Types of Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Kids

In regards to this chapter's activity. I chose to do the parenting styles (option #1) and how they influence children. I feel like this is a topic that comes up more often than not in my current line of work. It’s also something that hits pretty close to home. My reasoning for this is that I’m the only person in my family that has any type of education beyond that of a high school degree. I also consider myself to be very successful in my career as I started at the bottom of a company and have worked my way up to almost the top of the business ladder at my current location.

I’ve done all this without any degrees and only pursued them when they became a deterrent for rising any further. This activity is not about me though, so let's get into the parenting styles.

First, let's go over the types of parenting styles in the provided reading and how they correlate to influencing children.

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The first one in the reading is called “Authoritarian Parenting” or is described by the parents having strict rules or procedures to follow. If these rules don’t get followed then there is usually some very strict punishment that will follow. The article refers to this style of parenting as the “Because I said so.” style. I have witnessed this style first hand growing up. One of my closest friend's father was a drill instructor in the army and lets just say that this was his style of parenting.

Second, we have the “Authoritative Parenting” style.

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This parenting style is described as being more democratic then do as I say. I would have to say that this would be the way that my parenting style is currently with my son. He’s 10 years old and I like to think that I guide him more then direct him on thing in life. The reason why I say this is because he has the standard things like brush your teeth at least twice a day or take a shower at least once a day, but those are more guidelines that I feel that everyone should do. He has expectations that I think that just about anyone can have of their children and are reasonable. Although, when he doesn’t follow them. We have a sit-down discussion as to why they are important and the reasons that he should be following them. I try to stress the importance and how they will affect him in his current mindset and the future. This way he realizes the importance of said expectation or task.

Then the third type of parenting is no other then the “Permissive Parenting” style. In this style of parenting. The adults or parents hardly ever discipline their children or really have any kind of expectations for them whatsoever. The article goes on to say that generally this style of parents are nurturing and have good communication with their children, but take more of the stance of a friend then a parent.

Lastly, We have the “Uninvolved Parenting” style. This is characterized by having basically no involvement in their children's life. In some extreme instances, not even fulfilling the child's basic needs. There isn't any guidance or structure. In my mind this sounds pretty horrible and in some of these cases the child or children would be taken by DHS. Then put into better homes with families that are better suited to care for their needs.

In closing, I feel like many different things affect a person's parenting style. These things can stem from how that particular person was raised. The timeframe they were raised in and the culture that they come from. I can honestly say that I think my style of parenting is that of the authoritative style. As I mentioned above in how I raise my own son. I am more democratic with him and try to help guide him with some pretty standard expectations. My upbringing has a lot to do with how I chose to raise my son. That and my experiences thus far in life. I have to deal with people all the time in my job and have learned certain way to deal or handle a lot of different situations. I try and teach him these things much earlier in life then I did or save him from learning the hard way in a sense.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Types of Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Kids. (2020, Sep 28). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/types-of-parenting-styles-and-their-effects-on-kids-essay

Types of Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Kids essay
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