A love That Kills

Categories: Love And Relationship

Love is something that everyone longs for especially women. Love is supposed to be beautiful and kind. Sadly, back in the nineteenth century, your loss of freedom came along with finding love Back then love and relationships were a lot more grueling as the women had so many roles they were expected to uphold. Throughout “The Story of an Hour”, Chopin shows us just how you can love someone while longing for freedom from them to be who you want to be.

In the nineteenth century, women were under the command of their husbands which is a lot different than what we experience today.

As you begin reading this story the author tells you of Mrs. Mallard’s heart issues to give you some back story to the story that is being told. Upon reading about her heart issues, it is easy to assume that when she dies at the end of the story it is because of heart complications. However, that is far from the reason for Mrs.

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Mallard’s death. You see when Mrs. Mallard was told about the death of her husband she does not act as a new widow normally would. Chopin states in the story, 'She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance.' After she was given the news, she went into her room to be alone. She sat in the rocking chair that was facing the window and just stared out of it.

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At first, it is easy to think it's out of sorrow as most women would gaze out at the sky and clouds, Mrs. Mallard's gaze suggests something different. What she sees as she gazes out the window is different from what other women would likely see after their husbands have died. Most women can't see what is next for them in life however, Mrs. Mallard sees freedom.

Mrs. Mallard loves her husband however, she is finally able to be herself and breathe. She no longer must deal with the stresses and duties that come along with being a wife. “When she abandoned herself, a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips. She said it over and over under her breath: 'free, free, free!' The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes.” Chopin uses this powerful statement in this story to show exactly how Mrs. Mallard felt and how she tried to fight back these feelings. She felt wrong to feel this way after her husband had me in such a horrific railroad accident. However, it wasn’t a feeling she could just shake. She finally would be free to do what she wanted and when she pleased. She was not expected to do anything for anyone the only person she had to worry about now was herself.

When we love someone so deeply, we begin to live our life for them. We do what we do day in and day out for them. We as women seem to put our spouses before ourselves. Before Mrs. Mallard left her room, Chopin said 'She breathed a quick prayer that left might be long. It was only yesterday she has thought with a shudder that life might be long.' From this line, it is easy to grasp that when her husband was alive it seems that she hoped she wouldn't live long but now that he is dead, she hopes to live a long happy life. At the very end of this story, as she walks down the stairs, she sees her husband open the front door. It is then she realized that he is not dead and he was far from the disaster. At that moment Mrs. Mallard falls dead. Her family thought it was from being overjoyed that her husband was alive, but it was the exact opposite. Her heart broke when she saw him because she then realized she wasn't free. Hence the line ' of the joy that kills

“The Story of an Hour” is a clear example of most relationships in the nineteenth century. The theme of love and the strive for independence is shown throughout this story through so many lines. Sometimes it is easy to get so caught up in life and caring for someone else that it takes death to show us that it's okay to live and do things for ourselves. It is amazing to see how relationships have evolved since the nineteenth century.

Updated: Aug 22, 2022
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A love That Kills. (2022, Aug 22). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-love-that-kills-essay

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