What Citizenship Means To Me?

Categories: CitizenshipPatriotism

So what does citizenship means to me? Is it just a piece of paper that says you are a citizen of a country or does it mean something more in a deeper level. When I was just a little boy my mother always talks about that when we move to the United States we should apply for citizenship immediately. As I was growing up here in the United States I slowly understand what citizenship means to me.

Being a citizen for me is fulfilling my obligations toward my country, Living a lifestyle that benefits myself and my community and having good sense of patriotism.

Fulfilling my obligations toward my country is what citizenship means to me. Obligations like paying taxes to further improve the conditions of living in the country because if we do not pay our taxes our country will more likely go on a decline and we are the ones who are going to suffer and endure hardship. Abiding by the laws enforced by our government also shows what citizenship is.

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Laws are made to keep order and discipline to the people; and if we do not follow the laws our government passes our country will go into chaos and disorder .Crime rates will go up and in the end we the people are the ones who will suffer. Finally it is our obligation to vote for our government officials. They are the ones who will govern us and it is our duty to elect the right personnel that are capable of governing us because if the wrong people are elected our country will suffer graph and corruption and we the people are the one who will feel the impact of their wrong doings.

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In closing fulfilling my obligations toward my country is what citizenship means to me.

Living a lifestyle the benefits me and my community is what citizenship means to me. Helping other people that are in need is one way of showing what a good citizen is. Back where I was from we have a thing called “bayanihan” it is when a group of people help out someone in moving their house from one village to another. They carry the house on their shoulders on long bamboo poles and walk for miles just to move a house to help someone in need. Showing respect for our surroundings is another way of being a good citizen. Cleaning our surroundings and not littering around the area is one way to show our respect for our surroundings. If we see garbage lying around the area we should immediately pick it up and throw in the proper waste container because it shows how we like the place that we live in to be clean. Being respectful towards our government also shows what good citizenship is. Not talking bad about our government and supporting our government on their decisions is one way to show that we are living a in a good community that respects our countries government. In closing living a lifestyle that benefits me and my community is what citizenship means to me.

Showing a good sense of patriotism is what citizenship means to me. We can show our patriotism by showing our support in our military. Standing by what they are fighting for because our military have sacrificed many lives in defending our country. Showing them that we care about their well-being is one way of being a good citizen. We can also show a good sense of patriotism by showing respect on our countries flag. Standing up and saluting the flag during general assembly or singing our national anthem shows our deepest respect on our nation’s colors and those who have died defending them.

Finally coming together as one for the greater good of everyone also shows a good sense of patriotism. As we know people have disagreement or misunderstandings every time; But by coming together as one we show that we stick with each other through thick or thin. It shows that we the people exemplify of what having a good sense of patriotism is. So I closing being patriotic towards our country is what citizenship means to me.

Today we learned that fulfilling your obligations, Living a lifestyle that benefits yourself and the community and by having a good sense of patriotism is what citizenship means to me. So ask you this question “what does citizenship means to you?” will it be just by becoming a citizen of a country? Or does it mean something more you than just living here and doing nothing? It is up you to find out and decide on what citizenship means to you.

Updated: Aug 10, 2021
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What Citizenship Means To Me?. (2017, Jan 07). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/what-citizenship-means-to-me-essay

What Citizenship Means To Me? essay
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