Activities Relieve Stress

Stress is described as a negative concept that can affect people’s life or feeling in both physical and mental aspects. Nowadays, people face to stress everywhere. As an illustration, overload of house chores, work, school, children, utilities are mainly reasons cause stress. Little stress can be good motivations for responsibilities, creative, and productivity of work. Conversely, it will be seriously harmful if it overwhelm. There are 3 effective activities can help relieve stress and bring balance to the life, for example, exercising, watching comedy movies, and writing journals.

First of all, exercising is a good way to distract people from stress.

Exercise is in many forms now includes yoga, jogging, walking and so on. One of negative effects of stress is excess of muscle tension, and exercise can help coping with it. The stressful day can be easy to resolve if the muscle strength is improved just by short walking or fifteen minutes work-out. My friend, for instance, can only release the stress after going jogging in the morning and feeling relaxed.

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In addition, it is not only helpful for your physical condition, exercise also leave a happy and relax mood.

Studies show that the better mood people have, the better they can figure out what to do with problems. Generally, exercising is an efficient manner that helps release stress. Second of all, watching comedy movies helps people relieve stress. A funny movie can totally take all stress attention away. A good laughter, that funny movie gives, can decrease the stress hormones in the body.

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It helps the brain relaxed and feels comfortable; as the result, it increases the productivity of the brain to resolve problems that make stress.

For example, funny movies are the best tools that my brother uses to resolve his stress. He is in the last year of high school, and it is the most difficult year of high school in Vietnam. For this reason, he has to stay up late at night for studying; the mountain of homework and lessons are used to making him losing in stress. However, it is not his problem anymore; he found that watching comedy movies can perfectly help him cope with stress. After balancing his mind by this solution, he is ready to face to his challenges.

In short, feeling comfortable by watching comedy movies is necessary to cope with the stress and balance the life. Finally, writing journals is the good manner of relieve stress. People who are affected by stress usually choose sharing their problems with others like their friends or parents. On the contrary, there are some troubles that cannot be talked to other, and journals can be their best loyal friends. Writing down the problem of the stress, your thought or emotion about it to journals is useful for controlling the stress.

The journal can be simply written in several main ideas in some short sentences that enough to absolutely describe problems. For instance, I tried to write a small piece of paper about what happened in the daily when I was fifteen years old to express my feelings and all the problems that I had during the day. Consequently, two years later, I recognized that my problems became easily resolved when I started writing them down day by day. After writing all of them down, people can look over it clearly and calculate what they need to do without effects of the emotion; the stress is relieve simply.

In other words, writing journals is necessary for us to relieve stress. Stress dangerously affects our health and life in variable ways now. Indeed, facing to the stress and resolving it are challenges that everyone has to overcome in daily life. However, there are many optional manners that are suitable for different people to relieve their stress from work, school, and children and so on. Especially, there are three easy and quick activities that everybody can apply to their life in order to relieve stress effectively, namely doing exercise, watching comedy movies, and writing journals.

Updated: Jan 11, 2021
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Activities Relieve Stress. (2017, Feb 10). Retrieved from

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