Adolescent's Knowledge of Suicide Prevention

The article provided an immense amount of information about preventing and reducing adolescent suicide. Suicide and depression is a very serious thing that adolescents do not know how to take the steps to prevent or identify the matter. Depression in adolescents is a leading cause of suicide. Adolescents who are experiencing depression are most likely experiencing depression from stress, low levels of social activity, as well as it runs in genetics. The increase in adolescent suicide have dramatically increased over the past several years which brings more people forward to help prevent it, and help adolescents identify the steps they need to take to prevent it.

However, the main purpose of this study was to evaluate the cognition of suicide prevention, and recognition of depression.

The method of the study was to take 1200 students in a rural and urban area of Mangalore district using stratified random sampling. The results showed that the students who were selected had low knowledge about suicide, the depression signs as well as suicide identification were low.

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The strategy they used shows that suicidal prevention could help the overall risk of a adolescent committing suicide and identifying the signs with integrated education on suicide prevention. Profiling depression in childhood and adolescence: the role of conduct problems.

This article focused more on identifying different profiles of depression by looking at the symptoms of it. The article provided an immense amount of information on why adolescents suffer from depression and the causes of it.

Depression symptoms seem to be more common in girls with disorders than compared to boys with midpuberty problems.

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It is well known depression is caused by psychosocial problems with events happening in everyday life, and family problems. Depression signs in children show low academic skills, low social life skills, and use of controlled substances. Depression also shows a rise in adolescents not making good choices. Depression is equally common in both genders. In the article 1648 children age range from 11-12 years old participated in a questionnaire that was rated on a scale. The results they provided showed that depressive symptoms were leaning more towards girls and conduct issues leaned more towards boys. The strategy that they used shows how depression affects both genders and that there were fewer thoughts about suicide in girls with depression than boys with conduct issues. This study showed that there were different profiles of depression in adolescents.

This article was more focused on the social support between depression and suicide in adolescent boys and girls. They start out discussing how social support protects the suicidal ideation.

There are many risks that factor in suicidal ideation, some of these include, substance abuse, sexual orientation, puberty, and lack of social skills. Depressive symptoms are also associated with suicidal ideation than it is with a suicide attempt. This study conducted with 399 9th grade students with ages ranging from 13-16 years old. Students completed many social emotional measures with rating scales that included social support, depression, and social ideation. The social support scale students rated their parents, teachers, friends, classmates, and their school, the depression scale students rated their overall depression, and lastly the students completed a suicidal ideation survey which included a rating on their thoughts of suicide. Boys showed higher levels of support from parents and classmates, while girls showed higher thoughts of suicide and depression.

This study has important evidence to help address relationships with family, mental health, and suicide risk in adolescent children.


The topic among these three articles focuses on depression and suicide in adolescent children. The first article focused on the awareness children had about depression and suicide and reporting it to get help. It found that children had low knowledge on identifying the signs. The second article focused more on identifying different profiles of depression. The study found that depressive symptoms leaned more towards girls than boys who had conduct issues. The last article focused on social support between depression and suicide in adolescent boys and girls.

The study showed that boys had a higher support that girls, while girls showed higher thoughts of suicide and depression. In the textbook on page 296 it states that girls are more likely to attempt suicide that boys also on the same page it states that depression symptoms are the most cited factor in adolescent suicide.

Therefore, adolescent children who have access to resources and are educated on suicidal and depression signs are more likely to get help before they attempt it. Children need help to prevent suicide and depression and be able to identify the signs.

However, becoming more educated on suicide and depression people can reach forward to adolescent children and provide resources so that young children seeking suicide and depression can find the help they need. There are many resources that adolescent children have such as mental health clinics, talking to peers, family, suicide prevention clinics, and Pastors. The fact that just making these adolescent children more aware of this matter could potentially save one's life.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Adolescent's Knowledge of Suicide Prevention. (2019, Aug 20). Retrieved from

Adolescent's Knowledge of Suicide Prevention essay
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