Animal Farm Creative Text Response

Categories: Farm

Once upon a time there was a farm called Manor Farm which was run by farmer Mr. Jones. There was many different animals including pigs, horses, dogs and chickens. One day all the animals gathered in the barn for a meeting that Old Major had organised. He told them a dream he had which was about all animals being free with no humans. A few days later Old Major died and Mr. Jones gets kicked off the farm and the animals decide to take over the land.

They re-named the farm Animal farm and two pigs Napoleon and Snowball decide to take over.

They taught the animals many new things including reading and writing. Mr. Jones the old farmer came back to fight back for his land but the animals won the battle which was called battle of cowshed. Snowball came up with an idea of building a windmill to conduct electricity but Napoleon disagreed. Napoleon decides he wants to take charge so he takes nine dogs to the barn and gets them to chase Snowball out of the farm.

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This is when Napoleon takes credit for the windmill.

Boxer the horse is a determined worker and works hard at building the windmill all day. That night there was a storm that blew the windmil over. When the animals find out the decide they need to build it 10 times stronger. Napoleon starts acting more like a human being- sleeping in a bed and drinking alcohol. Everyone said Napoleon is a great leader despite some of the animals are cold and hungry.

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Mr. Frederick the farms neighbour wanted to buy some timber from Napoleon but pays Napoleon fake money.

On his way out of the farm Mr. Frederick blows up the windmill. When trying to re-build it again Boxer the horse gets injured and is take to a hospital. This is where he dies in peace. Years pass on animal farm and the pigs become more like humans- walking upright and even carrying whips. Eventually the rules change to one which is all animals are equal but some and more equal than others. The farm name is changed back to Manor Farm and the animals cant tell which is human which is pig. Everyone on Manor farm lived happily ever after-just more like humans.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Animal Farm Creative Text Response essay
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