Analyse the the music used in the play 'Blood Brothers'

Categories: Music

In the opening of the play the mixture of narration and spotlight help to focus the audience attention to the words being spoken. The slow and mysterious music gives a sense of importance whilst setting an edgy mood.

During the first song the positioning on stage is used well, with Miss Johnston left onstage, alone, implies that she is helpless and alone. The song is interrupted by her kids; this could suggest that her life has been interrupted as well. The song she is singing is also an example of thought tracking, with her children offstage with her being on tells the audience that her kids are the constant background to her personality and that she cannot be herself without her kids interfering.

In the next scene the light is much brighter.

From this we can infer that she is much happier when working and earning money. She is in a much more positive mood. Which suggest that the priority in her life is to keep food on the table for her kids and provide for them.

When Miss Johnston tells Mrs L ions (her new employer) about the twins she is expecting, the lighting becomes much darker to create a negative mood.

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Miss Lions then tries to persuade Miss Johnston. Whilst doing this, proxemics are used to create a false impression of friendship. She moves much closer to Miss Johnston and holds her by the arm. Therefore making Miss Johnston receive an illusion of trust.

During Mrs Lions song begins she uses audience interaction by moving to the very edge of the stage, this allows the audience to feel more of her emotions and understand how she is feeling.

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It could also imply that she is feeling alone, and wants to be near people and communicate with them.

For the line ‘My child’ in her song she clutches her stomach, which demonstrates how much she longs for a child. It highlights several things; one being how lonely she is without her husband, another being that she wishes she was carrying a child of her own. The fact that Mrs Lions cannot have kids of her own whereas Ms.Johnston has too many creates an envious feel between the two.

At the end of the song Mrs Lions begins to fantasize about having a child and all the perks that are compulsory. She does not want to lose this feeling, or for Miss Johnston to change he r mind about giving away one of her children. Therefore Mrs Lions asks her to make a binding agreement. The lighting changes once again from light to dark which shows how extreme Mrs Lions proposal.

Soon after, the narrator says the words ‘must be paid’ and each word is accompanied by a big booming sound. This marks the words and emphasises them to the audience, it also hints at how in the past she may have been slack with payments due to her hectic lifestyle.

When bailiffs come to remove some of Miss Johnston’s possession the scene starts with her standing centre stage surrounded by household items. But by the end, she is left with nothing more than a pram. This tells us that Miss Johnston’s situation is so bad that she cannot afford anything luxury and only necessities.

As Mrs Lions explains that she thinks Miss. Johnston should leave. She positions herself next to the baby with her hand on the crib. This highlights the power she has over Miss. Johnston, by having her hand on the crib she is showing possession, the fat that she now owns Miss. Johnston’s baby and is firing her from her job shows contrast of position in a social hierarchy. It is nevertheless, very intimidating and allows Miss Johnston to see that her baby is no longer hers. After realising this she responds with “I’m taking my baby with me”.

The music featured when Mickey and Edward declare themselves Blood Brothers is very slow and tranquil, which marks the moment and provokes a feel of unison. It made me feel as if they genuinely realised that they were brothers.

When Miss. Johnston finds out about their declaration she is very startled and worried. From this we can deduce that despite her eagerness to take Edward as a baby her superstitious behaviour has now shone through. The superstition being what Mrs Lions told her when she Miss Johnston threatened to tell the twins of their relationship. To which she replied that if the two ever found out then they would both, immediately die.

The music used when mickey and Edward part is filled with low notes, to create a sorrowful mood. It made me notice how it was the second time they had been split up, and that surely they should be allowed to be together if they wanted to. The music alone, without the theatre scene suggests a parting or sad event. Therefore it fits with the occasion in the play.

An echo is used when Mickey shouts out when he is alone. This is very effective as it adds to Mickey’s lonely attitude, and although there is likely to be someone not too far away from him, the echo makes it seem as if there is nothing and no-one for miles. All contributing to the lonesome feel Mickey is trying to create.

