An Essay on the Promotion of Biodiversity


Is a term that refers to the variability of life forms or species on Earth. It is the study of including variability between species, variation within species, and of ecosystems (Ecological Society of America, 1997). The importance of diversity to humans cannot be overestimated. In agriculture, for instance, crop diversity can lead to improved yields and disease resistance. Many raw materials of major products such as rubber, oil, dyes, and fibers come from different biological sources in the business and manufacturing industry.

These are just a few of the benefits of biodiversity. Noting the importance of biodiversity, this paper discusses the various factors that affect diversity.

Factors affecting biodiversity can be grouped into human and natural factors. Human factors include pollution, deforestation, overpopulation, overexploitation, hybridization, and introduction of alien invasive species which all lead to habitat alteration or removal. Natural factors affecting biodiversity include climate change and natural disasters such as drought (Shah, 2011). Pollution, as a result of human activity in the form of toxic discharges, bacterial contamination, and nutrient buildup, affects functions of biota in these ecosystems.

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Bacterial contamination of water through municipal effluent discharges can lead to contamination of portable water by fecal coliforms which, if not treated, can cause illness in individuals. Nutrient buildup, mostly nitrogen and phosphorus, as a result of runoff from fertilizers used in agricultural lands, stimulate rapid growth of algae and other aquatic plants, leading to limitation of the amount of light and oxygen available to other living things in the water body ecosystem.

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This can, in turn, lead to their death. Chemical air pollution from industries can lead to acid rain, which may lead to the death of both terrestrial and aquatic organisms. In Canada, acid rain is cited to have the most significant effect on biodiversity.

Deforestation, clearance of land for agriculture, settlement, or commercial development, and overpopulation are some of the major human factors that affect biodiversity. These activities result in the loss or alteration of ecosystems, leading to a serious threat to biodiversity. Agriculture, for example, is linked to the reduction in fauna that are characteristic of agricultural lands, such as wild pollinating insects, scrubland, and grassland birds. Overpopulation puts pressure on existing ecosystems, such as forests, which are cleared to pave way for agriculture and human settlement. Overpopulation also leads to overexploitation of existing ecosystems, such as overfishing. Introducing non-native species through hybridization can also lead to the decline or loss of native species. Hybridization has been cited as a significant factor in the extinction of 38% of fish species in North America. Natural factors such as climate change and natural disasters like drought also affect biodiversity.

The introduction of non-native invasive species may likely cause harm (NISC, 2006) to the native species and the ecosystem, hence affecting biodiversity. The introduction of a predator species, in particular, may cause disturbances in the food chain, leading to extinction of some species. Like dinosaurs, as climate change takes place, organisms are forced to adapt. Those that fail to adapt face the danger of extinction. Natural disasters such as drought may lead to food scarcity, hence the death of organisms in an ecosystem. For example, drying of rivers due to drought may lead to the death of many life forms in the rivers.

To conclude, it is very important for the above-discussed factors to be considered when promoting biodiversity. Promotion of biodiversity is important because of its human benefit in agriculture, medicine, and manufacturing.

Updated: Apr 06, 2023
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An Essay on the Promotion of Biodiversity essay
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