A library is a treasure-house of knowledge

Categories: House And Home

The root-meaning of the word library is a room or building containing a collection of books for reading. But as there are now circulating or travelling libraries in many countries, the world has undergone a change in its meaning. By the word now indicated a collection of books for reading or reference; Different kinds of libraries: There are kinds of libraries personal, public and institutional. Personal library A personal library is one which belongs to a private person, generally of sufficient means.

Such libraries grow out of such person’s taste for knowledge and, sometimes, for fashion.

There are, of course, small scale private libraries owned by solvent lawyers, educationists and persons of literary taste. But such libraries contain books on some particular subject or subjects chosen according to the taste and interest of their owners. Public library A public library is one which is open to the public. In order to cater to the taste and interest of all classes of people, a public library has to contain books on different subjects and varieties.

Such libraries may be seen in large numbers in every country.

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Most of these libraries are managed or subsidized by their states. The British Museum library of London and the Central library of Moscow are instances of public libraries. Again, many such libraries have been set up in England and America by philanthropic people like Mr. Carnegie, the American millionaire. Institutional library An institutional library is one which belongs to an institution such as a university, a college, a school, a chamber of commerce, a club or a governmental department.

Such a library is open to the members of the institution concerned and, therefore, generally contains hooks which are needed by them most.

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Importance of library As acquisition of knowledge depends mostly on reading, man has to read as necessarily as he has to eat. It adds to what he has already learnt and makes him strong and fit for rude battle of life. But for financial difficulties most of the persons who are keen on reading cannot purchase the books they need to read. Hence arises the importance of libraries.

Had there been no libraries, both public and institutional, such persons would have been deprived of their reading. The teachers and the students, in like manner, would be badly affected if their institutions had no libraries of their own. Conclusion Libraries attract people to read and thus create the habit of reading and- stimulate the thirst for more and more knowledge. But for the libraries, there would be no authors, no poets, and no thinkers. The libraries thus help in the advancement of learning and expansion of knowledge.

The library has another very important use. No research work is possible without a well equipped library containing valuable books of all ages, rare manuscripts and old records. A library of this type is thus of incalculable help in throwing light on unearthed subjects. Time passes in an unbroken continuity as does the water of the river. The books of the libraries are a record of this continuity. They thus enable us to know how human society has developed in thought and action step by step.

A well-stocked library is an asset to the school, college, university or the neighborhood. A library has a librarian to guide and attend to the readers. Books are kept and arranged properly which makes the reader look for a particular book easily. A member of a library can borrow a few books for a particular period and take them home.

It is the responsibility of the reader that no pages are torn. If he loses a book, he has to pay for the loss. Each academy has a library of its own. There are also neighborhood libraries and district libraries. It is a boon for poor students. Information technology has helped in improving the library facilities. However, the popularity of internet will not adversely affect the importance of a library. Books are man's best friends. They give him company equally in times of happiness as well as in times of distress. They are one of the main sources of knowledge. The best place for easy access to books is a library.

A library is a place where not only books but also magazines, journals and newspapers are well-stocked for the benefit of the readers. Beside this one can also get the entire atlas, Encyclopedia, etc. to know even the minute detail of a thing. It is a treasure-house of knowledge. It helps the spread of education. A reader can either read the in the library or borrow the book of his choice and take it home. The library is a popular place in the academic curriculum. A well-stocked library is an asset to a school, a college or a university. There are also neighborhood libraries and district libraries which benefit the readers of the area.

A student or a reader can increase his knowledge of various subjects by reading in the library during his spare time. One can update one's knowledge by reading regularly in a library. A library needs a good librarian who should be well-qualified in library science. Such a person can maintain the books properly. He can guide the students to select suitable books. He should be cheerful and co-operative; one who can interact well with the readers. The reader easily gets the books he wants, if he consults the librarian. Thus, the guidance of the librarian saves a lot of time of the readers.

A good librarian welcomes suggestions from readers for the improvement of the library. He purchases new books after taking into consideration the needs of the readers. Normally, a library is housed in a very spacious hall but small libraries are also present in small towns and villages. The furniture inside the library should be comfortable, neat and clean. Students/readers should maintain strict discipline, so that others are not disturbed. The atmosphere in a library should be peaceful and scholarly. A library has thousands of books in stock. It has books on various topics, subjects and events.

New books are added from time to time. All the books are kept systematically. They are classified and indexed according to their subjects. The labeling of books helps the reader to get a particular book without any difficulty. To find out the library number of a particular book, one can take the help of the subject and author index. Most libraries keep a book display rack where new arrivals are kept. A library also keeps magazines, periodicals, newspapers and journals. These are kept on the reading table of the library. The readers can keep themselves equipped with current events and the latest developments in various fields.

A reader should handle the books carefully so that no pages are torn or that no books are misplaced. He should keep the book at the proper place after reading. The librarian should see than pin-drop silence is maintained in the library. Readers should abide by the library rules. A library issues membership cards to its readers. A reader or a student can borrow a book for home if he has that card. The books are issued for a limited period. If the reader does not return the book on the due date, he has to pay a fine as per the library rules. If a reader loses a book, he has to replace the lost book with a new one or pay the price of the book.

The readers are supposed to keep the books in good condition. The library is a boon for poor students who cannot afford to buy text books or other books of their interest. They can borrow these books and read or study them at ease at home. A library is thus a help to the society. Most libraries have notice-boards. They are used for writing important news of the day. A 'Thought for the day' is also written here. Titles of new books added to the library are also displayed on the notice-board to inform the students. Most libraries are open for a limited number of hours.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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A library is a treasure-house of knowledge. (2016, Oct 10). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-library-is-a-treasure-house-of-knowledge-essay

A library is a treasure-house of knowledge essay
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