"The Turtle" by John Steinbeck

In the narrative "The Turtle" by John Steinbeck, he uses description throughout the story. He utilizes objective, personification, similes, and metaphors throughout the story. Steinbeck depicts this through a scene of a turtle crossing the roadway. He is showing the human capacity for guts and perseverance.

The turtle is a metaphor for the farm workers of the depression period. Steinbeck uses this personification due to the fact that the employees move everything they own on a model T-Ford, and this is their house just like the turtle's shell.

John Steinbeck likewise uses unbiased description to describe the procedure of the turtle as it crosses the roadway and to explain the roadway itself," The concrete highway was edged with a mat of tangled, damaged, dry lawn" ¦ the sun lay on the"¦ embankment [as it] grows stepper and stepper, a concrete 4 inches high" ¦ but higher and higher [the turtle] ¦ stress"¦ the front legs scratched at the pavement, and it [got] up". (185, 2) John Steinbeck also utilizes description to show the procedure of planting seeds.

"Sleeping life waiting to be spread and disperse, every seed armed with an appliance of dispersal, twisting darts and parachutes for the wind, little spears and the balls of tiny thorns, and all waiting for animals and for the wind" (185,2).

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At the end of the story Steinbeck uses description again to illustrate the seed being planted. "The wild oat head fells out and "¦ spearhead seed stuck the ground and as the turtle crawled on "¦ its shell dragged dirt over the seeds"(186,4) Steinbeck uses many similes in this short using the turtle.

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"The back legs went back to work, staining like a elephants legs". (185,2). Other places John uses Similes is when a car almost hits the turtle "flipped the turtle like a tiddly-wink, spun it like a coin" John Steinbeck uses objective, personification, similes, and metaphors trough out the story. He uses them to create a very vivid and well-created story to portray the families of the great depression.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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"The Turtle" by John Steinbeck. (2016, Jul 14). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/the-turtle-by-john-steinbeck-essay

"The Turtle" by John Steinbeck essay
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