Alexandria Library

Categories: Library

Library of Alexandria, the most famous library of classical antiquity. It formed part of the research institute at Alexandria in Egypt that is known as the Museum, or the Alexandrian Museum. The Alexandrian library and museum were founded and maintained by the long succession of Ptolemies in Egypt from the beginning of the 3rd century bc. The library’s initial organization was the work of Demetrius of Phaleron, who was familiar with the achievements of the library at Athens.

Both the museum and the library were organized in faculties, with a president-priest at the head and the salaries of the staff paid by the Egyptian king.

A subsidiary “daughter library” was established about 235 bc by Ptolemy III (Euergetes) in the Temple of Serapis, the main museum and library being located in the palace precincts, in the district known as the Brucheium. It is not known how far the ideal of an international library—incorporating not only all Greek literature but also translations into Greek from the other languages of the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and India—was realized.

It is certain that the library was in the main Greek; the only translation recorded was the Septuagint.

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The library’s editorial program included the establishment of the Alexandrian canon of Greek poets, the division of works into “books” as they are now known (probably to suit the standard length of rolls), and the gradual introduction of systems of punctuation and accentuation. The compilation of a national bibliography was entrusted to Callimachus.

Though now lost, it survived into the Byzantine period as a standard reference work of Greek literature.

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The museum and library survived for many centuries but were destroyed in the civil war that occurred under the Roman emperor Aurelian in the late 3rd century ad; the daughter library was destroyed by Christians in ad391. In 2002 the Egyptian government inaugurated a new library, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, near the site of the ancient institution.

Updated: Jun 05, 2020
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Alexandria Library. (2016, Oct 21). Retrieved from

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