What Does the Bible Say About Worldview?

Part I What is a Worldview?

A worldview is a set of guide rails, blueprint, framework, or lens one employs to determine how they perceive the world around them, which impact not only the spirit but the mind and body as well (Gutierrez & Weider, 2014). Each person has a worldview, which they employ as a specific guide when making decisions and setting their system of beliefs (Ryken, 2013). For example, just like using a secret decoder to unlock a text of assorted characters for the recipient, a worldview is the decoder lens showing humankind clarity in their perception of the world.

Part II The Question of Origin

The universe and all creation started with God, as He created humankind in His likeness (Genesis 1:26).

The beginning of life happened in the Garden of Eden, where God created Adam and Eve, in His image and for His glory, as stewards for His Earth (Genesis 2:7-8). The words God spoke to create the universe ignited the flame that burns ever brightly in humankind, where life had been previously nonexistent (McBride, 1995).

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The power and the glory of His mighty words is the origin of everything in the vast universe (Psalm 33:9).

The Question of Identity

Humans are far from perfect and not devoid of sin, however, with God’s grace humankind has been forgiven for their sins (Powell, 2006). Humankind was created by God as humble servants and stewards of His creation, for His glorification, through their actions and words, and not for their glory. Additional living things are significantly less important than humans in God’s grand design, as humankind was created in His image (Genesis 1:27).

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Baptism is reserved for humankind only, and only humans were saved by Jesus Christ through His resurrection (1 Peter 3:21). Humankind spreads God’s love and knowledge as His lamp to the world (Proverbs 20:27).

The Question of Meaning/Purpose

Humanity and the vastness of the universe were created to glorify God (Colossians 1:16). God gave humankind the gift of knowledge when He sculpted humans through His unconditional love (Rae, 2013). Humankind exists to glorify God through actions, intentions, and feelings aligning to the Biblical framework. Mortal humankind exists to glorify and exalt God (Daniel 3:82). The divine wisdom of God created humankind, through His words and breath, bestowing knowledge and purpose to humanity, while lighting the journey of humankind to His grace (McBride, 1995). The Question of Morality In the garden of Eden, when the forbidden fruit was consumed, is where morality began. The disregarding of God’s command by Adam and Eve, cursed humankind with an understanding of evil and good (Genesis 3:6-7). The guidelines and consequences of right versus wrong behavior God has made clear to His children in the Bible, providing guidance and expectations for the moral behavior of mankind. Disobedience and a disregarded for the framework God bestowed upon His children in the Bible, continues to plague humankind (Halverson, 2004). Although humankind continuously sins against God, God still bestows upon His children His unconditional love and grace (Romans 5:20).

The Question of Destiny

Death is only the demise of the mortal human flesh, however, not the demise of the immortal spirit (1 Corinthians 15:44). Beyond the checkout counter, at the exit, the choices of the individual during their mortal life determine what lies ahead (Powell, 2006). The immortal spirit of the individual who has followed the framework of the Bible is reunited with loved ones in heaven, at home in the light of the Lord (Ecclesiastes 12:7). The exit door of death from the mortal world allows the spirit to enter into a new stage of His plan for humankind. Word Count: 483

Part III Think about, Treat, and Speak to Others on a Daily Basis

Interacting with others daily should be done with the same respect one expects from others (Luke 6:31). Honoring, respecting, caring, loving each other is essential to God’s plan (John 13:34-35). Do not be selfish, conceited, nor egotistical, but value others above oneself (Philippians 2:3). Treating one another with patience, empathy, trust, and kindness glorifies God in both thoughts and actions (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).

Treat/Interact with the Environment and Non-Human Creation

Tending to God’s creation, as stewards of His Earth, began with Adam (Genesis 2:15). Creation is a gift from God, thus should be treated with love and care just as any gift, and Christians must firmly remember that God created all things (John 1:3). God’s expectations for humankind’s treatment of their environment and non-human creation are clearly commanded in the framework of the Bible to be righteous in their undertaking (Proverbs 12:10). The Lord created the Earth and everything on Earth for His glorification alone (Psalm 24:1).

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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