What is Cultural Imperialism?

Categories: Imperialism

Cultural Imperialism is characterized as the procedure whereby one nation attempts to mutilate or undermine the way of life of another nation based on its innovation, research and reach. It is the act of promoting or artificially injecting the way of life or language of one nation into another. As a rule, the previous is an enormous, financially or militarily incredible country and the last is a littler, less significant one.

THE basic role of media is to stimulate social change in the tightly held ideas and rigid attitudes in bringing desired change and positively guide the society towards the betterment.

The Pakistani electronic media has played a major role in positive developments like awareness about socio-economic and political rights, fight against terrorism, fight against gender bias and child labour, health and poverty issues, human rights and the world peace. In this context, the discussion programs are being arranged on television on subjects such as death, violence, drugs, morality, human relationships, women’s rights, politics, religion and culture.

Besides, as watchdogs the media keep a close watch on the misdeeds and wrong doings of government and report to the masses.

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Further, the movies, dramas, documentaries and programs, which promote Islamic and eastern culture and convey messages of peace, harmony, unity, love, care have a very positive impact on society and ethics. The Media support democracy by bringing out democratic norms and inculcating the same in general public/polity. Providing live coverage of parliamentary proceedings, activities of politicians, programs on democracies are a few of the examples.

Unfortunately, a few of Pakistani electronic media houses promote foreign culture more than Pakistani one and they have reportedly links with shady foreign characters, are being funded by different foreign elements and their anchors are on their payroll and thus are furthering their anti- state agendas.

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Resultantly. The foreign culture is slowly engulfing our society. Youth is more affected by it and is embracing their ways and few of which are really unethical and against our religious qualities and ethics. The foreign media are additionally perusing their own motivation through cultural imperialism, which means that it is a routine with regards to advancing the way of life or language of one country in another. It is a demonstrated general assessment that networks dependably have won every one of their fights through weapons of their social and social qualities. Culture is a lifestyle shared by individuals from a general public.

This includes their thoughts, convictions, language, values, information, traditions and the things they make. The social establishments like family, religion, and school are viewed as integral to public activity, but these days a few media houses are gradually supplanting these organizations. Resultantly, the way of life of joint family framework is gradually replacing by family unit and neo-nearby family frameworks. These media houses have an engaged approach to duplicate the outside TV speculations so as to get a more watcher dispatch for their budgetary advantages. The electronic media is a business, a billion rupees industry and subsequently the essential rationale of certain media houses stay to gain cash and not blend the general public.

It is human nature to show affection to the land where one is born grows up and lives. One admires and follows the customs, values and principles of the life designated by the social setup of the country. Moreover, one strives to make ones homeland a free, secure and a better place to live for oneself and the generations to come. In a free nation peoples have the chance to talk, act and seek after joy without unnecessary outside limitations. It is significant on the grounds that it leads improved autonomy, articulations of imagination and unique idea, expanded profitability, and a general high caliber of life. Pakistan appeared with a similar idea in the brain of our incredible pioneers who were not consented to see Muslims living in harsh conditions with no character or singularity.

Two-Nation Theory is the basis of creation of Pakistan. Today, the people of Pakistan are living in a free state, with their own laws, rules and freedom. Therefore, if they want to live with honour, dignity and secure their identity, they have to proudly own and love their country. If they want their upcoming generation should breathe freely as an independent nation in the world, then, today they have to work in the best interest of Pakistan.

At the point when the viewer see that our media is absorbing the change whether it is as dresses, Jewelry, language or other social qualities, for example, male on-screen characters embracing and handshaking with female on-screen characters then the viewer are effectively induced to adopt these progressions or if nothing else they become rationally liberal which is an underlying advance towards change. Pakistani dramatization industry is losing its cultural identity for which it was renowned in the past by impersonating the Indian media and its organization of showoff, glamourize, sentimentalism and forbidden subjects. Pakistani free media stations are creating and broadcasting the music and move appears by following the Indian example in which young men and young ladies move together Pakistani autonomous channels are communicating remote film celebrations and appears and are following their strides by orchestrating such shows without anyone else media channels.

Globalization supports free trade. Thus, the nearby group of onlooker’s approaches changed media content. On the off chance that the neighbourhood work isn't up to the stamp, the group of onlookers will request remote substance or nearby projects in light of the arrangement of the outside substance. In Pakistan, since our neighbourhood, indigenous substance is esteemed not adequate, outside media has picked up favourable position by demonstrating their own substance which thus underpins their own plan.

Updated: Aug 10, 2021
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What is Cultural Imperialism?. (2021, Feb 03). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/what-is-cultural-imperialism-essay

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