Understanding the principles of business correspondence

This is to seek your approval of my proposed project for the formal analytical report required for this course. I am currently representing the ministry of trade and industry on a task force to address the gender discrepancies in the production industry. Since gender issues and women rights have become a global issue, it is everybody’s concern that we should try to seek the end to this injustice. There has not been any deliberate move by the previous regimes to address the issue of low representation of women in this important industry.

Our alternatives are limited in availability and scope. I propose to research options for incorporating more women in to the said industry and henceforth make recommendation to all the stakeholders on how to handle the issue.

Problem statement

Since time immemorial the role of women in taking up managerial and production roles has been wanting. There is low representation of women in all sectors of the economy despite them forming the largest part of the population.

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There are few women who take up science courses that enable them take up roles in production industry. There are equally few women in our universities whose interest is in production. There has been no conscious effort to address this issue as the majority of the stakeholders are either gender insensitive or they simply cannot see it as a problem. To overcome this problem it’s paramount to involve all the stakeholders and address this issue as women form a great component of our society.

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For this research I intend to;

  • Interview the employers in this industry to determine the exact reasons as to why they don’t invest in women employees.
  • Survey and hence forth compare the gender representation in other sectors of the economy
  • Conduct a search on the gender policies in the ministry
  • Interview the few women who are in the production industry
  • Identify the measures of addressing the discrepancy.
  • Evaluate the input of women employees in the industry
  • Identify sources of funding for women interested in pursuing related courses.


February 6-7-        receive approval for proposal

7 –9 February - submit final proposal for the project

February 9-12-         conduct interviews from three employers in different departments

February 13- 16-       the gender discrepancies in other sectors of the economy

February 16-20-        interview three women who hold senior positions in the industry.

 Feb 20-22–                do a search on gender policies in the ministry.

FEB 22- 24-      post final project if: progress report conduct an analysis on the measures to be employed to address this issue.

February 24-26 – draft the formal analytical report and post it for faculty review

February 27- finalize the formal analytical report and then submit it


As the head of the human resource department in the ministry of trade and industry and having served in this capacity for 7 years, I am qualified to conduct the necessary research for this project. In the past 3 years I have been actively involved in the ministry of gender trying to format and address the issue. I have traveled widely to look at how other countries implement their gender policies. I am qualified to carry out recommendations.


As evidenced from the plan I have presented, I believe that I have demonstrated that the problem exists; I have a plan to address it, and the latter can be executed in the specified time. In addition to this it is my belief that I am qualified to complete the tasks necessary.


Business correspondence. 2008.retrieved on 16th February 2008 from


Updated: May 19, 2021
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Understanding the principles of business correspondence. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/understanding-the-principles-of-business-correspondence-new-essay

Understanding the principles of business correspondence essay
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