Unmasking Health Challenges: Unhealthy Lifestyles in Malaysian Society

Global health is significantly impacted by the prevalence of unhealthy lifestyles, with lung cancer alone claiming over 1 million lives annually worldwide. Unhealthy lifestyle choices contribute substantially to various diseases, illnesses, and health issues, exacerbating the global health burden. This issue is particularly pronounced in Malaysian society, where unhealthy habits such as poor eating choices, smoking, and detrimental social behaviors have become ingrained. This essay delves into these unhealthy lifestyles, examining the repercussions and offering insights into the multifaceted challenges they pose.

In the Malaysian context, bad eating habits emerge as a prominent contributor to deteriorating health.

According to Liow (2010), a surge in severe illnesses among Malaysians can be attributed to uncontrollable eating habits. The National Health and Morbidity Survey (2006) underscores this concern, revealing a threefold increase in obesity rates over a decade, from 4% in 1996 to a staggering 14% in 2006.

One alarming aspect of unhealthy eating habits is the prevalence of late-night eating. Liow (2010) points out that Malaysians often indulge in suppers at mamak stalls during late hours.

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Unfortunately, this practice can lead to adverse health outcomes as the metabolic rate decreases at night, making it easier for fats to accumulate and pose a heightened risk of heart attacks or other serious diseases (Jong, 2010).

The dietary habits of Malaysian children also raise concerns, as highlighted by Wu (2010). The preference for junk food, including items like Coca Cola, Twisties, and Super Ring, contributes to excessive intake of flavoring and coloring agents. This inclination towards unhealthy food choices, such as hamburgers, nuggets, fried chicken, fries, and carbonated drinks, significantly increases the risk of diabetes among children.

Moreover, parental practices play a pivotal role, with many unknowingly feeding their children junk food due to a lack of awareness regarding its long-term effects.

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This underscores the need for educational initiatives aimed at raising awareness about the health consequences of poor dietary choices.

Smoking constitutes another major facet of unhealthy lifestyles in Malaysia, particularly among the youth. A survey conducted by the Ministry of Youth and Sports revealed that a staggering 80% of adolescents had experimented with smoking. The allure of smoking is multifaceted, with many smokers associating it with pleasure and relaxation. For almost two-thirds of smokers, the sheer enjoyment of smoking reinforces the habit, while the rituals involved in smoking provide a sense of calm and satisfaction.

Paradoxically, despite smokers perceiving smoking as a stress-reliever, nicotine, the addictive substance in tobacco, may actually induce stress. The irony lies in the fact that smokers often use cigarettes to feel less self-conscious in public, believing it to be a tranquilizer. However, the physiological effects of smoking contribute to increased tension rather than alleviation of stress.

Furthermore, smokers often perceive smoking as a fix, using it to cope with withdrawal symptoms that involve both physical manifestations (tiredness, irritability, headaches, anxiety) and an emotional need for the cigarette. The addictive nature of smoking calls for a progressive plan to address this harmful habit and work towards reducing its prevalence in society.

The impact of social habits on health is a nuanced yet crucial aspect that warrants examination. Research from the Department of Psychology at the Canadian University of Guelph suggests a strong correlation between social ties and better health outcomes. A comprehensive review of 148 studies, involving over 300,000 individuals, by researchers at Brigham Young University indicated a 50% lower risk of mortality for those with robust ties to family, friends, or co-workers.

A noteworthy experiment by Sheldon Cohen at Carnegie Mellon University demonstrated that individuals with more social connections exhibited positive outcomes when exposed to the common cold virus. Those with diverse social circles, encompassing work, sports teams, and church, were less likely to develop colds compared to socially isolated counterparts.

Conversely, bad social habits, such as excessive internet usage and reliance on gadgets like iPods, can have detrimental effects on both mental and physical health. Affonso (n.d.) asserts that the internet detracts from society's communication abilities, fostering isolation and hindering personal connections. The use of gadgets that immerse individuals in virtual worlds, like iPods with earbuds, contributes to this isolation from reality.

Furthermore, the lack of personal communication due to internet overuse can negatively impact mental health. The importance of strong family and social ties is evident not just in emotional well-being but also in promoting physical activity, encouraging individuals to seek medical care, and reducing stress levels.

Unhealthy lifestyles, encompassing poor eating habits, smoking, and detrimental social behaviors, pose significant challenges to public health in Malaysia. The rise in obesity, particularly due to late-night eating and the consumption of junk food, underscores the urgent need for interventions to promote healthier dietary choices.

Similarly, addressing the pervasive issue of smoking among Malaysian youth requires a comprehensive strategy that considers the psychological aspects of smoking as well as its addictive nature. A progressive plan must be implemented to curb the prevalence of smoking and encourage healthier alternatives.

Moreover, recognizing the profound impact of social habits on health emphasizes the need for fostering strong connections among individuals. Initiatives to limit excessive internet usage and gadget reliance can contribute to better mental and physical well-being. The interplay between social ties and health outcomes necessitates a holistic approach to addressing bad social habits.

In conclusion, the essay highlights the critical importance of adopting healthier lifestyles in Malaysia. It emphasizes the role of education, awareness, and progressive plans in mitigating the adverse effects of these unhealthy habits. By making informed choices regarding diet, avoiding smoking, and nurturing positive social connections, individuals can contribute to a healthier and more vibrant society.

Updated: Jan 11, 2024
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Unmasking Health Challenges: Unhealthy Lifestyles in Malaysian Society. (2016, Dec 18). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/the-unhealthy-lifestyle-essay

Unmasking Health Challenges: Unhealthy Lifestyles in Malaysian Society essay
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