The Need for Internet Control: Ensuring Safety and Security

The rapid advancement of the Internet over the past two decades has undeniably transformed the way we communicate and access information. Serving as an electronic communications platform that connects computer networks worldwide, the Internet has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. While advocates argue for unrestricted access, asserting that it fosters freedom of information and reduces government control over individual thought, this essay contends that Internet control is essential for three primary reasons: the proliferation of negative content, the potential threat to national security, and the increasing prevalence of cybercrime.

Negative Content and Its Impact on Children

One compelling reason to advocate for Internet censorship is the prevalence of negative information that can have a profound impact, especially on impressionable minds, such as children.

When children access the Internet, they are exposed to an unrestricted flow of information, ranging from violent and pornographic content to news about fights and cheating. The alarming reality is that children, with their limited ability to discern right from wrong and their underdeveloped self-control, are susceptible to being led astray.

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Studies indicate that a staggering thirty-six percent of children inadvertently stumbling upon negative content on the Internet tend to actively seek similar material out of curiosity, leading to overindulgence.

Ensuring the safety of children becomes a paramount concern in this digital age. It is imperative to acknowledge that unfiltered access to such content can have detrimental effects on both the physical and mental well-being of children. Hence, the argument for Internet censorship gains strength as a means to protect the vulnerable demographic of young users who may inadvertently be exposed to harmful material.

National Security Concerns

A second critical justification for Internet censorship lies in the potential threat it poses to national security.

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In an era where espionage and information warfare are becoming increasingly sophisticated, the Internet serves as a vulnerable channel through which spies can exploit weaknesses. Foreign entities, utilizing virtual identities, can infiltrate networks to unlawfully acquire sensitive information, ranging from military secrets to government intelligence.

The anonymity afforded by the Internet enables spies to misrepresent themselves, engaging in projects and studies while exchanging information with unsuspecting individuals. The consequences of this unchecked exchange of information are dire, as witnessed by instances where intelligence agencies intercept communications over the Internet. Without censorship, the national secrets of a country become susceptible to theft, potentially plunging nations into chaos and confusion.

Internet as a Facilitator of Cybercrime

The final compelling reason for advocating Internet control is the facilitation of criminal activities through online platforms. In the contemporary landscape, Internet criminals are pervasive, engaging in activities such as fraud, password theft, and the release of destructive viruses that compromise computer security. The interactive nature of the Internet provides a cloak for criminals, allowing them to cover their tracks effectively.

Moreover, the vastness of the Internet makes it challenging for authorities to collect evidence efficiently. Cybercrime reports from Australia in 2012 revealed that sixty-seven percent of online adults had experienced cybercrime in their lifetime. The ease with which criminals can operate in the online realm, coupled with the difficulty in tracing their activities, necessitates government intervention through Internet censorship to minimize crime rates and ensure the security of online platforms.

Conclusion: Balancing Freedom and Security

In conclusion, the Internet, while a powerful tool for communication and information exchange, poses significant challenges that warrant governmental intervention. The three main reasons supporting Internet censorship—negative content affecting children, threats to national security, and the rise of cybercrime—underscore the necessity for a balance between freedom and security in the digital age. Governments must carefully navigate the delicate balance between allowing unrestricted access and implementing necessary controls to create a safer online environment for individuals of all ages.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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The Need for Internet Control: Ensuring Safety and Security. (2016, Aug 26). Retrieved from

The Need for Internet Control: Ensuring Safety and Security essay
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