Alexander Pushkin “I loved you…” (1829)

Categories: Poems

The poem by an exceptional Russian poet Alexander Pushkin "I liked you ..." (1829) is a pure representation of the poet's warm sensations toward a lady who did not responded on his close attention to her beauty and nature (Pushkin). It is a confession of the poet who lives in the atmosphere of reveries about this girl. Thus, the poem under analysis is not cheerful or unfortunate in representation, however holds an amount of Pushkin's remarks on the woman's beauty. To start with, one must see the form in which the poem is performed.

It is indicated here that Pushkin describes his sensations as if he recognizes that the woman described will never be his anymore.

Instead, the love of the persona is outlined as longing for happiness of the object of his love. Second, by “I do not want to sadden you again” the persona shows a respectful attitude toward the love that passed (Pushkin). Tangibility and sincerity of the feelings are highlighted in the strokes below.

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A fragile soul of the poet longs for making happiness in love real for his heroine. Third, the persona refuses selfishness or a somehow continued struggle for the girl’s love, as he wishes her: “I pray God grant another love you so” (Pushkin).

This makes the overall poem look splendid and full of the highest vibes of a man who falls deeply in love with a woman. To conclude, Pushkin managed to reach out the depths of a reader’s consciousness by using a well-polished and concise representation of his own sincere, warm, and mild feelings toward a woman.

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It makes the classic notion of love more comprehensive to everyone who encounters this poem for the first time. Works Cited Pushkin, Alexander. I loved you. 2010. 27 July 2010 <http://www. gel. com. au/koala/seachange/allusion_pushkin. html>.

Updated: Apr 19, 2023
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Alexander Pushkin “I loved you…” (1829). (2016, Sep 12). Retrieved from

Alexander Pushkin “I loved you…” (1829) essay
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