022
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Art Appreciation Balloon Girl by Banksy essay
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