Anti-Utopia of Expanded Consciousness by A. Rand

Categories: Utopia

The fate of modern humankind is to live in an era of change. At the same time, everyone understands that these are changes not only in our destinies but also in our consciousness. Whether we like it or not, for most of us the reorientation of consciousness becomes the key to survival. And once again, "the eternal questions" arise before everyone. The questions "What to do?", "Who is to blame?" "How to live on?" are torturing the classics of philosophy and writers for many centuries and today they are more relevant than ever.

The of Ayn Rand, the author of the novel Atlas Shrugged, is one of the most colossal (in terms of both volume and scope of impact on minds) and non-trivial attempts in our century to provide a comprehensive answer to these such urgent issues nowadays.

Strong and purposeful, absolutely uncompromising and inclined to moral maximalism, she was paradoxically close to the poster type of the commissioner, replicated by social realism.

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However, her views and

However, her views and ideals were opposed to the communistic. Atlas Shrugged book is the most monumental novel of Ayn Rand, translated into dozens of languages and published by tens of millions of copies. The main location is America. But this is conventional America: elementary comfort is gradually becoming a luxury for a select few; the crisis zones are multiplying and expanding, where people are dying of hunger, in other places the richest harvest is rooted, because it can not be taken out. The surviving and newly born entrepreneurs are enriched not at the expense of production, but through ties that allow them to receive state subsidies and benefits.

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The last talented and intelligent people disappear in an unknown direction. The government is struggling with these "temporary difficulties" the establishment of new committees and commissions with indefinite functions and unlimited power, the publication of delusional decrees, the execution of which is achieved by bribery, blackmail, and even direct violence against those who are still capable of producing something.

The work of Ayn Rand, the author of the novel Atlas Shrugged, is one of the most colossal (in terms of both volume and scope of impact on minds) and non-trivial attempts in our century to provide a comprehensive answer to these such urgent issues nowadays. Strong and purposeful, absolutely uncompromising and inclined to moral maximalism, she was paradoxically close to the poster type of the commissioner, replicated by social realism.

However, her views and ideals were opposed to the communistic. Atlas Shrugged book is the most monumental novel of Ayn Rand, translated into dozens of languages and published by tens of millions of copies. The main location is America. But this is conventional America: elementary comfort is gradually becoming a luxury for a select few; the crisis zones are multiplying and expanding, where people are dying of hunger, in other places the richest harvest is rooted, because it can not be taken out. The surviving and newly born entrepreneurs are enriched not at the expense of production, but through ties that allow them to receive state subsidies and benefits. The last talented and intelligent people disappear in an unknown direction. The government is struggling with these "temporary difficulties" the establishment of new committees and commissions with indefinite functions and unlimited power, the publication of delusional decrees, the execution of which is achieved by bribery, blackmail, and even direct violence against those who are still capable of producing something.

It is a dystopia of a special kind. Rand depicts a world in which a creative person (it does not matter if he is an engineer, banker, philosopher or carpenter) whose mind and talent served as the sole source of all material and spiritual benefits known to mankind, is set on the brink of complete annihilation and is compelled to enter into a struggle with those whom he benefited for many centuries. Atlases refuse to keep the world on their shoulders.

Ayn Rand puts tough questions and with the same rigidity gives his own answers. Perhaps, it was the passionate uncompromisingness, the pathos of teaching, that is uncharacteristic for American literature, singled it out from a number of contemporary novelists and philosophers. Most of her characters are at first sight drawn graphically, almost in black and white tones. White are creators, heroes; Black are parasites, faceless nullities, drawing strength in a circular guarantee, in the manipulation of consciousness, in the myths of the primordial sinfulness of a human and his insignificance in comparison to the higher power.

What to do, how to create a new, truly human world in which every unique person would like to live? This question is raised by Ayn Rand. What should we understand in order to feel like Atlantes? We should understand that we cannot live a loan life with borrowed values.

It is allowed, and it is necessary to change yourself, but never betray your personality.  It is impossible to live for others or to demand that others live for you. A person is created for happiness, but one can be happy neither being guided by other people's notions of happiness, at the expense of others' misfortunes, nor at the expense of undeserved benefits. It is necessary to be responsible for own actions and their consequences. Morality and life, spiritual and material, cannot be opposed. Praised altruism ultimately invariably turns into an instrument of enslaving a human by a human and only increases violence and suffering. But it is not enough to accept these principles, it is necessary to live in conformity with them, and this is not easy.

Many critics have a desire to sharply condemn the selfish, godless, inhuman attitude of the author and her "normative" heroes. The reaction is understandable. However, it is worthwhile to think about the origins of such a reaction. The main reason is that it's scary to get out of someone's custody, finally admit to being an adult and independent person, to take responsibility for the most important life decisions. Philosopher Ayn Rand, the Russian ancestor of American objectivism, gives many reasons for a dispute, but it is not so easy to refute her impressive logic. So how to create the world in which it is not disgusting to live? Everyone should find the answer to this question himself.


  • Anti-Utopia of Expanded Consciousness by A. Rand – Wikipedia,
  • Anti-Utopia of Expanded Consciousness by A. Rand - Google Books,
Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Anti-Utopia of Expanded Consciousness by A. Rand essay
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