Tuckman theory and difference between group and team

Categories: LeadershipTeamTheory

The number of stages a group has to run through may vary from different groups but according to Tuckman (1965), there are 4 stages in group development. In stage one, which is forming, each and every group members are curious about each and every of them. Group members will attempt to determine roles such as leadership among them and are not likely to illustrate strong personal opinions and views to avoid being rejected. At this stage, politeness is important and task is less concerned.

In stage two, which is storming, is the stage where conflicts over leadership and task distribution occur.

While they may try to resist the power of the others, they may also withdraw themselves from the group as they find it hard to cooperate with each other. As long as the conflicts are not solved, the group cannot progress into the next stage of development. Once conflicts are solved, groups are then allowed to progress to the third stage which is norming.

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In this stage, group members are familiar and well adapted to the guidelines and standards of the group. Cooperation and commitment ensures the group to carry out their task in a harmony environment and communication between them is much more effective than before.

In stage four, which is performing. Each group members are accepted by another. They complete task more efficiently and effectively. The main concern is in problem solving and decision making to reach the goals that are set earlier rather than managing conflicts. In 1977, Tuckman and Jensen added another stage, which is adjourning.

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This stage serves primarily for groups that are assigned together temporarily, not permanently, to complete a time-limited project. In this stage, each of the group members may feel depress as the project is done and members are slowly leaving to separate ways.

Other than that, team members may also feel fulfilled at completing the given task, especially when the result is extremely favorable. All these stages are developmental and are possible for a group to identify which stage they are at. It is not advisable for a group to rush though each of the stages. (b) Differences between groups and teams Generally, there may be similarities between a group and a team and people tend to think that they are the same, but actually they are quite distinctive. Basically, a group consists of 2 or more people working together to achieve the objectives and goals.

A team holds qualities that a group does not have. A team gets together through trust and honesty and commitment of each and every member. Each member feels important and is essential in order to produce effective performance. As a team, they feel incomplete if one of them is missing. Another factor that differentiates a team from a group is emotions. There is a sense of belongings for each of the team members and they care for each other. Expressions, emotions and communications are practiced freely among the team.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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Tuckman theory and difference between group and team. (2016, Jul 15). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/tuckman-theory-and-difference-between-group-and-team-essay

Tuckman theory and difference between group and team essay
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