Aristophanes Account of Love in Plato's Symposium

Plato’s Symposium is a philosophical work that delves into the nature of love through a series of speeches given at a dinner party. One of the most intriguing accounts of love presented in the Symposium is that of Aristophanes, the comedian. In his speech, Aristophanes puts forth a unique theory on the origins of humanity and the nature of love.

Aristophanes begins his speech by proposing a mythological explanation for the existence of humans. According to him, humans were originally beings with a spherical shape, composed of two connected halves.

These beings had three genders: male-male, male-female, and female-female.

The male-male gender was considered superior, being the offspring of the sun, a divine entity. The androgynous gender, or male-female, was said to be the offspring of the moon, which symbolized a balance between the sun and the earth. Lastly, the female-female gender was believed to be the offspring of the earth, a less esteemed element in Aristophanes’ narrative.

In Aristophanes’ account, these spherical beings attempted to challenge the gods, leading to a punishment in the form of being split in two by Zeus.

This division resulted in each half longing for its other half, creating a sense of incompleteness and a perpetual search for reunion.

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Aristophanes posits that love is the force that drives individuals to seek out their other half, their soulmate, in order to restore their original wholeness.

While Aristophanes’ theory of love is captivating and offers a poetic explanation for the human desire for connection, it is not without its flaws.

One of the contradictions within his speech is the idea that even if one half of a pair dies, the remaining half will continue to seek out another match.

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This raises questions about the uniqueness and exclusivity of the bond between soulmates as proposed by Aristophanes.

Despite this inconsistency, Aristophanes’ concept of soulmates resonates with the common belief that there is someone out there meant for each individual. The idea of finding a compatible partner with whom one can share a deep connection and sense of unity is a universal desire. However, it is important to acknowledge that this connection may not be limited to just one person, as there are multiple individuals who can potentially fulfill this role in one’s life.

Furthermore, the notion of soulmates and the search for completeness through love has been a recurring theme in literature, art, and popular culture. From ancient myths to modern romantic comedies, the idea of two individuals destined to be together has captured the imagination of people across different time periods and cultures.

It is also worth considering the psychological and sociological aspects of love and relationships in relation to Aristophanes’ theory. The concept of soulmates can be seen as a manifestation of the human need for connection, intimacy, and companionship. In a world where individuals often feel isolated and disconnected, the idea of finding a soulmate offers hope and comfort.

In conclusion, Aristophanes’ account of love in Plato’s Symposium presents a thought-provoking perspective on the nature of human relationships and the search for wholeness. While his theory may have its inconsistencies, it taps into a fundamental aspect of human experience – the longing for connection and unity. Whether one subscribes to the idea of soulmates or not, the concept of love as a unifying force that brings individuals together remains a powerful and enduring theme in philosophical discourse and beyond.


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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Aristophanes Account of Love in Plato's Symposium essay
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