When Siblings Share Leadership

The article focuses on training siblings when it comes to managing companies. The author cited that in family corporations, problems regarding sibling rivalry arise. Basing on the author’s observation, suppose we have two siblings: these siblings lived in competition and therefore are looking for ways to get their parents’ attention. Should their parents choose one of them for a leadership role, the other might take this as a sign of parental favoritism. The sibling in the position, on the other hand, might be overwhelmed by the responsibility brought about by the sudden work.

The article suggests that siblings should be trained early on: college, technical courses, and summer jobs.

Sibling rivalry and competition will be avoided in the workplace. Sibling rivalry is a connoted event in young children as a part of their childhood phase. There are several factors why there is sibling rivalry. According to Kyla Boyse (April 2008), a registered nurse at the University of Michigan Health Systems, factors contributing to sibling rivalry include:

• They want to define theirselves from their siblings;

• They feel that they are not getting the same attention as their siblings;

• Older children dread the coming of a new baby;

• They do not know how to get their siblings attention positively;

• Family dynamics. How the parent perceives a particular child may affect how she treats her;

• Lesser bonding times and family talks;

• Stress in the parent’s lives, re:financial obligations, business, family, etc. ;

• Stress in the children’s lives, re:academics, friends, bullying, etc.

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The usual reason why siblings fight each other is because they crave for the attention of their parents.

Each child sees their siblings as competition, and they must do what they can to put them out of the picture. However, when this sibling rivalry is brought up until it’s time for the kids to manage a family business; the turn-out may not be too good. Out in the business world, there are several cases of sibling rivalry causing the downfall of a particular familial company. One example is the Ambani brothers—Mukesh and Anil—of the Indian Corporation in 2005. The Ambani brothers control—and fight over—the Reliance empire. According to R. Leishemba and P. Doval of Rediff News, the brothers’ dispute was very controversial in the Indian corporate sector that it has stirred media attention and even political interests. The idea of training siblings for a company responsibility is going to be beneficial not only for the family’s relationship but also for the proper and therefore successful management of the company. Each of the children will be able to assess for their selves their capabilities in taking a very important role. Through this, the company will have sure and dedicated leaders who are able to manage sufficiently. Also read about disadvantages of having siblings

Another suggestion is the parents giving the children with a much lower company position. This will give them the chance to work their way up, learning and feeling what it is being in that positions. Through this, they will be aware of the working environment, and respect those who will have been under their positions. Those who worked their way up to their positions will have a better understanding and how-to when it comes to treating and supervising the company’s employees.

Word Count: 555 words Source: Boyse, K. (April 2008).

Sibling Rivalry. University of Michigan Health System. Retrieved November 8, 2008 from http://www. med. umich. edu/1libr/yourchild/sibriv. htm

Hutcheson, J. O. (30 May 2007). When Siblings Share Leadership. “Family Business. ” Business Week. Retrieved November 6, 2008 from http://www. businessweek. com/print/smallbiz/content/may2007/sb20070530_710963. htm

Leishemba R. , and Doval P. (28 December 2005). Sibling Rivalry Spiced Up Corporate Sector. Rediff News. Retrieved November 8, 2008 from http://www. rediff. com/money/2005/dec/28corp. htm

Updated: May 19, 2021
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