Three Ways of Meeting Oppression

Martin Luther King is among the most identifiable Black American names in United States history. His fight for equality had actually made him an innovative icon particularly in the Black neighborhood. He had actually delivered several inspirational speeches and correspondence that have initiated social awareness and conjured up the civil liberties of many minorities (Kirk, 2005, pp. 5-25).

In an informative essay written by King entitled "Three Ways of Satisfying Injustice," King disclosed that there are three methods by which individuals react to oppression.

The very first response is through "acquiescence" in which people choose to remain in the overbearing state because it is easier and less complicated than going against the flow pf the majority.

The 2nd way to handle oppression is through physical violence. With this, a battle is formed which most of the times causes more issues instead of producing a practical service. The last approach is by using "non-violent resistance" (Gibbs Magazine, 2007). Additionally, these principles are applicable in the real life.

Equality will not be attained by utilizing severe measures.

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Non-violence approaches are the best way to change the status quo in society. In general, the completion goal can only be reached if people will genuinely believe in the power of non-violence integrated with the complete involvement of the neighborhood and the removal of biases and bigotry.

In terms of construction and organization, the essay of King was well-written. Every paragraph was filled with substantial information which was cohesively put together. More so, King introduced ideas one by one and each concept was thoroughly explained.

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Also, the use of concrete examples have aided in the easy comprehension of the main thesis statement. King provided the readers with historical events that they can easily relate to so as to facilitate an uncomplicated process of learning.


  • Gibbs Magazine. (2007). Three Ways of Meeting Oppression.  Retrieved September 22, 2008, from
  • Kirk, J.A. (2005). Martin Luther King Jr. Harlow: Pearson Longman.
Updated: Mar 29, 2023
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