When Mrs Lions enquires as to the locket around Edward’s neck, the lighting turns a turquoise-blue, this provokes a mood of interest and curiosity. It then darkens even more when Edward refuses; this tells the audience that Mrs Lions’ curiosity has caused her to turn angry. Consequently creating a very anxious mood to the scene overall.

When Mickey and Edward both become suspended it sends a message to the audience. It makes them think that although they lead completely different lives they are going through the same things together, as if they were following down similar paths despite the drastic contrast in their lifestyles

When Edward and Mickey sing their duet for the first time they use the lyrics ‘my friend’. But after several years of separation their memory of each other is fading. When they notice each other, but without realising who the other is, they change the lyric to ‘that guy’, this emphasises how long they have been apart, and how their separation has caused their relationship to change.

The line of tension is used when Mickey and Edward are arguing. Mickey moves away after telling Edward to leave, which shows how he believes the conversation is over. However Edward moves much closer when he states how he thought they were Blood Brothers. By moving closer to Mickey importance is added to what he is saying, the closer he moves, the more it seems what Eddie is saying is crucial and decisive. Despite this he moves steadily away again as Mickey’s aggression rises.

Split scene is featured after the argument, which is used (in this case) to show the contrast between Mickey and Edward’s life once they have parted. Whilst Eddie is busy telling Linda he loves her, Mickey is getting involved with criminal activities. This is a big change from the last time this scenario was used, when they were both being suspended from school. This highlights how time has taken its toll on them both.

Miss. Johnston sings the song ‘Marilyn Monroe’ whilst watching over Mickey (who is in prison). This represents how her children are still involved in the song and therefore still an important part of her life and personality. Similar to the first time she sung it in the opening of the play when the children interrupted the song part way through. It also creates the impression that despite her children being mostly grown up, she still wants to be there for them and helps them through any tough situations they find themselves in.

When Mickey sets out to find Eddie with a gun in his hand, the song played in the background has a very up-beat and fast tempo. This reflects Mickey’s mood and how he is feeling at the time. It suggests that he is full of rage and anger. The speed of the song could imply that his heart is beating fast as well. In addition we can infer that the tempo of the music suggests that at that point in time, Mickey is willing to act quickly and make rash decisions.

Soon after this, when Mickey is holding Edward at gunpoint, Miss Johnston’s voice starts talking to Mickey from offstage; telling him not to shoot Eddie. This could also be interpreted as Mickey’s conscience, trying to persuade him to do the right things, and to not shoot. On the other hand this shows how childish Mickey’s actions are, and that he still needs his Mother to influence his decisions in life, whilst helping him make the right one.

Miss. Johnston is seen standing witness as her children die. This use of positioning on stage is symbolic as it links to how Miss. Johnston gave birth to them both and is now the reason that they are both now dead. It also made me feel as if she was the murderer because she was at the scene of the crime and one of the only witnesses. Furthermore, the way she is positioned, with her back against the wall suggests that she doesn’t want to be seen by anyone, much like a criminal would want to conceal their identity. It could also suggest that she is ashamed of what she has done and is reluctant to show her face to anyone.

In the song after the death of the twins, Miss. Johnston uses lyrics such as “tell me it’s not true” and “say it’s just a story”. By saying that she wishes the whole situation was not true, and “just a story” we can tell that she is incredibly distraught. It also tells us that she has not got to grips with the fact that her sons have died, and is still hoping for someone to relieve her from her grief, and wake her up from a nightmare. By asking people to tell her that it’s “not true”, she is asking for someone to help her in the situation she is in. She also explains how she wants it to be something she is hearing on the news. From this we can assume that she wishes it was happening to someone else as oppose to her. All this seems to highlight how bad the state of affairs is.

An extract from the poem which is said at the start is read out once again after the two have died. This is symbolic as it is signifying the death of the twins and adds emphasis to the fact that they were the victims in the whole story which the poem is describing

Updated: Jun 05, 2020
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Analyse the the music used in the play 'Blood Brothers' essay
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