A Poem Mother to Son by Langston Hughes

Categories: Poems

Oftentimes, individuals come across issues in their lives and need advice and motivation in order to preserve a sense of optimism. By using figurative language and images, Langston Hughes's poem, "Mother to Child," illustrates the style that despite the battles individuals may encounter in their lives, she or he need to have the will power and strength to live resiliently and persevere through hardships with dignity and courage. The speaker's nurturing tone even more compliments the style, as the mother in the poem is teaching her boy a vital message that he must comprehend and fully integrate into his mindset if he wishes to be successful in life.

In the first verse, the speaker is reviewing her life and the problems that she experienced in her life time.

Discussing how her life "ain't been no crystal stair" exemplifies how she experienced stressful scenarios in order to reach a comfy location in her own skin, as the crystal stair represents an unproblematic and uncomplicated course to affluence.

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The word "crystal" is particularly utilized to allow the audience to envision the lavishness and clearness of this course. She contrasts this course with the coarse one she carried out, that included a myriad of barriers such as the "tacks" and "splinters" she points out that she had to get rid of.

Words like "tacks" and "splinters" are usually given a negative connotation. Additionally, the “carpet on the floor” represents protection from these obstacles, since carpet is soft and provides individuals with comfort. Unfortunately, she was deprived of this luxury, and had to face them “bare” with no comfort whatsoever.

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Also, based on the time period in which the poem was written, it can be assumed that she experienced racial discrimination which further contributed to her hardships. This creates the image of woman in a cold, unfamiliar world, and depicts the isolation she must have felt, as well as the misfortune that plagued her life, yet she persevered and carried on.

Updated: Apr 19, 2023
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A Poem Mother to Son by Langston Hughes. (2016, Sep 15). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-poem-mother-to-son-by-langston-hughes-essay

A Poem Mother to Son by Langston Hughes essay
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