Approaching Shadow

Categories: ArtPhotography

It's funny how much of a difference a simple single step in one direction can make. The difference between freedom and captivity, light and dark, or even determining the winner of a race. Life is a matter of degrees of separation and is altered forever by small discrepancies in choice and decision. Every memorable individual in history has had some form of difference that made them stick out from the pack and that is why they are firmly entrenched in our minds.

A person must establish their future by separating themselves from the rest of the world in order to have a unique and meaningful life just as all great leaders and famous people have in the past.

In the photograph titled Approaching Shadow, the photographer has captured his cousin at a point of intersection between two starkly contrasting areas of light and darkness. This is a perfect scenario of the variance which could be obtained depending on the choice of staying put or stepping ahead into the unknown.

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Because the approaching shadow at the end of the day is inevitable, there is no point stewing around and waiting for the unknown just like everyone does, take a step ahead and go find it. As J.K. Rowling said, "worrying makes you suffer twice" which is exactly what people who sit in the corner waiting for the dark to find them do. They become so concerned about what could be hiding in the shadows that the thoughts become worse than reality.

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An individual on the path for success can separate from the masses by taking the first step into the shadow and face whatever waits head on.

Just like all figures of the past that stick in our memories are unique, so are the paths they took to reach their fame. One character may have gotten ahead of the pack by stepping into the unknown but another might have intentionally stayed in the light for as long as possible to stick out. In the source Fan Ho's cousin could stay put or step ahead into the dark, or could be extraordinary by climbing the wall to avoid the shadow. People who go to great lengths staying above everyone else often set their course for higher achievement. For example, Kobe Bryant was always the first player in the gym for workouts and practice and would not allow anyone to outwork him ever. Whether he had to make more shots than the next person, or run for longer, he avoided the shadow of complacency that had overtaken many before him and was rewarded with being one of the greatest athletes to ever compete. When separating oneself from the next person, a farther gap will always be more memorable and if deemed in the right direction then that will also be the measure of success.

In my life, I have attempted to distance myself from the congregation in multiple ways in an effort to set the course for success later on. Academically, I jumped into the deep end of high school by completing Math 30-1 in grade 10 because I was able and it was an opportunity to get ahead in the preparation for what comes after whether it be post-secondary or just working. When I was younger, I would often try to avoid sleep whenever possible just to read non-fiction books and learn as much as possible while other people were all just resting. This kept me in the light as far above the rest as possible. During sports, if there was ever an open gym after practice then I would stay until closing whether doing conditioning or just working on various skills individually, also going to the gym at 5:30 in the morning before early classes started at 7:30. In the end, all these methods of separation have paid off with easily finishing high school math and sciences early, being able to tell anyone about many random topics I read at some point, and winning different awards, offers, and championships throughout athletics.

For any individual, separation is the key to being different and more memorable or successful compared to the next person. In the photo, it is easy to see the contrast between the light and the dark which goes to show how big of a difference separation can make. There are a few ways to sequester oneself, either pushing ahead into the unknown or climbing high above the rest of the world to stay in the light as long as possible. Both are valid approaches which multiple famous people have used to get where they are today. Separation is the only way to differentiate oneself from the world, and without differentiation, there would be no reason to remember or notice anyone.

Updated: Dec 29, 2020
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