My Meeting With the Most Irresponsible Girl

Categories: Girl

I will never forget about the day I met the most irresponsible girl . It was a gloomy day; Monday, September 22, 2012. At that moment, I was in high school, and we had the Geography class on that day. While my teacher was talking about the team project, she came in. She was twenty minutes late. The girl looked miserable with old clothes, wet shoes and ragged backpack. She was assigned to my group for the project, since we still had one available slot.

Honestly, I did not have any good impression of her at all.

We already had three people in our team, incuding me. My two friends pleasingly let me to be the team leader. Therefore, I tried my best to be a good leader. I gave that girl a friendly welcome. We also exchanged contact information. I remember that I talked a lots about our project focus, individual tasks and deadlines for each task. In the return for all my effort, she did not say a word, or give a smile.

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She sat there quietly, stared at her pencil. That was driving me crazy.

I divided our work into three tasks; set three deadlines. I created a group chat for us on Facebook. We also agreed to have a small team-meeting before each deadline. Dramatically, she had not either showed up on any team-meeting day or participated in any group chat conversation. I had never seen anyone like her in my entire life before. She must be the most irresponsible girl I had ever met.

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She just emailed me her work, one or two days after our deadlines. And usually, her work was a mess. It did not fully meet my requirement. Honestly, I really wanted to kick her out of our group.

On the last few days before the project deadline, I and my other two friends worked super hard in oder to get the best grade. We called each other, texted, discussed so much about the drafts. We tried to contact that girl, but there was no hope. Then, we decided to take over her tasks and finished them. I was so proud about us. We did a perfect research paper and a perfect PowerPoint too. The only consideration kept going around in my head: “Should I quietly submit our work or should I report the irresponsibility of that girl to my teacher?”

Finally, I did not report anything. She had the same good grade as us.

It took me two months after that to find out some details about that girl. Her parents passed away in a car crash when she was a child. She stayed with her grandmother since then. She had to do all the household chores, and took care of an old grandmother. On those last days of our project, her grandmother felt and broke her hip. That girl was in a hospital all days long to take care of her grandmother. My heart broke a little bit when I found it out.

Updated: Jan 28, 2022
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My Meeting With the Most Irresponsible Girl essay
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